D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

That is why I advocated for separate game modes like hardcore/softcore decision but for global/instanced loot. Keep both sides happy.

would you be happy seeing no drops from a boss though?, like you see no items at all drop, that sounds awful even if you dont get the items seeing the drops is apart of the game

Yes, since I know how RNG works. I know that there is a possibility if I flip a coin 10 times, I may get 10 tails and no heads. This will occur once in 1024 times on average. The most likely outcome is 5 heads and 5 tails.

I would rather know it was RNG than knowing that some leecher/ninja looter swoop in to get all the good items when they did not do the work or that my internet ping/lag lost all opportunity to get any loot whatsoever. D2R will be on a global server.

I played D2 non stop the first 5 or so years it was launched. I grinded the heck out of that game.

The most disparaging thing to happen everytime was to carry 8 player games and see items drop where leeches stopped attacking and just got ready for the drops.

It leads to players just making a MF Sorc and playing solo. Which gets repetitive. Which gets boring. Which leads to game fatigue. Which leads to quitting.

im for personalized loot not instanced loot both are different things, it would make the game feel so empty in terms of drops, when a good items drops i want to see it and react to it with everyone els even if i cant pick it up.

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That is why my suggestion is to have loot drop selection (global versus personal) as a selectable option at character creation. It would just be like selecting hardcore versus softcore. Afterwards, you only play with individuals who selected the same thing. You will play exclusively with others who like the thrill of clicking to get the loot before someone else.

Others will play a modernized game with personal loot drops that have become the standard in aRPGs for obvious reasons.

I love this feature … GREAT addition to a GREAT game.

Is that necessary though? Assuming room creation process remains the same in D2R, isn’t simply having a checkbox (and clearly showing it in the lobby and in-game so every players can see which mode it is) not enough? Players can choose to enter whichever mode they feel like.

edit: and if some day, some time, their preferred mode room is not a plenty, they can choose to enter the other mode. this way, they’re not hard stuck in less traffic mode. my bet is on personal loot/instanced loot being more popular :sunglasses:.

That is the other way to handle it. I am open to either alternative.

I suspect you are corrrect. On the forum, it seems pretty evenly split among those who voiced an opinion among diehard D2 fans. The forum does not represent the playerbase as a whole. Given that modern aRPGs have transitioned primarily to personal/instanced loot for obvious reasons, I suspect the majority of the D2R playerbase would prefer personal loot.

Changing the way loot drops is more than a small QoL change. I only want small QoL changes, like auto gold pick up. There is no consensus on this subject. It is not even close to being a unanimous community decision. Nor do I want any more community splits within the game. You want personal loot, do solo MF runs.

If that wasn’t clear enough…I am not in favor of personal loot. It would be a large change to the game. Devs already said they don’t want to make large changes, because they don’t want to mess with what made the game great. Global loot drops are part of what made D2 great.

With instanced loot I don’t see what’s dropping for others. How do I even know to ask for a trade with player B after he snagged a loot drop I’ve been waiting for? Instead I have to troll through trading games, whereas I could have brokered a deal right then and there.

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Exactly, That is why you make two options. Players who prefer global loot play with like minded players. Players who prefer instanced loot play with like minded players. This can be defined either by a toggle at game creation or at character creation.

Since you have the option to play either global loot or personal loot that is segragated at the game level per my suggestion, you still can play old school exclusively with like minded players. Those who like modernization of instanced loot can also play in their own games with others that prefer that.

In D2, if people are quick at picking up the good items, the same is true, unless you stopped fighting and were a ninja looter/autoclick hacker.

Did you miss reading the part where I don’t want large changes made to the game? How about the part where I said I don’t want any more community splits? We don’t need more separate game modes. Non-Ladder SC & HC, Ladder SC & HC is enough. With your suggestion we’d have 8 game modes instead of 4.

Your suggestion of personal loot(even as a toggle option) is not a small, inconsequential QoL change to the game.

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There’s already a massive community split.

Single Player vs Multiplayer.

This small QoL improvement would encourage more players to play multiplayer if nothing else.

It could be done in a way to affect the economy very minutely if at all.

So acting like this would be a massive change is disingenuous.

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No. The global loot system remains as is. Players can opt in or out per game or character (dependent on how Blizzard sets it up in my suggestion).

I understand. However, if the community is small because Blizzard does not give options that appeal more to modern gamers than the game will have less sales and fewer total players overall.

