D2R must change

Blizzard will listen to us. I look forward to seeing what changes when a new ladder starts.

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No. Doesn’t need any of this.

This is a troll post right?

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I look forward when tourists like yourself quit after 2-3 weeks.

Can finally have some peace on forums.

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here we come lala land with ponys! oh wait that was just a nightmare and noone did listen actully tourists =D.

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everyone keeps saying oh rod said this rod said that… lmao who cares what that dude says… was he there when they made D2? no…im not gonna be told whats a good idea and whats not from someone who went from gears of war to diablo…

David Brevik was the original game director for D2/D2:Lod and at that time was the Predisdent of Blizzard North. How about his thoughts? Do they carry more weight?

Having said that, I think the diehard D2 fans appreciate Davd Brevik’s effort and value decisions that he made at that time within the context of technical limitations. In 2016, Brevik tweeted that for diablo 2 “Removing the stamina bar and instancing loot are a few things I would love to see.”

Here is twitter feed of interest:

My point is that even David Brevik sees things in Diablo 2 he would change if he could including having personal loot.

My suggestion is to have it so that BOTH are possible and selectable by the player due to their personal preference. Players can choose to play the old way (global loot drops) OR instanced personal loot drops.

Even if you think Brevik mis-tweeted, he reiterated his thoughts on personal loot here:

Here is David Brrevik talking about D2R.

And tweeting about D2R
David Brevik on Twitter: “They could add modern things like: Instanced loot, auto-gold-pick-up, remove the stamina bar, all sorts of stuff. It looks like they are not making many changes, but I didn’t believe it would be exactly the same game and it isn’t.” / Twitter


What is a minimum and maximum tooltip mean? How would that even work items aren’t stat sticks in d2 one of the best things about it. Well at least sometimes

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this means that you hold alt or shift w.e over the Items it will show you the Minimum and maximum possible rolls so you can see what’s perfect. this way ppl know with out having to check online resources if there items max rolled or a Low item.
most players Like Myself already know war travs drop max 50 Mf but new players wont know this kinda information.

Ah okay. That is not a bad idea

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that’s what I’m saying and I’ve got over 10,000 hours in D2lod so I’m no Newb.
Some of these are Really Great changes for the better The community should be able to embrace and accept.


they are trying to listen

I’m kind of surprised ilvl and tooltip ranges weren’t part of the Qol’s that they initially announced

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A lot of it has to do with how Anti Change and Split the community is. But I’m hopeful they will do some more updating after launch.

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Unfortunately everyone has a voice… even you :stuck_out_tongue:


He’s trolling super hard, he doesn’t realize how some Changes can make a great game even better.


A few changes that I can think of, although the ones on that list are a mix of some that would be okay. While others are not gonna be needed. But since that is one person’s opinion versus another I will leave it there.

The changes that I would love to see is fixing the AI of the hireling so they don’t get stuck and stop following you. It is annoying that happens.

Also changes with maybe the hireling skills or gear that would make it where the right answer isn’t always the Act 2 hireling.

Yes it does matter a lot, when a game goes from being a remaster to shifting towards remake. Then the fans of D2 would say that you used their money to allow Blizz to make a remake of D2 instead of a remaster as it was originally titled to be.

D2R obviously isn’t the game that players are suppose to be the only game players are playing for decades. No, it is there to introduce new players to D2 and get them ready for Diablo Immortal and D4. Where it will hold their interest till those two games come out.

99% of people polled have played Diablo 2 before.

and some of them played D2 also 26years ago? would u also believe this? :man_facepalming:


it looks like purists bombarded your first 10 comments to this thread.

100% agree with OP. These changes were needed yesterday.


Quit projecting this nonsense.
Why would most want changes to a classic game anyways?
These droids aren’t the ones you’re looking for.
Bragging about putting in thousands of hours into D3 is
a big mistake.
I have played it too, but to brag about it is like,
bragging that you don’t shower mare than once a year.