D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

No my argument is based in reality and experience from XP leechers in Diablo 2. I wonder if you ever even played the game.

Remove them from your party then. Why are you complaining about this?


My reality is based on item leechers and hackers/autoclickers.

My reality is based on playing a ranged class.


You want another exploitable system introduced into the game and your solution is make the player deal with it? :neutral_face:

Exploitable? I just want duping be gone and everyone enjoy the loot they find on their own and barter with each other in the party afterwards. If dupe exploits are not fixed or have to slowly catch the abusers then keep the shared loot as it is.

I see why you would want to keep shared loot as it would create scarcity but game is quite exploitable and I don’t know if economy would benefit any from removal of exploits at all. I rather just leave this to the developers.
I defended for individual loot because auto gold pickup sounded abit too much for me, yet if they plan on keeping the feel and determined to patch every glitch, then it inevitably comes with shared loot like old times.

I’m not sure if I failed to get the concept but you are the one who wants to deal with it if you keep a leecher in the party.


In a personal loot system, the maximum loot a leecher/cheat player can get in 8 player game is 1/8 of the total loot.

In a global drop system, tbe same leecher can get 50% or even more of the loot.

The global loot system is FAR more exploitable than the personal loot system.

I prefer personal loot because I dislike cheaters and want integrity to be rewarded.


This in no way addresses duping…

Getting rushed to Baal and standing around waiting for your free 1/8th loot is rewarding integrity?

No. If the system randomly rolls where each piece if loot goes, it is possible for 1 person to obtain every item. If you have a party of 8, and 4 items drop, each person has a 12.5% chance each item roll. I didn’t suggest it to make things even, it was suggested to make thing fair for those with slower reaction times or slow/laggy connections. You still have a chance to come a way empty handed.

It’s indirectly related, they made a promise on catching up to exploits and bots in the QnA. I think it was the lightning question round with Rod Ferguson, Luis Barriga, Wyatt Cheng and ofcourse Rob Gallerani. If they kept their promise I doubt individual loot would hurt anything, besides… feelings.

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However, it is far better than having the leecher swoop in to take the lion’s share of the loot. Thanks for demonstrating how awful global loot is to the game due to leechers.

I do not want any scofflaws, but if they exist, I want to.minimize their damage. In global loot, the scofflaws can do maximal damage.


You mean besides and total and complete overhaul of the entire loot system? OK sure.

Don’t expect D3 players to be familiar with basic market economics. They’d rather just hit the slot machine all day until their targeted loot drop kicks in

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If you have that feeling then I have the feeling of that it won’t hurt or change the game much in case exploits are patched forever. Actual data is held by developers about how it would affect the game and I get to trust their word and end work as always.

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This is a mathematical impossibility even if item drops were randomnly assigned to each player.

In D3 with personal loot, do you not get item drops during a game session? There may be subtle differences but it is not all or none. I would stick to legitimate examples.

So explain how if the total number of items dropped in game does not change, how that alters market economics? Thrre are the same number of SoJ, runes, etc…

You keep talking about economics but have not to my knowledge provided a single example of an effect.

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That’s not what you people want though so why would I waste my time explaining it?

So are you acknowldging now that game economics do not change.

Now, it is just personal opinion that some players do not want change and your argument is not based on any real economic theory.

Assuming that the % chance and # of items remains the same in instanced loot vs FFA loot then there is no reason to think the economy would be affected. I’m not sure why people are so strongly against instanced loot.


the problem here is how D2 loot system works, you can’t drop the same unique in the same game, and I’m almost certain you can’t make loot instance for each player.

but having options for loot would be great.

-Public games could only be free for all.

private games can be set to

-Short Allocation, after 8 seconds that loot becomes free for all

-Permanent Allocation could be 2 screen away that loot would be locked to you till you leave the game, move away too far or go into town.

-Free for all - Doesn’t allocate anything to anyone.

but hey I’m all in for QoL improvements.