D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Absolutely bring in instance loot, it makes people hang out in group games more, and not just for the XP and maybe gain a level or 2 as is now the case for multplayer games.

To just say play solo for loot is baffling as any one who contributes in a game should be rewarded with more than just gaining XP.

Multiplayer games should be encouraged and not just for groups who have been pre-organised/ friends that are willing to share loot.

Every public game I’ve ever been in no one shares loot, and it encourages bot and auto pickup cheats and solo play.

I don’t trade and I drop what i don’t want/need, so for me there’s no such thing as an economy for game items and I have no idea why people think an economy is so important in D2 for me its the loot hunt.

Only items i have ever traded for is a torch because i cant be bothered doing uber tristram.