D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

So loot pumps out at 8x the rate as normal which then leads to massive inflation in the item economy. Again, this is non negotiable for a diablo 2 game


I just gave an example. I have no clue how much dropped in 8 player groups. But it could easily work just like PL does where they system divvies up what drops and randomly passes it out. maybe someone gets nothing, maybe someone gets it all. I don’t see how it changes anything with trading. The only thing it does is make you a victim of RNG as opposed to lack of reflexes, slow PC, or laggy internet.

And actually it is negotiable, since they are taking feedback on all aspects.


They already have 9 years of data on personal loot drops in the only game they are trying to wipe from blizzard history currently


Right? HAHA HA

Diablo III players think they are entitled to the item.

What a funny thing.

The item belongs to whoever gets it, period. If you don’t like go to play alone, play with friends, play another game.


I don’t play with other in general, too much clutter, but it’s becasue of this trash attitude is another. If you contributed you deserve loot. Period. But keep gatekeeping.


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Trust me when I say we will keep gatekeeping. We learned our lesson in 2012.


Just add instanced loot as a toggle when creating a match. Then both parties are happy:

  • new and returning players living in the 21st century get the feature that’s considered standard for this genre
  • players who like the rush, or want to make enemies in public games still have the chance to do so

That doesn’t solve the issue which is market inflation. D2 doesn’t work without a solid item economy which will immediately fall apart when loot starts dropping out at 8x the normal rate


Who said it will drop at 8x the rate? That’s just narrow thinking.


Narrow thinking is not even being aware that all these systems interact with each other resulting in vastly different games. You don’t just create a massive influx of loot that didn’t exist before and expect the game to not fall apart


how many drops would typically drop from an 8 player Baal run?

Again, who said there will be a massive influx of loot? You keep saying that but I’m not sure you are understanding what I’m getting at.


Personal loot drops does nothing but multiply the amount of loot a monster gives by the number of players in the game. This leads to way more item drops in total across the server


Answer my question please. I’m trying to explain it to you. And no it doesn’t. You are only perceiving it through a D3 lens. Like I said it’s narrow thinking.


The drop does not increase much in quantity, but it does increase in quality.

That’s basically it.

Edit: So it is worth playing in groups to find the best items more easily. MF must also be considered!

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OK, So you can still keep the droprates what they are/were, MF will still stack, everything will still be the same. What changes is instead of a free for all to grab them all up, the systems rolls to determine who gets what. No extra drops, no inflation. Same amount, same quality, everything works the same except the game decides who gets the loot.


As I said before, this alters the game experience too much, alters the gameplay, that’s not the proposal of D2: R.

It may seem fairer, but it doesn’t work for Diablo II, and it doesn’t work because it even changes the way the game is played.

I repeat, I don’t say it’s a bad thing, it can work in a MOD or something, but not in D2: R, because the proposal is to keep the gameplay intact.


It would actually improve it for many, and IMO, would make more venture into group play.


I’m sort of fine with both options, since I grew up through the 90s gaming era. I got used to the ‘wild west’ multiplayer wasteland. It had its ugly charm.

But now I wouldn’t bother much, I would just stand back and look at players turn into vultures on crack.


no personal loot, FFA only and if you are prioritizing personal loot then you don’t understand diablo 2
 You want loot? play solo, farm meph solo, farm baal solo

If you had some idiotic toggle-able loot system, that IS 8x baal drops. There is literally no way around it, what you just randomly see 1/8th the gear that drops? LOL
 I’ve never met anyone who plays p8 ‘for loot’, that’s ridiculous and it would be great to have some agency back to the solo players. Diablo 3 basically destroyed solo game play 100%. Why are people trying to turn d2 into some kind of watered down version of itself, stick to d3.

looking at all 6-7 of you who post on these forums every-single-day and essentially advocated anti diablo 2/anti trading rhetoric in every one of your posts