Splitting 100 players into 4 group evenly is 25 per split. Splitting 200 players evenly into 8 groups is 25 players per split.

The D2R PC game is on a global server. Far more people will play D2R on PC now than what occurs for D2 curreently due to the age of D2 and the fact that D2 is split between 4 servers. Therefore, player density will be much much better even with my proposed split than what is observed now on PC that is split across 4 servers.

It is a small QoL change. If you do not like the change, you toggle the option that you want.

This 100X. Esseentially, global loot drives player away from multiplayer games, limiting social interactions.

Are you going to advocate that Blizzard makes this a PC only game? Giving players the option to play on consoles instead of PC splits the playerbase. Blizzard decided against this because they know that alot of modern gamers play on consoles.

There always has been personal loot in D2 its called a private game. Make one an no one will touch your precious loot.

Crazy that within moments of announcing this forums fill up with people wanting to change d2 into d3.

If I want a loot 2.0 system there is d3.

And if you want D2 loot from 2000, there’s D2 from 2000.

See how that logic works both ways?

There can and should be a middle ground.


Agree. Giving an extra option does not remove an option from someone else.

Analogy time to demonstrate logical fallacy:
When Burger King started selling the impossible burger, customers still could order a whopper. Some are arguing that BK selling the impossible burger ruins the taste of the whopper by the mere existence of the impossible burger. This is preposterous. My suggestion is toggleable loot at game creation or character creation.

Resorting to insults won’t help your argument, KimG.

If Blizzard just wants money, then they should absolutely try to cater to players who want to be able to play multiplayer and actually obtain some drops.

Forcing players to single player or acting all high and mighty with “join a clan you can trust” rhetoric will turn players away from the game.

Most D2 fans are now in their 30s/40s/50s. They don’t have 8+ hours a day to play. They don’t want to sign up on d2jsp and have to buy random items for more than the cost of the game itself.

They want to be able to play a game they enjoy and not have to deal with dumb broken mechanics from 20 years ago.

Even the creator of D2 says he would make this change in the current Era because it just makes sense.

And once again, there can and should be a middle ground where everyone can be happy. Make it an option on the game lobby creation.

If you’re worried about players being divided into different game modes… they already would be: single/private vs multiplayer.

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There is the internet. Knowing how to make a build is just a click away.

Please check both the D2 (200) and D2R forums. I have posted links in every class specific forum to all common builds. Since I can post there, it means I own D2:LoD (I bought the collector editions for both) and pre-purchased D2R.

D2R provides an opportunity to make a carbon copy and variants that incorporated modern changes.

Precisely this. David Brevik knows more about D2 than almost any of us as the lead game designer.

No it doesn’t. You’re proposing two loot systems.

Wow, talk about making up scenarios to suit your suggestion. Use 100 for both cases. Don’t double it to 200 to suit your second example.
100/8 is 12.5. See, it doesn’t look as good when you don’t manipulate the numbers to suit your goals.

Oh my. You’re not thinking straight if you don’t see splitting the community 8 ways instead of 4 as a large change.

Hmm, now a strawman. Never did I even make mention of making this a PC only game. That said, your suggestion would also split communities on any platform it goes to.

After reading through your comments on this thread and the same version over in the D2R forum, I have come to the conclusion that you are either trolling or just arguing to argue.

You have been given numerous view points as to why personal loot isn’t a good idea. You even seem to outright refuse to believe this is actually a large change, or that it will create twice as many game modes…further splitting the community.
My personal opinion, based on your dozens of replies between this and the other thread… you can’t or won’t listen to any other view points other than your own, and you only want to be right.

Am I doing a bit of the same? Yeah maybe, but I and many others completely disagree with your suggestion, in every way. I and others have given you good and legitimate reasons why.

If the ONLY thing personal loot did was to create 8 game modes instead of 4, I’d still be against the idea.

We aren’t even thinking of the unforeseen circumstances. Whether you admit it or not, having two methods of loot is not a small inconsequential QoL change.

Now, I would ask that you respect my personal opinions on the matter and stop replying to me. I will never change my mind on this. If global loot was so bad for the game, D2 wouldn’t be the gold standard so many ARPG’s look up to. Nor would it be so popular to this day. I bet pre-orders for D2R(a remastered game) have already broken records. End of story.
Leave me alone now.