D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

I just played Diablo 2 again for a while and it always ends up being the same picture.

The act boss tilts and the grabbing is already embarrassing somehow.
You stand there remains calm, but if you do not participate in it, you go to 100% always empty out.

I think, since I have just experienced this several times how humiliating that is, like such a greed neck there to have to participate and to experience it also with the others, is a separate loot instance is definitely the more beneficial and satisfying way to distribute loot.

Whether it is now purely on the Itemsdrops the better method, is probably not a controversial issue.
Maybe there is a compromise between, bosses instanced and free play and other mobs open loot system?
So a little get people to learn more of a fair and especially also for the players and their class specific distribution of loot would be a blessing.
But I’m afraid the greed is constantly greater than the strength to bring themselves under control and distribute the loot sensibly, instead of just immediately grab away everything that the colors of the “big win” promises …

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