D2R GPU Temps are up there!

well they responded indirectly, they called it normal behavior because the game is made the way that you always get the most performance out of it and then silently patched a 200fps hardcap into it to minimize the chances to get sued when peoples hardware is blowing up.

so chances that this will be fixed with a real fix and not a bandaid until release are next to none.

Do you think they can fix this until release? I mean if I had to sell untested Medication to people, knowing there is a high chance of death would feel pretty bad.

Which is a valid work around.

Not everyone has this. I have it, but don’t use it, never saw a reason to.

Actually it does nothing for about any card. Not just high end ones. With the exception of scaling perhaps.

Completely agree. It is badly optimized as it is.

Honestly I don’t know. I would be surprised if they could get a better handle on it in a month.

i wouldnt count on it, maybe the problem really lies between the legacy mode running at the same time in the background, if so they may fix it with really seperating them and not being able to switch from one to another in realtime. But even then… hard to tell if they can, or want to, do this intime for the release.

the legacy mode itself works without this issue… btw
and while we are at it, i would like to be able to set 1080p res in legacy mode… wtf blizz

everyone can download and use it.

As JohnSmith stated elsewhere in this thread, this game is broken. I knew something was wrong with the game as soon as it started up last Friday and began heating up the CPU and GPU. I refunded immediately as I knew it wouldn’t be fixed any time soon, if ever.

I’m wondering just how many people on here don’t monitor their temps and have fried their systems?

Probably a lot. Fried would be pushing it. However, a system that already runs hot, has blocked cooling fins due to dust, or say a laptop might overheat and at best thermal throttle (which might be responsible for some people having sudden low FPS and stuttering btw) and at worst cause premature failure of components over time from running too hot.

Outright fry, I can’t agree on that happening without some of these other factors to consider adding to the problem. Most cards have tech built in to prevent heat related part failure, but it can only protect so much and for so long before permanent damage occurs. And this varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, card to card, etc. Some run looser and cheaper components, others have tighter tolerances and better builds. Look at the cards with the different power regulators that were causing issues when the cards get hot. Those with lower quality ones/less of them? Yep. They were having problems. Just an example.

I agree that it is unlikely that something fries with modern hardware, custom designs of GPUs and weird circumstances proofed us wrong lately with New World and EVGA GPUs. So even with all those mechanisms preventing to much draw, GPUs depending on the approved board design can still fail.

Also im disagreeing with lower or less parts on custom cards being a problem, most cards are basically still overengineered with lots of room to spare, the lower parts might be noisier but arent less functional in its usecase. or it is atleast coupled with the cards PCB design which had to go through nvidia/amd.

Or in other words it doesnt really matter if a part can get to 140°C or 120°C max. Neither temperatur should occur and the higher part often doesnt even have a higher lifespan. or in this case both parts exceed the lifespan of the GPU by alot by the way they are being used so it doesnt matter much either. Sub ambient OC is where this matters but for gaming not that much.

The problem starts when people are overclocking or using a XoC bios, imagine someone is using a XoC vbios with his card that could potentially remove all power limits, or has done a shunt mod. If someone like this is starting D2R without any FPS limitation or anything the card will imediately draw the power its PSU can draw from the socket. This might lead into constant 1000watts or more, and killing the gpu quickly before the person can even realize whats going on. This will end up either shutting down everything or just make poof and its gone.

Atleast they’ve added the 200fps hardcap trying to prevent something like this happening.

Another factor are GPUs that are old and still supported which may not have the hard power regulation of nowdays GPUs.

Well, doesn’t help cards that can’t reach 200FPS in the first place. They are still trying to bake to death reaching it. lol

Why should we offer a non official alternative to solve overheating the cpu/gpu? Are we developers or technicians? Are we paid by blizzard? This is not our role. ITS IS BLIZZARD WHO NEEDS TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE.
We are just here to provide feedback not solutions.
The game is bad optimized yes or yes and it’s been proven in good cpus and in toasters too.
So BLIZZARD PLZ MAKE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!! not just simply cap fps to 60. DAMN!

I have a i7 6700K and a 2080 Super, vsync on. I am running at 1440p @ 144hz, I have a gsync monitor. The fans would definitely kick in and there’s a lot of heat. Performance was good though.

I dropped it to 120hz, via the Nvidia control panel, the heat and fans still kicked in, but it took longer.

Setting it to 60hz did the trick. No fans, heat, noise or anything. Due to the way Diablo 2 works, I hardly noticed it running at 60hz. I played for hours with no crashes or issues (except a little rubberbanding). So, I guess that’s the trick, at least for me.

yea but thats disgusting, playing 60fps/hz on a PC is not acceptable anymore. Atleast not for me. Playing with tons of Motionblur while suffering from input lag … i mean its 2021 not 2007.

Consoles can do better than this nowdays without issues. With a PC u rightfully deserve more of a premium gameplay than that.

yea but most cards that cant hit those 200fps probably wont have a 250w+ power limit so its alright… Maybe old GTX480 in big trouble though xD

I agree and it needs to be addressed, but I’m not frying my stuff.

I have a GTX 1080 and i7-8700k, running the game at 1080p at a smooth 60fps. However, I notice that after about 20-30 minutes of playing the D2R beta, my GPU fans skyrocket to their limit. I am not quite sure what the trigger is. I always run MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner with an fps cap set at 60. Whenever this event happens, I am unable to turn the in-game display on. I tried the solution suggested in this thread (Those new to playing BETA and having GPU heat issues) and also set up an fps limit and vertical sync in the Nvidia control panel. However, the GPU “escape” still happens.

This issue happened to me during both the closed and open beta. It seems like something is triggering the game to ignore all settings for max framerate and is forcing the GPU into overdrive, including:

  1. In game setting.
  2. MSI Afterburner/RivaTuner setting.
  3. Nvidia control panel setting.

6800XT and my card’s temps are between 60-75 during gameplay. I never cap out or cap vram. Game has crashed once over both weekends.

140-160fps @ 2k 165hz

Interesting. I have not experienced these issues, after making the changes I had. The system seemed to stabilize after 5-10 minutes of game play and didn’t get worse, or at least that I could see when reviewing HW Monitor that I had running during the game. It would show the highest it got, but even when periodically checking, nothing. And the in-game FPS would show a steady 60FPS, even with all the graphic options set to maximum and scaling at 100%.

But as I said also, not everyone is going to have the same result, and many have noticed that higher end cards seem to have worse results. Mine is a 1660 basic. Capable, but certainly not roasting to death with the changes implemented. I was running at temps around 90C before that which that card never did before this game.

I had a conversation with a tech person on this issue. They told me that 70’s in Celsius is fine. Also its normal for the GPU to run at 100%. As for your CPU I have no idea.

well to run at 95-100% utilisation is quite normal (also called GPU bottleneck), but its not normal to draw 100% of the powerlimit in watts with no utilisation to back it up. Not normal at all. Please stop mixing things up and spreading misinfo.

@Blizzard im able to break your 200FPS cap by simply enabling Vsync with any Monitor thats above 200hz. This shouldnt be possible.


It really is quite bizarre. I’ll be playing without any problems, 60 fps and GPU temp 60 for a random amount of time. Then all of a sudden, something triggers. At that time, my ingame display from MSI/Riva turns off and my fans go haywire.