D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Only very few are asking to ‘kill’ it. Majority are asking for ‘option’. You would consider that ‘killing’ if you think shared loot room will be so unpopular to the point of hard to find.


They can get the cheats under control easier, like they do in their other games. Good luck finding free maphacks for SC2 (you used to be able to). And not every lobby will have cheaters and if they do, just leave that lobby. They shouldn’t change fundamental mechanics in a remaster because there might be some cheaters here and there.

With completely freely tradable loot, dropped by an incredibly outdated shared loot model that even the original designer has said he would have changed if he could, you will be absolutely disappointed if you think that D2R is going to be cheat free or that Blizzard will be able to do anything to effectively stop it.

That’s just reality. I don’t like it any more than you do, but I accept it, and would therefore deny those cheaters their loot by allowing for people to optionally set assigned-loot when creating games. Optionally.

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No that takes the fun out of it. I would rather compete on drops with people who don’t want it. Those same people could always play SP or with friends. You may as well kill the hostile button while you’re at it.

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Enjoy the “fun” of never seeing good loot at all in public games as PickIt-2.0 users hoover it all up before your client has even registered the loot on the ground then.

You would rather force people who don’t want to play with shared loot to play shared loot anyway.

So you’re not even going to support optional assigned loot, a feature that would allow a game creator to optionally set assigned loot, and which the lobby could be set to filter for or against when showing other players available public games?

If so, that’s pretty damned selfish.

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Yup. Like I said you may as well kill the hostile button too. I like the unforgiving aspect of the game.

Well, I guess you at least admit you like forcing your playstyle preferences on other people.

Makes you a pretty crappy person, but I guess at least an honest one about it.

Not honest enough.

I prefer to snatch multiple players’ worth of loot all by myself while players who didn’t get any can QQ all they want.

That would be the full honest take on it. They fully seemed to know that. At least he, unlike others, less try to pretend to be on some moral high ground, elitist about it.

It’s almost subconscious of people to be the ‘good guy’ even when they’re not. I assume that’s the reason why anti option people can’t seemed to form a proper argument against it (as they’re not really the ‘good guy’) besides relying it on ‘how it doesn’t feel like xx’.

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What’s wrong with that? The game should be competitive. Multiplayer games already have tons of advantages over single player.

What’s wrong with forcing other players into a mode of play that they don’t want?

You really need to ask that?

I’ve no issue with competitive gaming, if people want to be PK’d in an instant by another player without warning, if people want any good drop instantly picked up by a PickIt floor scanning script, if some people really do want that then, more power to them - they should be able to enjoy that till the cows come home.

Not everyone wants that though, and those of us who don’t, would like the option to play with game mechanics that align to our preferences.


No man, that changes the game too much. Here I thought they were going to make a faithful remaster. Maybe they might still, but who knows at this point.

Free-for-all loot is one of those things that sounds endearing and true-to-theme in theory, but the reality of it is that no one wants it.

I mean, sure, maybe there are probably a couple sadists out there who enjoy it, but they can enjoy it amongst themselves. Literally everyone else in the community thinks it’s a terrible idea.

PoE for example has 3 loot systems : personal loot , personal loot (for 5 secs and then it becomes free for all) and free for all… and basically the majority uses personal loot when they create games online… it’s just the best and most popular choice to play online… nobody uses ffa…

ps. and it’s sad that few people out here support loot griefing…that shared/ffa loot really it… it’s just pure frustration other bots/trolls stealing your loot…and d2 drop rates already low… well i guess another 20 years on private lobbies…if the loot system stays the same…


Free-for-all loot is a complete contradiction to the co-op play that got said loot in the first place. Nothing logical about killing a boss together then switching to a PvP free for all loot grab.


So you are saying two people want old D2 style loot drops and everyone else who played D2 and everyone playing on private servers wants personal loot? I would like to see who wants personal loot put to a vote.

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There. Fixed that for you, and yes they should.

That’s not true. Personal loot was not favored in the most recent reddit survey. And that was already rigged in favor of people who wanted changes.

Not that it really matters whether it was favored, but Reddit hardly represents the player base.

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I completely agree. They need to keep this remaster strict and faithful unless there’s a really important reason why something must be changed.

But it’s just kind of funny it was the least favorite change in that survey.

The game will be good either way but I know a lot of people will play private games or with friends when item hunting and public games when looking to troll other people. Items will quickly be duped and in a matter of just a few months there will be a decent number of people running around with all the best items just like on the original version.

Won’t even consider buying this game if they do not have personal loot. Don’t care what anyone says. It was stupid back in the day when D2 was released and its still stupid today. Not interested in playing who can out click who when a boss dies.