D2R must change

you should stop posting before you embarass yourself any further. No one here supports D3. Changes are needed - current vanilla game is broken

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i think ur bit broken thereā€¦i want melee splash i want mapsā€¦i can guide u to world of poe instead. or u will find the way alone? farewell hope not to see u again :wave:

Oh really? Good choice. Me too.

You have good tastes :smiley:

u can keep those :clown_face: ideas at ur headā€¦those will never see a daylight :laughing:

arenā€™t they your ideas too? You just said you want melee splash you want maps. :slightly_smiling_face:

great choice my friend.

After the release, public opinion will be very different from now. Think of a forum right after the open beta. The demand for change was strong. After release, it will be even stronger.

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and here we see the problem

ppl are demanding things for a remasterā€¦they can continue but most of this nonsense will never happen anyways as itā€™s not new game and u cannot add any demands :laughing: instead of this ppl could adapt how game is and be happy for itā€¦ppl have been waiting this to happen for ages and most ppl just want to play the game instead of demanding a new game

Good to see the purists coming out. I suspect the games community will be very active at launch, and ticker off for various reasons. Iā€™ll name three.

  1. Casuals wonā€™t like the extremely bad drop rates and lack of changes requested.
  2. Hardcore players will eventually find all the gear they want, and make multiple engimas. Without ladder resets to their gear, they wonā€™t have any carrots to chase.
  3. Those in the middle will realize the only longevity to the game is playing the same content again and again, with the combination of reasons 1 and 2 will leave.
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True - if ladders never reset that will hurt the game. Right now Iā€™m taking Blizzard at their word and expecting that ladders will come after launch, and be an ongoing thing throughout the life of D2R.

Oh, ladders will come but it will just be for leveling. Not gear.
Thereā€™s no more season-exclusive items, runewords, or events.
Meaning the majority of players will be non-season. Enjoy.

iam pretty sure since they moved ladder only to non ladders that they also do have a new carrot on stick for ladders just not announced yet

I think youā€™re smoking something good. Ladders will just be about leveling to 99. Only.

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They also need to strip the PC of custom lobbies and implement proper match making like on consoles.

How can you even manage to play true multiplayer if it isnā€™t modernized properly.

meh smoking ainā€™t my hobby. it just would make sense to have a fresh carrot on seasonā€™s. and the way that it would only last for that season and would not affect non ladders. that would be a safe bet from devs to do. but if ladders are only for leveling 99 then it is donā€™t mind

  1. Returning veteran players will quit again once they realize nothing has changed fundamentally.
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Season exclusivity was a design decision to incentivize playing season. D3 has special mechanics for the same reason. If the only reason to play season is to rush to max level for your name on a board, wellā€¦ only a small fraction of the community is interested in that. However, this is a multiplayer game, and those people rushing to max level need ā€œcasualsā€ to interact with when theyā€™ve either hit max level, want to trade, etc.

Throughout this entire year, I have seen little to make me think that those who are remastering D2, have a single clue as to what to do with this community. A year from now we will see if Iā€™m right or wrong, and whether or not Blizzard and Vicarious are standing when the music stops.

well ur not here to see that day at least! :wave:

You do realize that actually being in-game isnā€™t the only method to seeing declining population / dying game right?

Iā€™ll be playing single player mostly. Not exclusively, because a few friends/family want to play battlenet. But I likely wonā€™t complete my builds, nor hit 99 in Bnet. Maybe if they add a version of their open battle.net again I will do that, but I prefer SP. Combination of mods, only having to sell a single SOJ (LOL!) and a number of other things. Including cheating to get around bad drops. :slight_smile:

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well least ur not crying melee splash and maps in forums or in game :laughing: