D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Why not just play a mod if you want these changes?

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If that were my only option, I’d probably end up doing it (I play D2/LOD+Plugy at the moment, though I’ve also played PD2, PoD and Median). I’d like to play it on Battlenet though.

Moreover, if the changes were optional what harm has it done to anyone who didn’t want them and doesn’t play them?

These suggestions are not big enough yet to have completely separate servers. It’s not like the difference between Classic and LOD. But some of these suggestions feel too different from the original game.

Again, they’d be optional and, indeed, mostly personal.

For example, Auto-gold-pickup - it’s already been done by Blizzard and if you turn it on, then you pick up gold automatically, but not the person next to you (unless they turn it on).

Stackable gems and runes would work exactly the same way - if you don’t want them to stack, then leave the option turned off, and gems and runes won’t stack for you.

As for personal versus shared loot, that one could be decided by the game creators toggle selection, and games could easily be clearly marked in the lobby, indeed, you could even set an option in the lobby so it only shows you games with the same loot setting as you’ve set.

It’s easy, it’s simple, and it caters to all preferences for basic QoL fixes to D2/LOD.

Those that don’t want those fixes, never need turn them on, nor have to do anything at all differently to what they would have otherwise done.

How can anyone be harmed by this?

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people with pickits will join your games and no I don’t believe that they will catch that many of them once things settle.

I’ll likely wait for things like plugY to work and just play offline. I know they won’t add personal loot or the /players command to ladder.

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It gives those players an unfair advantage, if they are on the same servers.

I assume you are talking about FFA with competition with pickits. It is fairer with personal loot.


Personal versus shared loot doesn’t increase the loot in any way, each mob drops what it always would have, it’s just been assigned out in rotation rather than all going to the PickIt cheater.


Not so much that change, but the other changes people are talking about. Stackable gems and charm inventory etc. I’m against personal loot because it makes the game feel too much like D3, and plus the multiplayer drops would be really dry which some players might be wondering why. With shared loot it’s self-explanatory.

With shared loot, PickIt-2.0-For-D2R will be out the day after D2R is released, and then you’ll see what “really dry” multiplayer drops look like…

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To bad its not his game anymore and he has absolutely ZERO PULL on any design desicions made

Too bad devs are taking suggestions and this is one they will consider given the amount of feed back on it alone.

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Too many people are stil being dishonest actors here with this. PL was proposed as having the same droprates, the same MF bonuses you would have as normal. The only difference is loot is randomly rolled on and awarded to playes. No effect on item acquisition other than pick it users will not have an unfair advantage and slower players or people with laggy connections won’t be at a disadvantage.

Which, I suspect, those rabidly against or continuing to pushed the false narrative of what the PL proposal is, are loot box users and/or real money sellers afraid to lose out to those just playing for fun.

Because the creator said competitive loot was a mistake and isn’t something fundamental to the game. I have yet to see a compelling argument as to why it should stay.

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It is very easy to see how it works, a lot of mmos have those options: the party can set the loot rules.

  • The current system should stay bcs that was how the game was made.
  • But that doesn’t mean we can’t have other options.

Personal loot, no personal loot… easy do it like Path of Exile. When making a party you have the choice, join a game with personal loot or not would on the players.


Thats why i play solo but for group plays whit strangers the looting is going to be a problem for many players. Maybe there should be a shared loot that drops for everyone and besides that a personal thet only drops individuali. Or something. Someone is going to bash me for this i’m sure. :smiley:

problem is, mods are not official thus they are mostly single player/very little people playing them so no online stuff: i tried d2 mods a few times but i just can’t stand playing solo: it sucks, MP ladder is where it’s at. besides, with d2r coming out, i would be very cautious about using third party stuff that changes the game, people likely will get banned for that.

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You won’t get banned for using mods in offline - indeed, Blizzard/VV are going out of their way to make D2R more moddable, or at least more easily moddable than D2/LOD ever was.

Nor can you use mods in closed battlenet. There will, no doubt, be cheats and hacks for D2R closed battlenet, but people will (eventually, months later) get banned for using those.

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Then get rid of the hacks. You don’t kill features because people hack, you ban hackers. That would be like getting rid of aiming in Overwatch because some people use aimbot lol.

D’oh - why didn’t I think of that?!? Or, in other words, why didn’t Blizzard think of that?!?


You think Blizzard puts code into their apps to allow for hacking and botting? There’s a Blizzard “Hacks and Bots Coding Team” hiding out in Irvine somewhere?

Sorry Flats, I don’t mean to sound overly condescending here, but come on man, they will never manage to make D2R, or D3, or D4, or D2/LOD, or Wow, or anything bot or hack or cheat free. It just isn’t going to happen.

So, you can stand there and say “then get rid of the hacks” and fight a battle you’re doomed to lose from the very get go, or you can accept the world as it is, and design your games to discourage said cheats - which is exactly why so many people support non-shared looting for D2R.

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