D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Ok, so here’s the deal. If Blizzard and VV came forward and said:
“We’re putting personal loot in the game. It’s happening 100%. It could go several ways, but here’s one of the ideas we came up with…”

If they went with your suggestion I wouldn’t be happy, but it also wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me.

I still believe there are unforeseen circumstances to allowing personal loot. The game works right now. There’s a reason people still play it 20 years on. I’m a big believer in “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Thank god there will be no personal loot. This is D2, and is NOT D3.

Try out some D2 HC where when your killing and constantly looking for the loots to drop, trying to balance jumping in and getting some, with the potential of death. Care bears need not apply. Can’t wait.


Your arrogance and dismissive attitude shows the weakness of your arguments. Since you’re incapable of conducting an adult conversation on this issue, and have with every single post told me to go off and play other games, you’re welcome to the first spot on my ignore list.

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Please explain how removing the loot competition in favor of behind the scenes rolls to determine loot distribution, fundamentally changes the game? Because Brevik doesn’t think competing for drops is fundamental to the game.

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I visit the forum frequently. I have been TL3 for more than a year now. I never put anyone on my ignore list on the new forum until today where I added two posters.

I understand being passionate. I understand debating the merits of discussing contentious issues and there has been plenty on the forum. I forgive posters who occasionally cross a line. The current debate is astounding to me. It is not us versus them. It is about a sincere interest in trying to make things better when others prefer the status quo.

I proposed a simple solution that Blizzard could make it so that each game lobby can specify global loot or personal loot (or alternatively a selection could be made at character creation). Normally, a compromise solution where both parties get what they want is a win-win. I have been frankly surprised at the negative words in that offering players a choice will destroy the game.

The analogy is simple: Burger King selling the new impossible burger does not change the fact that the whopper can still be ordered and taste the same.


What happens is auto pickits will find their way in and get all of the best drops using custom loot filters. Blizzard won’t catch them all. Look how bad they are at catching bots in Classic WOW, even after being reported.

So I’d have to say that personal loot probably is needed. Otherwise it’s just not worth the effort and time to group with strangers. I’ve lived through all of the stages of D2 and know where this is headed.

Single player would be the way to go if there is no personal loot, but not until mods are allowed to enable ladder only runewords and uber D. Well unless they enable /player commands on ladder to boost difficulty and loot drops when soloing on ladder.



I suspect that at least some part of the answer to that is that some people advocating shared loot fear that allowing game makers to flip a toggle between shared and instanced loot will lead to most games being instance loot, due to player preferences in that direction.

That, along with a desire to view D2:LOD as a more or less flawless game and so instinctively react negatively to any change beyond a mere graphics update.


Agreed - you can expect PickIt to make a speedy return if D2:R becomes very popular and remains on shared loot. :frowning:

For me, it is an intellectual oxymoron.

If D2 is perfect as is, than offering instanced loot will be an inferior option that very few will select.

If instanced loot is attractive to most, than it suggest that the majority favors an update.

Personally, I want both to remain as options.

We know that cheating/botting still runs rampant across various Blizzard games. It would be naive to think that the same thing will not happen for D2R. Hopefully, it will be less than current D2.


But you don’t even need instanced loot. All loot will drop and be seen by everyone. Only items one can loot will glow active the rest can just be seen but greyed out. Unless that is what you mean by instanced.

I wouldn’t mind that either, though I’m not sure what the benefit is of seeing other peoples drops - though I guess if they don’t pick them up and then leave the game they could become “free for all” loot.

Depends on how grouping works. Does/did D2 have public groups like D3 where randos can join at will? If so then make it an option for private groups only. Public groups have no choice to prevent botting.

Part, keep it close to how it was, part seeing what others got to encourage trading amongst players, part knowing what droooed. Not seeing loot or any chat message can seem/feel suspect to those who got nothing.

Yes, D2 has open (non passworded) or closed (passworded) games. I think the player creating the game ought simply have a toggle button to select their preferred loot method, shared or instanced.

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D2 public games were joined by opening up the menu and selecting a game based on the title. The list of games available to you would be restricted by the difficulty and chapter you were on for the most part.

If you get a good public game going though, often you would take it private and add a password to keep the ~8 players together and keep it moving.

I believe the D2R team has said there will be options though to help filter and select other games, i.e. if you kill Baal on NM and move to Hell difficulty, you will have a way to join Nightmare games still.

So it only makes sense to add a toggle to game lobbies and selection that also says “Personal Loot Rolls” or whatever as well.

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Nah I thought that originally with personal loot in diablo 2 when I saw the remastering.
But I’m more against it now and here’s why.

All items are tradable, the open loot table means you could get a really good paladin item but you’re playing a sorc so it encourages you to trade and play inside the community.

The games name and being able to search what you want aswell as offer trades and descriptions is amazing over “hit public rift” of diablo 3.

Magic find builds, farming certain spots, running xp, group play, solo play, quests, helping, rushing.
They are all different ways to play the game and with a loot table open to 8 individuals farming a baal hell kill with items lvl99 would completely decimate the economy.

EG- an average hell chaos run drops 500 items.
All sorts of random stuff, times that by 8 and you end up with a team going back and forward all day like a neph rift salvaging and clearing every 5 mins.
The loot system in diablo 2 along with the item capabilities and usage were perfected after many years of updates.


I don’t mind the qol changes, but what you’re asking for will change the entire game fundamentally.

That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.

An easy fix is playing solo or with friends. Not at all what you’re suggesting.


Sometimes I wonder about Blizzard. FF7 Remake enjoys tremendous success by keeping the spirit of the game, but modernizing. @Diablo is like; But remakes are in, right? And completely misses the point.


I know. I understand the passion for keeping the spirit of the game, but largely a 1:1 carbon copy seems like a wasted opportunity, since D2 (2000) still exists and is playable. Patch 1.14d was rather late in the game and the later D2 patches catered to the megaserious D2 players. You talk to many players, their favorite patch is often 1.09.

Even Brevik stated that he would love to see changes to D2 (removing stamina bar and instanced loot).


Sticks and stones may break my bones but there will always be something to offend a purist…


It’s OK if personal loot doesn’t come. I’ll keep playing solo and upgrade to ninjaing pub games with my Blizzard sorc to get up to 8 player (ok, 4) drops all to myself. (I focus on CS/Baal games, I’m not one to break questing games)

More loot for me. :slight_smile:

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