D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

In one of the two systems it remains the same. Ergo, you can choose to have the same game experience.

So you think that less people will play D2R in 2021 than D2 in 2021 where D2R will be on a global server for PC and D2 is 20 year old game on 4 PC servers?

Yes. Many have argued for and against global loot as well as personal loot. The simple solution is to provide both options.

I also am firm in my belief. If you do not want to see what I post, feel free to put me on ignore. FYI To do this, click on your avatar on the top right. Click on preferences and add me to the ignore list. My battlenet id is MicroRNA-1507

We have a disagreement of personal taste. Some people like chocolate others don’t.

Yes, keep resorting to personal attacks, KimG.

You’ll win people over with such riveting arguments.

I used to carry people for Uber Diablo and Uber Tristram. I’m pretty sure I can do basic math and refer to the internet and it’s thousands of links if needed.

Just because I don’t want every drop to be ninja’d from me during Baal runs doesn’t mean I don’t know how to play a simple and basic game such as Diablo 2. I want to have the opportunity to actually click on some items after I do the bulk of the damage on Bartuc and Lister.


Regardless what you want wont be happening. Its not a remake.

So QQ.

If it won’t happen, what are you worried about?

Why did you create account on these forums just to sling personal insults at other players?


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Why do some people keep saying this? Either you guys are not thinking clearly or just being disingenuous. Note, I don’t share the same opinon as Micro, that it should be divided since character creation. I think it should be a toggle-able choice when creating a room, which Micro is fully open to.

First, D2 is not some MMO style open world game. It’s a small, numerous 8-players max game. Every players can choose which loot sysyem they want to play in. Every players can still interact, trade with each other. There is less likely a chance where the community will be ‘split’, where there is not enough players to play with to occur.

It’s been some time since I played WoW, but couldn’t you choose a loot system there? At least that’s how remember with 5-man, with some restrictions like all 5 being on the same server. You can choose to make it instanced loot or shared loot. Did that ‘split’ the community?

Also, do you really not know how human behavior works? If a player really despises personal loot or shared loot, they will make a room themselves to play on. If they are not to that point, and there is no room for them to join by their preference, they will still join other preference room even when they don’t really prefer it. There won’t be a shortage of players, there won’t be a ‘split’. Or, are you afraid that there won’t be enough room/players that prefer shared loot?


Worse ideas have been implemented by the Devs because people like us didn’t speak out against them. We can’t afford not to be vocal against bad ideas anymore. This is our ONLY chance for a D2 re-master. We don’t want it screwed up.

Those that want personal loot will have their chance with the mods. D2R is confirmed to have mod support.
Look around. With all the upset and divide on the matter, can you really say this would be a small QoL change to the game? You really think it’s comparable to auto-gold pick up?
Anyways. That’s my input.

Yes, we can. As you noted, there is “all the upset and divide on the matter”. Let’s give you the game you and others want and let’s give a variant for the subset that prefer personal loot.

What game modes do we currently have?
Ladder SC & HC
Non-Ladder SC & HC
That’s 4 separate game modes.

Implementing two versions of loot method doubles the amount of game modes.

Global loot - Ladder SC & HC
Global loot - Non-Ladder SC & HC
and including the suggestion
Personal loot - Ladder SC & HC
Personal loot - Non-Ladder SC & HC

That splits the community 8 ways instead of 4.

I consider letting players have their own loot to be a comparable change to increasing stash and auto gold pickup. A small QoL improvement.

It doesn’t affect players who don’t want it. It let’s players who want it enjoy multiplayer more frequently.

It doesn’t have to affect the economy. It isn’t going to change player division.

Those are the only two arguments I’ve seen besides “it’s not pure.”

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Correct. This would satisfy the community that as you noted is divided and upset on this issue. Everyone is happy and now you are not disenfranchising a significant portion of the playerbase.

Agree with Jako.

No, it doesn’t. Did you read what I said? Ladder SC players will still be able to interact with each other, Ladder HC with each other, HC with each other. Only difference is which room they decide to play in.

Again, D2 is a 8-player max game. I don’t think you understand what this insinuates. There won’t be a situation where you won’t have 25 players to raid with or something.

You’re asking for global looters and personal looters to play in the same games?? That’s an even worse idea!

Uhh…you thinking of D4 or something? You create a room to play in in D2. Each players can choose in which room they want to play in. It’s not like D3 where you randomly gets sorted in with each other.

It’s all they have is strawmen and it’s not D2. Even their god said he’d change it, and we see how they’re turned on him.


I think we have our wires crossed. Or you have an alternate suggestion. I apologize if I missed it.

There are currently 4 game modes in D2 that cannot interact, outside of chatting. Maybe I’m mistaken?
Introducing 2 loot methods means there would be 8 game modes in which players couldn’t interact, beyond chatting.
Let’s say there are 10,000 players. You have to divide them 8 ways now, instead of 4. What do you think that does to a trading economy?

Again, I’m sorry for the confusion. Maybe I missed something you said before.

Guess so. You seemed to be thinking of Micro’s suggestion, which I don’t share. What I suggested was a toggle/checkbox when creating a room.

  • Shared loot
  • Personal loot

When the room is created, this should be very visible, in the lobby where other players can see the existing room, and in-game where present players can see in which loot system there in.

Either I’m greatly mis-remembering it, something has changed a lot, or you seemed to forgot how D2 room system works. If I’m mistaken, do tell me.

Continuing on. If you, for instance, see a room where the loot system is shown as ‘personal loot’, you simply don’t join. If you choose to join/enter, that decision, whatever comes after is fully on you.

It’s no different from setting difficulty for each room. Whatever it is listed on, normal, NM, hell difficulty, you can choose to join in or don’t. Toggleable loot system(per room) doesn’t split the playerbase as difficulty setting doesn’t.

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I initially suggested both as possibilities. It is easier to explain on the forum a selection at character creation. If Blizzard chose upon game creation, I would be happy.

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I want shared loot to be part of partying up, if someone is leeching (or has a pickup bot) you should be able to drop them down to instanced loot silently while keeping them in party (for buff benefits) or remove them right away for instanced loot and not sharing xp/gold. New game modes just would create extra work in my opinion and everyone would pick instanced loot.

That kind of partial isolation is the closest thing I can suggest without going into the borders of direct vote kick against hackers. Also unique monsters and champs can not really drop more loot per player in party as they’re hard coded. So there’s not really a way of evading shared loot completely unless you’re willing to go that extra mile.
If randoms and super unique monsters start to drop more loot to break their hardcoded limits, I don’t think game changes much though. All in all, I expect dupes to come to an end in the game with the remaster now.

ok, I see what you’re saying now. Your suggestion is already way better, because people within each of the 4 game modes can still interact with each other.

Making a permanent choice upon character creation creates too much division. I still would prefer global looting as the only option.

Do you propose that loot gained through global drops can be traded with loot obtained by personal drops?

Of course. Full open trading is the D2 way. I just don’t want it in D4, that’s all.

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