D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Which we all questioned and debunked that. I clearly said we didn’t want more loot, you claim we do. You failed to come up with any further reasoning then. Quit twisting words and blaming people. Come up with a good argument and we question that, if you could answer properly instead of steering we wouldn’t have this discussion.
You only cause the people’s voice to be louder each time you fail to answer and shrug, carrying this thread to the top.


I agree with naksiloth’s assessment. You have not provided a single meritorious reason to my knowledge why having only 1 option is better than having 2 in my opinion.

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David hasn’t been part of D2 for 16 years and doesn’t play the game. Talking about adding instanced loot if he were to make the game today? It would be a completely different game in the modern era. This is a classic ARPG. It was made in 2000 and all of the fundamental gameplay should remain as such. Splitting loot randomly between players or having each player get their own drop table so they get 100% of the drops in every baal run destroys the difficulty of the loot hunt. Changing the way looting works is one of the QUICKEST ways to butcher a faithful remaster. That is just silly.

And lets stop with the bots this and bots that. If the bots are AS BAD AS D2 currently, then you will have a point. With modern BNET integration pickit bots shouldnt even be a problem. So if you want to make that argument, which I agree is a valid argument, you would first need evidence that this is a big issue in the remaster like in classic D2. If the botting is like D3, where the biggest use of third party software is turbohud, then we have nothing to worry about. I HIGHLY doubt we are going to see anything like D2’s level of botting, and those who do I expect will swiftly be banned.

EDIT: Honestly it’s hilarious when D2 players all over this thread provide very good reasoning as to why this is a terrible idea, the D3 loot lovers come back with “THATS NOT VALID REASONING”.

Just play D3 and D4. I can tell D2R is not going to be for those who cant play without shared loot, and the change isn’t going to happen anyways.

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No one here has provided a good reason to fundamentally change looting. Just “split the player base between games set for those who want it and those who dont” or “divide loot between players so its easier” or “have everyone get 100% of the drops from each mob in their own instance of the loot”

Hell no to all.

He worked on the both games. People who worked on D2 moved to Blizz Irvine to work on D3 after Blizz North closed its doors too. Wyatt Cheng who worked on D2 with Brevik also was the head game designer behind D3.
Brevik works on PoE which has trading and split loot for years, since 2016 as a part of the Grinding Gears. If someone were to know something, that’s him. If you dare to dismiss him then you’re left with Diablo 3 developers.

When dupes are patched there still be enough difficulty when I look at PoE.

Nobody ever claimed or said that, at least not in a sense to give everyone the same loot. We’re talking about randomly splitting the loot pot between individuals as instances. Some players will get nothing and that will punish boss rushing without killing anything, yet won’t reward leechers too.

Partying up can gate that switch pretty well. Regarding the insight of developers, people in same party can have shared loot with extra drop chance while individuals don’t get benefit from such thing and enjoy instanced loot.

What’s wrong with dividing when you can’t have the thing you target for 100% of the time anyway? You can still trade or exchange with other members in the party once you pick the items up.

Your opinion. We gave you the ropes. If you don’t accept those it’s your choice. Game’s original system is based on shared loot so our discussion shouldn’t scare you at all. Preserving the original has no practicality or virtue when you can’t catch third party programs in a whim. That’s all we ever said.

Actually, he mentioned that this is one of the things he thought while streaming D2.

It would. Adding an option of personal loot at character creation does not change anything in terms of gameplay for those who select global loot at character creation.

Your argument is a logical fallacy.

Again, nothing changes if you select global loot at character creation. Others have a different version of D2R but you also have yours.

Again, logically how does having your version of the game exactly the way you want it make it so there can not be a separate version where D2R has personal loot?

This is not true. How many time have I said in an 8 player game with global loot there is 80 drops and in personal loot it would be 10 drops per each player in the 8 player game (= 80 total drops).

If you sincerely cared about splitting the playerbase, you would say that D2 has issues as there is softcore and hardcore, seasons and non-seasons. The original D2 split the playerbase.


he is admitting that instanced loot is far more better than the crap he made for d2 back then.


He’ll use that against you, watch out.

When you use the word solutions, you are inherently implying that the current loot drop mechanic is in need of a solution and therefore has problems. This is not D2 this is D2R and with it comes changes, some good some not so welcomed by some. I choose to support changes that are in line with what the game needs to get continued interest and support. I hope to see much more QOL changes that make this game much more fun to play, yet respect the story and heritage of the original unfinished D2 masterpiece.


I clarified it to mkae it clear. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Too true

False. Brevik’s entire version of D3 was scrapped. Blizzard south D3 is entirely different from North’s D3. He left in 2005. 16 years ago. So no, he hasnt worked on Diablo for 16 years now and the D3 he had a foundation of doesn’t exist anymore.
If you like what the Blizzard South devs did to D3 after Blizzard North left, you can play D3.

