D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

:eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I get it dude. I was making a joke. :upside_down_face:

I’ll say this much. If they are honestly still trying to figure out whether or not personal loot should be implemented in the game, than there is no way this game is coming out in 2021.

I suspect the survey is typical marketing crap that people like Pez probably put together, that is designed to gauge the public interest in things going forward, more so than leading the actual changes in currently developed titles.

Did you find it? Blizzard as promised in their D2R interviews are getting feedback on what additional changes that players want.

You may want to search MissCheetah’s posts. She talks about this survey and how it was put together in all likelihood. It sounds like the developers want to know.

If D2R is released with personal loot, I won’t be buying it, period. The reason I haven’t preordered the game yet is because my trust in Blizzard was eroded by the monumental disaster that is D3. There are plenty of others in the same boat. If Blizzard devs are smart they will not alienate the sizable D2/ARPG “purist” demographic any further. If there is a shared loot system, 99% of people will buy the game, if there is a personal loot system there will be a huge percentage of people who will not buy the game.

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Not only do they think that they are entitled to items, they also have no sense of competition. It reminds me of participation trophies.

This is so true. I cannot agree more.
Playing D2 for many years Open Games were an option for leveling only, but never for loot.

Shared loot was always the most annoying, unsocial, selfishness rewarding and community killing aspect of D2, causing me to play with friends or alone only.


What could possibly be more unsocial than PERSONAL LOOT. It is by definition unsocial, it is PERSONAL. And you want to talk about community killing? Hahahaha. The D2 community was a million times more active and vibrant than that of D3. Personal loot (and no trading system) killed any semblance of community that D3 could have had.

How about learning to share, and learning that it is OK for others to take items that drop, you don’t need to be able to take everything. If this is too much to ask of you, never fear, there is a game for you!! It’s called Diablo III.

Just because you prefer to level up with botters and don’t mind having all items snatched from you in front of your eyes, cause you play a ranged class or have a “weak” internet connection or PC, have full inventory, or maybe even use “pick up addons yourself”, to than sell items on j2sp or e-bay or even PK others for loot or their gold, doesn’t mean everyone does it…

PERSONAL LOOT gives you 100% chance to get items even if you’re in a party.
The only ones that benefit from Free For All are botters with pick it up addons or scammers that than sell items for real money on j2sp or E-bay.

This is why these kind of players are so afraid of PERSONAL LOOT, cause they will loose their chance on making REAL money if they can’t snatch all the items for themselves using 3rd party programs to pick up items for them…

Yeah it was, cause it had a real offline Single Player Mode that allowed MODDING.
The only ones that were happy about FFA loot system in CBNET were players I already mentioned above…

Yeah and just like in Diablo III with PERSONAL LOOT you can STILL share your drops if you get an item you don’t need unlike get nothing at all in FFA most of the time.


So in other words, you are asking botters to carry the runs for you so that everyone leeches and is fully geared at the end of season, destroying core features like the in-game trading lobbies one of the core concepts of diablo2 endgame, particularily perfecting your character’s gear (which many dont even achieve at end of season in legacy D2).
Anyone who buys items with real money from d2jsp or other third party websites are just sad lost souls and hopefully blizzard starts to monitor and ban more often botters/hackers way more actively once d2r releases with battle.net 2.0 (didnt work with D3 bots, but maybe they can code D2R safer).

In D3, botting is about epeen, paragon leveling, better gear, and time saving.

In D2, botting is about epeen, leveling, better gear, time saving, and free trade. The later reason explains why botting will be even a bigger problem in D2R as real $$$ gets involved. It is naive to think that Blizzard can combat bots better in D2R than D3. I want all cheaters banned but I am realistic.


What economy? Have you forgotten how rare some of the items are? They are only accessible because they are being duplicated. Some of the drops are literally 1 in a million chance of dropping. Take zod, for example. You have to roll the right treasure class, the odd of which varies, depending on the monster and the number of players. Then you need to roll a ZoD rune itself, which is 1 in 5000 or something. And the supply of the eligible monsters is limited by competition, build and difficulty.

 The shortsightedness of "purists" continue to astound me.

Just because some people do it, doesn’t mean everyone does it…

I’ve been playing D2 LoD for years, but mostly single player, cause I was fed up with scammers, PKers or botters using pick up addons in diablo or baal runs…

You said it yourself, didnt work with D3 bots…

If you think it will with D2R you’re pretty naive.
Honestly the reason why D3 had so much sales is because of botters and fooling many D2 LoD players driven by nostalgia.
D2R won’t be any different and it wouldn’t surprise me if it will have even more sales than D3 on launch, cause unfortunately a lot of people have a short memory and others will buy 3 or 4 or more copies of the game either for botting purpose or just to mule items…


THIS. Couldn’t agree more.

Thats up to Blizzard.
If they dont give a damn about the playerbase, they will just do few ban waves from time to time instead of constantly checking for botters/hackers so that botters keep purchasing the game and Blizzard profits from these few but regularily done banwaves… I highly doubt that botters would buy new licenses if they get banned everyday.
Dont believe me? there are already rumors that thats the reason why Blizzard never shut down D2 servers instead of moving into battle.net 2.0.

Just like they could sue shut down d2jsp and track down other ilegal websites but they dont do anything at all, wonder why?
VV said at announcement that with battle.net 2.0 they would have more secure servers compared to the old diablo 2 servers.
How much turns out to be true only the future will tell.

Edit: adding this on top as well

i really hope they make this an OPTION.

there could be a checkbox when creating a game for if you want personal or FFA loot for that game.

Everyone could play with people alike and everyone except maybe 1% would be happy.

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Optional PvP means I’m not getting PK’d, thanks.

Personal loot is just a better experience overall, so that’s where they should be going with it.

Since D3’s loot system is personal loot it kinda does.

Why not? Adjusting drop rates seems far less complicated than some of the other things they have to worry about. Why would changing over to personal loot push the game back that far?

Isn’t that what trade is for?

I think they can combat bots better in D2R. I mean, all that requires them to be “better” would be to actually combat botting. They really haven’t done it in D3 for years, after all.

That’s not what the Reddit poll said. Most people were against it. Even if it did had majority support they still shouldn’t add it since this is a remaster.

The results were:
39% FFA only
36% personal loot option
13% personal loot option with tradeoff
12% undecided

Therefore, roughly half (49%) wanted a personal loot option while approximately two-fifths (39%) wanted FFA only.

39% is not most. More respondents wanted a personal loot option (49%) than wanted to keep it FFA only (39%).


Only 36% support and Blizzard couldn’t nerf drops in multiplayer even further. There’s no way they should add personal loot to a remaster.

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Checks Blizzard’s survey they sent out a few days ago on player’s interest in additional changes at D2R launch and contemplatively scratches head.