D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

I dont think ppl want a increase in droprate with personal loot. I believe its about having same droprate and same amount of items just that it be random who gets it and who doesnt? So if 5 items drop in a baalrun there still be 5 items dropping with personal loot just that it be random who can pick each item up. In other words not changing what items drop or how many items drop.
Some ppl believe that its a way to deal with drophax which turned out to be standard in d2 much like MH were or GPS in d3 atm.

This one is one of the least logical arguments to an optional instanced-loot system.

Like the other QoL changes already made to the game, instanced loot could be an option available to the player creating the game.

Thatā€™s all. An option (I wouldnā€™t support it if it werenā€™t optional).

You cannot, I think, argue rationally against the option.

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I would suggest the PoE loot option be adopted in D2R. Purists play in parties with FFA/global loot. Others play in parties with personal loot. Irrespective of what purists say, many will play (and likely the majority) of multiplayer parties will opt for personal loot.

Imagine a 8 player game with 80 total items drops in D2 currently with FFA/global loot. If there was personal loot with 8 players, each player receives ~10 items, resulting in a total of 80 item drops. Therefore, the number of total items drops remain constant and there is not any change whatsoever in the total item drop rate.

100% this.

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I rather have parties get shared loot and individual neutrals get instanced loot. I prefer individual loot to work as a silent votekick. If not working to repel the leecher or pickup bot, you can PK it easily. No I ainā€™t gonna ask Vote Kick or anything in D2.
When game finally be free of dupers (and certainly Dclone gets a tweak) economy will find its flow eventually and any increased or decreased drop rate canā€™t hurt the game at all.

Regular monsters and bosses get increased loot drop quantity with more players and all monsters get increased drop chance up to 90% more with 8 players. Random uniques, champions and superuniques are unaffected from more players in the session, as they have fixated quantity of loot they supposed to drop however.
Thatā€™s the only restricting part of ā€œon-choiceā€ individual loot, in my opinion. Thereā€™s no shame to demand some core systems to be changed however. Itā€™s not really a big deal if they decide to amp up the loot drop chance at lower players slightly.

Couldnā€™t quote properly on my phone atm haha.
The main issue I have with changing the game is where does it stop?
A major change like instance loot/options on and off, will open the floodgates to all sorts of major changesā€¦
Look at how much diablo 3 changed from jay wilson to the next devs, legendary drop rates went up 900%. Affixs and combinations came nsxt.
Number easing to infinity power creep came after.
In my opinion with D2R is to leave the game as is for launch with minor updates like leaderboards and bug fixes, wait for things to settle and work on an expansion with more content that way it at least has sort of both arguments going for it.
I can see the cracks forming if too much changes too fast as reforged gimped.
Fix dupes, sort anti cheats and close loops on bugging many things even such as malaā€™s res bonus (remains lost it if you die)

Off topic but in Diablo 2 could we type slash commands like /player 8 or something to increase the difficulty and everything, I canā€™t remember if it was this or another game.

Yeah you can in solo, canā€™t do it on battle.net.
Just because of bots

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There are massive arguments for and against individual loot.

Why not preserve the current system, but add a roll system (need or greed), and enable party leader or party to set the system to suit the players.

No need for individual loot and the problems many have cited come with it - the only thing this stops is melee players nabbing all of the items and running, leaving the ranged for dead.

Everyone will need on everything though? Since the items are tradeable and got a value

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D3 Players, go back and play Diablo 3.
This is not a D2:R forum to discuss.
Let those games be separated. Stop ruin the game with terrible ideas.

Diablo 2 Resurrected is a Remaster. Not a Remake. Want me to spell it? R.E.M.A.S.T.E.R.

Donā€™t have to change the whole game! You have D3 to play and D4 in couple of years. Stop ruin the franchise for us

The same conversation is happening on the D2R forum whete many D2 players are voicing their desire to have personal loot.

The D2 community is split in wanting FfA only, personal loot only, or loot option that can be selected at game creation.

Many D2 players in 2000 wanted personal loot at that time, too.