The difficulty is tarnished immediately when you get all of the drops from a mob.
Its tarnished when you split the loot up between players via RNG.
It’s tarnished when you split the player base by allowing a separate list of games for instanced loot garbage.

What’s wrong with dividing the loot is you just completely removed the challenge to obtain the loot you want when doing baal runs and trying to fight for that loot before he goes down. Now you can just sit back and relax and when he’s dead, no sweat I may have just randomly got that GG drop without a single challenge. What a terrible idea.

D2 isn’t PoE either, its a 21 year old original ARPG. Modern ARPGs having a certain mechanic doesn’t mean it will work with a 21 year old game that’s had an active playerbase for 21 years. This game is completely designed around its loot system endgame.

Changing the looting system to instanced loot is like changing the hostility system so you can toggle hostility against anyone at anytime. Both changes that fundamentally change the way the game is played. With loot, you’re forced to always be aware of what is dropping when in groups, just like with hostility you’re forced to be aware whether that person is coming for you if hostility toggled.

Both have the same solution. Play singleplayer if you don’t like the way the game is designed.

Again. Nobody ever claimed, implied or ever said that. You can get 2-3 rare items on your share from a boss kill but other players might get a set piece belt or a unique headwear. If you want those items you have to barter or exchange actively. Nothing changes, and not like they can dupe anything after it’s patched.

In my suggestion you still get to share loot with your own party while benefitting the extra item drop chance, while individual neutral player won’t have that benefit but will have instanced loot. Instance loot won’t give him the best unique there is. In case you don’t like the idea this can even get tweaked to be based on a time limit 'till instanced loot turn global share.

Even forefather admitted that he would change it. He still plays Diablo 2.

Bad analogy. We want to curb down the hackers, not PKers. However, I’m willing to bet quick hostile macros won’t work anymore with D2R.

Naksiloth has a lot of questionable arguments, but in this case he is 100% right.

Lol, cheers man. :grinning:

No one has said this. How many times are you going to mischaracterize what other stated and clarified repeatedly. The total number of item drops per game does not vary.

You keep saying this. If you feel that this is a solution, then you must also accept the fact that the solution to the possibility of a the option to choose personal loot versus global loot at game creation for those who despise the freedom of choice is simply play the original D2.

Why wouldn’t you want to split the player base between the so-called “D3 players” and the “true” D2 players? Do you really want play with so many “crybabies” that can’t handle the “real” Diablo 2?

It’s really baffling that, at the same time, you don’t like “D3 players” but want to make sure that you can play with them. Sounds like you just want to PK.


When you can prove the hackers are ruining D2R with Pickit then you can use that argument. Until then, it’s in alpha and talking about hackers ruining it isn’t even an argument worth using at this point.

Again, David Brevik saying “I’d like to see it” isn’t an argument.

What you’re suggesting works with modern ARPGs. Not with Diablo where the difficulty of finding loot is already incredibly hard and a long haul challenge. Giving people any type of random instanced loot at all, destroys that. It gives you the option to do endless Baal runs without any care in the world because now Baal will always give you an extra individual instanced loot table. This doesn’t make any sense. Fighting over loot is meant to be hard. It’s an extra challenge as part of the endgame loot hunt. You can even wear full MF gear and do solo private games for MF if you REALLY want instanced loot.

I will remind you that D2R is on a global server. I hope you live close to the server with good internet speed with low ping. Personally, I have empathy for those who are not so lucky.

How would having instanced personal loot destroy the game for those character who opted for their character that they selected “global loot”?

You may not like this variation but you have the variant that you want. Why does it matter that people play a variant of D2R while you have your variant that you want?

Two options are better than one. I do not understand your philosophy. If I go to Burger King, I can order a whopper, chicken sandwich, or impossible burger. I do not claim that having the option to choose an impossible burger destroys the taste of the whopper.

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He more of a mentioned that in “three things I’d do different with D2 today”. However, I disagree with him on the stamina removal subject, to be honest as well.

How it removes any “difficulty” to speak of? You might not get that gg item you want, yet when you can’t get that item that one time there’s always the next Baal run.
Do you have good friends? Share the loot with them in the party. Do you have a leecher? PK it or remove him from the party so he doesn’t get extra item drop chance that your party has. It shouldn’t be too hard.

When you can pay a good runeword mere cents because it’s duped?

I don’t get why this is being brought up so much.
Personal loot would be a huge change in the core of what D2 is.
You can do mf runs in a private game for the personal loot.

Leveling up your character in a public baal run, a unique ring dropped and everyone is rushing over to try to get it, someone maybe dies for it, then everyone is asking who got it and what it was … that is Diablo 2.

Instead, you would be the only one to see it, you can go pick it up slowly and safely after this wave has been dealt with, no risk of death to grab it, and nobody even knows it dropped.

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