D2R must change

Well that’s your opinion because I participated in 2 polls so far. and I’ll probably be on the game a lot more then you… I want changes & I’m not the only one that feels that way. those not wanting changes are a small minority compared to a majority. There’s no reason any additions can’t still be D2 using the same engine. they could make the end game a lot more fun with more things to do. That doesn’t detail changing anything that’s already there Only adding more to the game, If you don’t like that you should have an option to Not participate in that at character creation.


sorry to say but ur on minority side there…and if ur not happy for it just refund and play d3 lala land. and if thats not enough u can always go cry more for D4 forums…but D2R won’t need any of this crap nor the ppl that can’t handle the game as it is!

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Says who you? Lol Check your facts Look at the polls.
If you wanna spend another 20 years doing the same thing, that’s on you but most of us would like to see changes, Get over it. your crying so hard I can hear it.


polls where every homeless and granma could vote and never even seen the whole game =D nice polls u got there…just find the refund button and u can stay in dreamland. and ive also got bucket here where i do gather all the salt from nextgeneration gamers and tourist that ain’t getting new game and have to settle for how D2R is and will stay.


I’ve put More time into the diablo franchise then you bro, & you’re not thee end all be all with things coming. your a tad pole in a sea of fish. & if changes do come Like Most of us want and you refund then your not a true fan. Even tho D3 sucked I still put thousands of hours into the game and played since vanilla.

Another topic with changes that aint gonna happen.

Cya in 3 weeks <3



20 characters…

and there it is again D3 fanboy wants a trainwreck…sorry not happening. i would be glad if they decide to do own realm for all the noncense D3 fanboys want and could sell it as expansion for 60€ that is only thing u might get haha would be win win for us since then there would not be any D3 fanboys asking to ruin D2R as it is 1.14 and will stay like that.
we can also add.
Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.
An epic story told through five distinct acts.


I’m Not a big fan of the game but since you can’t read lemme respond to that I’m Not a Big Fan of D3 I do however support the diablo franchise & I don’t refund a game I bought because I’m not a panzy. but I sense if you don’t get what you want you’ll be one of thee ones refunding.
some of the Things on this List would be great changes and if you can’t deal with that play classic no reason the rest of us should have to suffer when more modern features can be added/updated into the game. so quit crying. it’s still the D2lod game engine.

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what part u do not understand? Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved. / An epic story told through five distinct acts.? u can ask much as u want but ur not getting lala land u would like to have.


All of this is Fantastic deal with it because I assure you YOU will see SOME of these changes.

what part of this don’t you understand?? lol it’s gonna happen maybe not all of these things But probably a few if not half. (These things I Listed Above to Be specific)


it’s not hard to understand defination of a remaster. there will be no core changes! only some Qol ones will be added. u need to stop dreaming already…ur asking new game here and will never happen…

We’ll be playing long after you quit in a couple weeks 'cause the game is too hard.

They are making a remaster not a rework.


It must include changes to the original otherwise you can’t sell it as a new product.

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Except they did both. Guess you are wrong.

How am i wrong?
They made changes and they are selling it as a new product.

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Yes you are right :+1: .

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Diablo 2 RESURRECTED isnt PoE
i dont like that game. TO MUCH CRAP that isnt needed in a game iike this. and looks like a excel tab with all the filter nonsense.
dont compare these to games plz .

Blizzard “we are selling a faithful classic Vanilla flavoured Icecream, preorder now”
Sekscalibure: “Blizzard i demand you to offer Bubble Gum flavour instead”
Purists: “Blizzard please stick to your plans and to the basis on which we preordered”

checks out