If personal loot is too controversial, use the timed loot system like in PoE where are drops are global but for a short period of time each dropped is assigned to a specific player and only visible to that player. If that player does not pick up the item after a smidgen of time, it becomes visible to all and is FFA.


Thatā€™s not an argument for why shared loot is better than personal loot though, which should be the focus of debate for people advocating for shared loot. Itā€™s just fearmongering.

D2 already had some big change throughout its history. For instance, something like stat/talent reset feature was added a decade after its release. What makes toggleable/checkbox loot system different? Some people seemed to think there is a difference because one was in patch form and it somehow makes it ā€˜pureā€™ D2 feature. Heck, even extra storage space theyā€™re adding is big enough change. I used to hate mf gears, but when I think about it, itā€™s not because of the mf feature itself, but more with limited stash space, having to keep all those gear.

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Itā€™s not for you Nortroll to be some sort of self-appointed forum censor or the final arbiter of who is and is not a fan of D2!

Nor do you get to decide what a Remaster is and is not. Indeed, youā€™ve already lost that argument since changes are already being made to the game!


Wellā€¦ We have auto pickup gold with bigger and shared stash now. I donā€™t know what do you see but I donā€™t exactly see a remaster but a remaster with QoL which is pretty close to a remake. If you have any arguments against those changes please tell us too. When I compare auto gold pickup and shared bigger stash size to a small amount of puristsā€™ feelings, auto gold pick up and shared stash wins. Thereā€™s no contest at all. This is the same story with instanced loot. I fail to find a downside at all and it fits the mentioned QoL change too.

Anyone can sweep the gold away from entire party by ninja leaving the group to turn neutral. You have nothing to prevent that. Servers are global and lag will be a thing, if you live away from servers good luck picking that up while others sweeping everything away. Console players with no mouse support wonā€™t be lucky too.
If you have any bright ideas how to prevent abuses from happening and why we should keep shared loot, weā€™re always willing to listen. Give us any objections about how it disrupts the game flow to have it and weā€™ll tell you why we believe otherwise.

Dupe glitches and botters hurt the game for years, nothing else would be bad for the game once those are patched or actively checked to hunt the cheaters down. Only redeeming quality of shared loot is creating scarcity so item prices may go up slightly but I gotta tell you, after 20 damn years itā€™s hard to believe Blizzard would like history to repeat. With instanced loot you can still have that scarcity effect as no one asking for 100% guaranteed drops or 5000% magic find for free.

ā€¦A better and more modernized version of an ARPG with more interesting loot; more diverse builds and group play that allows you to play with random people instead of trying to force your 2 irl friends to buy the game like a ponzi scheme salesman? Wow. Sounds like every single thing is better. Huh. Almost like everyone on these forums is whining about nostalgic BS from 20 years ago; to force blizzard into making terrible decisions that will be backtracked on almost immediately after release after everyone starts whining about how their grey items have better stats than the legendaries and thereā€™s no affixes because you have no concept of relative power. Oh wait thatā€™s D4. Sure, ruin D2R for anyone under the age of 35 all you want.

for me is one personal loot szeanario possible. if you got personal loot items will have the same dropchance like shared loot but personel drops will be locked on character and you not able to store the it in the shared stash

No thanks. Thereā€™s no need to entangle instanced/personal loot with soulbound loot. D2:R should have the option of instanced loot, and said loot should remain as freely tradable as any other loot.


We love Diablo 2 for its itemization and atmosphere. Not for some of its outdated gameplay elements , like lack of personal loot, lack of skill bar,small inventory/stash size and lack of stackable gems/runes/consumables featureā€¦ those are some clunky/outdated gameplay elements.

QoL features will make it better.

We all love Diablo 2 but you need to be realistic and not go with your emotions and rose-tinted glassesā€¦


I donā€™t mind the leachers. I would rather have leachers and personal/instanced loot over shared loot any day.

As for your claims about pickitā€¦ when I last played d2 about 3-4 years ago, it was functioning fine. And had been for years. I would honestly be truly surprised if it has been completely eradicated.


I never said anything about pickitā€¦