D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

It is a problem when most people play PoD or PD2 instead of base bnet D2 LoD…

Some QoL features will make the game much better.

If people played a lot of bnet D2 , they know that there are some flaws that modded D2 fixes… (like better class balance , QoL features and other stuff like that).


I liked the shared loot when d2 was new. AFK players in baalruns etc didnt get loot then. However later on drophax seem to be standard and rly ruined the fun.
If loots are shared or personal isnt a dealbreaker to me as they both are charming in their own way. Most gears are found solo anyway. Personal loot would seem more fair though if ppl start using drophax. Ppl who plays d3 are used to personal loot and i cant say its the worst thing ever and that it would ruin the essence of d2r as long as they keep it random and not like class based etc.

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I don’t mind personal loot so long as the droprates aren’t drastically increased (it should not be 8x). They could do it like PoE where you as a groupleader can change the loot settings, either FFA, assigned loot with a timer (where after the timer runs out the loot is up for grabs) or assigned loot without a timer (stays assigned until the player leaves). I believe in all of those mods the drops are visible to every player. They also adjust the droprates to higher amounts, but nothing too fancy that forces you to group. I think it is roughly twice the droprate for items and 250% more for currency, with a full party of 6.

Duping and botting did flood the market in D2 a lot back in the days. With the former gone and the latter hopefully kept at a minimum then the economy can probably be stable despite the increased drops. Most players will still solo for efficient loothunt, as it should be. D3 can be the game that promotes group in every way.

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I’m against charm inventory due to gear swapping. The entire reason they got rid of mf in D3 is due to gear swapping which will make a comeback in D2 if they double the inventory size and allocate half of it to charms

Combining this with personal loop and it becomes a big problem. Better not to change any of that.

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MF was later a passive effect in D3 tied to paragon. THAT was a bad idea due to being able to play at full power and still have max mf. Mf in D2, you have to trade power for mf, and that has always been a good thing.

A charm bag would be awesome. No more stashing everything in the cube while players use all their inventory to hold charms. I’m not sure why anyone would be against it. I would love to farm and be able to hold more stuff on me to extend runs and cut down on time spent in town.

Combining with personal loot is a common sense move. People waiting for a boss to be at a slither of health then hugging him to try and steal as much loot as they can, gets old. There’s a reason it was changed. Even the creator of D2 himself said he would put personal loot in D2:R.

I’m for keeping it untouched and just the way it was . It should not be changed . The graphics has really made it awesome . The loot shouldn’t matter to die hard D2 players . It’s the game itself is so well loved by so many that makes this comeback exciting . Devs said that they want to keep Diablo II authentic . I challenge them to do just that .


I remember being excited about WoW’s developments regarding loot systems and what a quantum leap it was. Personal loot certainly takes the edge off, but either way I am largely indifferent, and fully prepared to adjust my expectations for rewards in a public multiplayer setting.

Something I never considered is that the nature of “shared loot” introduces a special incentive to solo, as soloing is typically harder than grouping but at least you are guaranteed first (only) dibs. When there is no more tryhard advantage to solo vs. group play, the “D3 style” solution to incentivize solo play would be a direct buff for solo players or something. And then we’re basically playing “whack-a-mole” with game imbalances (which would be a problem with or without the impetus to stay true to D2), and the fact that solo play being “nonviable” is a common complaint for D3, an issue that personal loot would exacerbate, I find a touch ironic.

It’s a special incentive to cheat - which is exactly what will happen as PickIt2.0 will be out about a week or so after D2:R releases…


And later it was a complete passive effect in the end, scaling up by difficulty because people kept swapping magic find gear. Because there’s no repercussion in doing so. Do that sound familiar, if at all? D2 solved this issue by creating a drawback by charms, this also prevented player to stuff every garbage in inventory without filtering them out to mass sell it. I think at least charm system is fine on its own.

I am indifferent to either, since I will be playing
D2R like I did D2 on release, Solo.
My preference is 1.09 and before though, and I played the most
before all the rune words and special items made their appearance.
As an old school and bit of a purist, I would rather play the older version.

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Anyone can be right. Even David Brevik


Blizzard will lost lots customer if don’t have personal loot in 2021. And the people who wants shared loot, maybe they just want to sell their loots/equipments/items on Ebay? make thier own money?


Just as a quick reminder to everyone who keeps bringing up “even david brevik said solo loot”.
Remember he wanted diablo 1 to be a turn based game and not a looting real time play.

The loot system in d2 far exceeds diablo 3 in many ways, it doesn’t need to change.
If you want people to stop stealing “your” loot in a multiplayer… DONT PLAY MULTIPLAYER GAMES.
the game has been established as near perfection for almost 2 decades, some minor improvements to bring it a new splash of modern looks was really all it needed.


And he was the guy who coded both turn based and real time systems of first Diablo. By his words on post mortem talk, it took him only 6 hours to turn systems from turn based to real time only. Luckily he managed to get a sweet deal for extra payment out of all this disagreement for his team before that.

It still falters behind PoE though. I mean, both of them; check google trends. PoE both have trading and individual loot systems. Instanced loot that deals the drops not based on characters being at the same floor but proximity; just like how shared loot would work.
As a game designer, Brevik still have decades of experience under his belt and work with Grinding Gears since 2016. I rather trust his words rather than purists.

It’s laughable how some fans simply praised the guy months ago; putting D2 and “forefathers of Diablo” on a pedestal. Yet when he brought up with shared loot, somehow he’s not their favorite guy anymore and they’re the first ones ditch him. If he said “it wouldn’t change the game much” I believe he had something solid planned in his head way before and wouldn’t talk in vain.

Is it too much to expect some people to think how would that even work just for the sake of objectivity? Is it really insulting or hard to think about the reasoning of the demand? Is it really hard for developers to balance a new system where botters, auto loot pickers would not prevail or benefit? Is it really unjustified to say that console players would have some comfort with this too? Dupe glitches hurt the D2 economy so far, anything new after glitches are fixed couldn’t be worse than that.

Imo dont touch loot system from D2 cuz next step is maby disable trade and we will have…

next disaster.


These 2 things have nothing to do with each other.

For me its a counter u posted. It have a lot.

Let them change system into “like d3” in one way. They will follow this way and scary things can happen in waves.

Just my imagination :slight_smile:

Yeah it is. Have you played Path of Exile once or read about it?

I wont discuss about.
For me go and destroy D2:R with “d3-like” things or leave it as it was (can fix bugs like snakes, str bug, charge lag etc tho).

If comes to me - i dont agree to any essential changes in system, in any angle.

Over and out.

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I could have it eighter way. The old system is just fine, but if there were personal loot, the amount of drops per person would have to be cut drastically. Also no account bound nonsense, if you pick something up and drop it, it should be visible and up for grabs for others. There are worse suggestions out there.

What I’m more worried about, is if the devs start caving in on every demand they receive, trying to appeal to a wider audience. When you try to appeal to the lowest common denominator, you appeal to no one.

D2 is a great game as it is, and there’s no doubt going to be a modding community popping up soon enough. DO. NOT. RUIN. THIS. GAME. nuff said