D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

One question was “which of the following components of D2R is most compelling to you”
Lists a bunch of confirmed options including core gameplay being unchanged.

Hopefully Blizzard’s survey is less biased than Reddit’s, plus they would need strong support (80+%) to make such a change. Less than half is not strong support lol.

Did you click on the 6th, 7th and 8th screenshots? If not, you might want to read the questions more carefully.

I bet that at least 30% will click “Very Interested” or “Extremely Interested” in having personal loot instead of FFA for D2R launch. Personally, I would make it optional at game creation to keep both sides happy.

It says potential changes but to answer the question not at all interested.

It does say “potential changes”, suggesting that no final decision has been made by Blizzard. This observation does counter the argument that some have claimed it is 100% decided that personal loot will not be part of D2R.

That would be good. I am pretty sure that the reddit poll was enriched in D2 purists that does not accurately the D2community more broadly.

That is speculation. If 40% of the players say we want X but not Y and 40% says we want Y but not X, and you can provide both X and Y as optional choices, I would do it if I were Blizzard.

PvP is only optional if you play in private games, making private loot a moot point.

Maybe for a new game, but not for a remaster.

the loots drops in D2 are based on the number of players in the game AND the MF of the person doing the killing. In group play you have to fight for those drops meaning PL needs to lower the drop rate considerably as you are no longer fighting for it.

This is all moot if they just allow the /player command so you can solo.

There is little negative in allowing loot type during game creation. The people that want to fight can join those games, the ones that want personal loot can join those.

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If a boss drops 5 items with shared loot vs. 5 items with personal loot… the exact same amount of items arre dropped. Doesn’t matter that you are not fighting for the loot.
The droprate would and should stay exactly the same. Even the MF mechanism would stay unchanged.

Optimal implementation imo would be:
Baal drops 5 items on the ground (amount and quality based on the MF of the player with the last hit, as well as the NoDrop chance etc.).
All players can see those 5 items. However, each item is rolled, individually, among the players who are present, and only the winner can pick up an item they won. If the winner does not pick up the item within ~2 minutes, it becomes lootable by everyone. If the winner leaves the game, any remaining items on the ground also becomes lootable by everyone. Maybe also; if the winner of an item goes to any other area than towns, the item becomes lootable by everyone (if such a thing is possible to implement).

your solution means every person can get 5 pieces of loot which is a massive boost of drop rates in total for a boss

What? No.
5 items is 5 items. Nobody gets more loot.

Droprates are unchanged, only difference is who gets the items.

its still a nerf on what YOU see. which is what im saying is needed

With shared loot you see Baal drop 5 items. With personal loot you also see Baal drop 5 items. You see the same amount of items. The game generates the same amount of items.
Only change is that you might not be able to loot all the items.

Again that’s a nerf to what you can loot - which is what I’m saying is required for shared loot. You are arguing semantics. The nochangers want the chance to fast click due to lower latency or even pickit them all.

I know how it works thanks to POE loot rules which were quite well received after all was said and done

It is not a nerf to what you can loot on average. In theory, the same player can win all 5 items. Just unlikely.
In any case, simply saying that shared loot and personal loot should not come with a change in droprates one way or the other. The exact same amount of items should be generated in both modes, and in the exact same way. Some people seem to believe personal loot would result in more items being generated, so it is worth underscoring that it is not the case.

I would definitely be against personal loot being added to D2R, if it resulted in more items being generated.

Well, I dont know how PoE loot rules work. But this is certainly a fairly standard way to handle things.

This is pointless. We both want personal loot - you just don’t want anyone to say that there is a nerf when in actuality there are now fewer things you can loot. That’s a nerf as the game never worked on averages it was first click first get.

The nochangers don’t want personal loot because they want to be able to click everything and some are better at it, or cheat, to do so. It IS a nerf to them.

Sure. Just not a nerf to the droprate, which is completely unchanged. It might seem as semantics, but people are more likely to be against it, if you present it as a droprate nerf.

Yep, most of the people I see so far that want FFA loot are either going to be cheaters or are currently noobs. Huge surprise.

Even someone like me who has put in thousands of hours into D2, and still plays today, has to be realistic. The game is certainly amazing but to think some things, like loot, balance, etc don’t need to be changed is silly. If I wanted no changes I would just play vanilla.

Having an option for drops and such is the only way everyone will be happy.


Bingo :laughing: :upside_down_face:

Shadout is correct.

Exactly. In a 8 player game, if Baal drops 5 items, then 3 players get nothing. The loot system makes no difference. For both FFA and personal loot systems, it is possible for 1 player to get all the drops.

The difference is how loot is distributed. FFA is first clicked, first gets (this becomes problemetic at it leads to ninja looting and cheating). In personal loot 8 player game, the loot distribution (assuming not ordered drops) would typically be based on a binomial distribution. In this case, we can calculate the probability of getting 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 drops (X in the formula) on a per character basis (where the total sum of drops in the party equal 5.

P(X=0) = 0.512908935546875
P(X=1) = 0.366363525390625
P(X=2) = 0.10467529296875
P(X=3) = 0.01495361328125
P(X=4) = 0.001068115234375
P(X=5) = 0.000030517578125

The difference is who dictates who get those 5 items though right? The Player has a chance to get what they WANT because they can see the drops and grab the correct item, not let the game dictate the item it decides I can randomly get out of the pile.