D2R must change

I will advocate melee splash and corruption and end game maps and gem/rune stacking to our beloved devs on twitter and on multiple other platforms.

You sound mad.

good idea do that until u get ignored :grin:

I’m just curious why you’re so averse to change? Do you think that the changes people have been suggesting would fundamentally make D2 “less fun?” If so, how?

Some of changes, yes.

Charm inventory, personnal loot, some balance change will fundamentally make d2 less fun yes. And completly different.

Different means less fun? Please explain.

Changes = different game.

And some changes, like personnal loot, will make d2 less fun.

I said “AND”.

I asked for a “how” in my question. How will these changes make it less fun?

FFA is part of diablo’s charm, for exemple.

When unid unique shako drop, everybody try to get it. It’s fun. it’s part of the game.
Remove it will ruin a fundamentally core mechanic.

So, you enjoy potentially missing loot because someone else grabs it. That’s a valid opinion.
What about the other changes? Like charm inventory, skill fixing, etc?
Some example changes - like fixing amazon’s avoidance/fend bug, and allowing summon druids to have all their pets.

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Yes I enjoy potentially missing loot, and sometimes get it. Yes i love when people talk and chat when they see HR drop, or good uniques drop. Everybody see it.
PL sux. Really.

Charm inventory will cause issue with game balance.
Choose between less loots but be stronger is part of the game.
And it will make the game even easier than it is nowadays. Everybody will just run full charm. Stupid.

I’m not against some balance change. But it have to not surpass actual meta. Yes some skills may be buff’d (like hydra, psn dagger, maybe summon druid as you said it). But not too much.

…YOU needed yesterday. not we.

Most every streamer I see playing D2 still runs full charms anyway. They just use the cube for placing their loot. This is why the mods add a charm inventory… But just because everyone is doing something doesn’t make it a “good” thing. Its fine that you enjoy the decision of weighing your space to pick things up, with the power that charms provide, and the chance at missing loot. Anecdotal comments like “PL sux” is just an opinion. I can see merits in both systems.

I don’t think I’ve been asking for any skill buffs, mostly just fixing them to work as the text states they should. The text in the skill tree doesn’t say anything about summoning a dire wolf should unsummon your spirit wolves, for example. And nothing in amazons passives state that you will bug your fend ability to never hit.

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Most of your streamers plays solo.
There is a difference.

In public chaos/baal run, if you run 37 sc xx-20 vita, you are just immortal, but you can’t loot.

And FFA IS Diablo2.

Just wait for D4 if you do not enjoy it.

Most streamers, yes, but I watch a lot of people who play the mods - mostly PD2. In groups. Doing maps.
Which to me means they would play single player in regular D2…

Stop with the nonsense of “if you don’t like it, don’t play…” That’s a weaksauce argument, you know it, I know it, and everyone reading knows it.

It is a good argument, in fact.
Let people who enjoy’d and love’d Diablo2 for 10+ years, enjoy it again with good graphics.

We all know people who want to change core mechanics will just jump to an other game soon or later.
Veterans will not. Do not break our game with your randoms changes.

Good new mate, D4 incoming with all those fancy stuff.

Let D2 be D2, thanks.

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It is not a good argument. Its schoolyard kid talk at best.
People are capable of playing the game, enjoying it, and asking for changes. They’re also capable of enjoying those changes too.

Its just as silly as Blizzards statement that the “original” D2 is there for you to enjoy TCP/IP and mods.

Have you looked at any of the surveys that came from the beta? Like maybe from Llama? Plenty of “veterans” want changes.

And most of the voters are just casual or people born after 2000 who have just play’d D3 and some new games where FFA do not exist.

Do not break our game before jumping to an other game, thanks. Play it as it is, enjoy it, and then buy D4. Thanks again.

Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

Tell me where please.

I just do not want core mechanics to be change. No dissonance ever. And i’ll never buy D4, since it probably will be as bad as D3.