D2R GPU Temps are up there!

Sounds like when your MSI shuts down, its no longer controlling it?

Did you use MSI to set the FPS or the video driver utility provided by the video card chip manufacturer? (nvidia, amd)

Not only should it not be possible, I would also suspect that is why it isn’t having an effect on some systems either. Now, maybe gsync/freesync would override that potentially? Though personally it still shouldn’t. That’s why I haven’t been trusting the in-game vsync option.

Sorry, I wasn’t clear enough. My MSI and Riva aren’t turned off, they are both still running. However, it’s like D2R is not recognized as a game anymore or something. It’s gone rogue, it somehow is immune to the effects of those 2. I’ve never seen any other game do this before.

But those are not the card chip software, they are manufacturer software, correct?

I used the nvidia software panel to control mine, even though I have an MSI brand card, and haven’t had that issue. Just wondered if you have tried it that route instead?

Yes, I’ve tried your method as well in the Nvidia control panel.

Well, I don’t run the other two at all. The only software I will run in the background to monitor anything would be HW Monitor from CPUID. That logs the temps, and shows the highest that it gets to, along with all the other data.

Typically I run MSI to check things once in a while, but I don’t let them remain active, and they don’t load at boot. Normally the only things running in the background are maybe bnet, my Razer software (and sometimes I even close that down) and that’s about it.

Yeah, I always run those because I have custom fan curves and slight GPU OC. But like I said, there’s something about this game that is unique from any other game I’ve ever played. Even the technical alpha did not do this.

I have a suspicion the cause of what I’m experiencing is related to the underlying common theme in this thread of why many people are experiencing GPU temp/fan issues. What Zuvykree described in this thread is probably the reason:

“The game will try to run with the highest performance it can based off system power settings and game settings. I do recommend enabling Vsync under Graphic Options as a first step to limit FPS which will limit the workload.”

However, somehow this pushing the game to use more resources is bypassing limits set by the in game vsync, Nvidia control panel vsync, and MSI/Riva limits, which are thus not functioning appropriately.

I’ve uninstalled the Beta for now. Fingers crossed this issue is fixed by the final release! :crossed_fingers:

Ever since I’ve capped my FPS to 60 via Nvidia Control Panel > Program Settings > Game.exe (D2R) > Max Frame Rate = 60 FPS. While very slightly adjust my MSI Afterburner Fan Curve adjustments, V-Sync is OFF (I have a G-Sync monitor), in-game graphics to LOW settings, scaling is default, resolution 1920x1080 and for the Early Access and Open BETA gameplay, my temps have been STEADY at 47C. CPU temps 46C, Max Fan Speed 48. I went from 77C down to 47C on AVERAGE with a RTX 2060 and i5-9600k. I also keep my house temp at 66F which is also a factor keeping PC components cool.

When I play Battlefield 1, to which I have a specific Nvidia Global Setting for BF1, cfg file. and few in-game settings, my CPU/GPU temps reach 67C with a Fan Speed of 60 and this can go on for hours of gameplay and not even peek 70C. 67C is my every day life normal GPU/CPU temps across four game titles, BF1, AC: Valhalla, New World, and WoW.

I totally understand 70’s is “normal” and not considered cooking your GPU, however, when just playing a NEW game, weather it’s BETA (in most cases it is) and players CPU/GPU temps “sky rocket” to 70-80’sC via their comfortable temps within the mid 60C range, there IS a problem with the game, NOT the players PC set up. Like many players have said, SOFTWARE is NOT meant to affect HARDWARE like D2R or New World that was bricking EVGA 3090’s. It’s the software that’s making these temps “abnormal” to some, and if people can’t see a 10 or 13 degree difference from playing other highly resourceful intensive games other than ONE game where their temps are usually “normal”, then I don’t know what else to explain.

Is this a work around until Blizzard can get this resolved? You bet. Should “we” provide solutions to our own build to see if it stabilizes temps? Yes and Blizzard should be on the back peddle taking notes from our suggestions/experiences. Although, It works, many people have noticed a significant drop of CPU/GPU temps by making some minor adjustments to FPS, fan curves or even power management on their side. Blizzard don’t have a miracle pill right now to fix everyone’s problems. IF people apply themselves and take some very constructive suggestions from MANY people here who’ve seen their temps drop with improved game performance, should also consider making these adjustments as well. But, for some, they may not want to change their whole set up just for a BETA, which is totally understandable.

I greatly appreciate everyone’s suggestions and feedback within this forum. Let’s hope we have better experience on launch day.

its fixed now, i think. GPU doesnt pull 100% powerlimit anymore, and interacts with settings and load properly. (no vsync no limit other than the 200fps hardcap)

well still a little more than needed, but not 100% PL permanently.

Well, they should still add a customizable FPS cap option. Most of their games have this already built in and usable in the options menus, and it should be added to this game as well. Till then, I won’t be able to trust the game 100% to properly control the card.

I did play for an hour last night, didn’t have any issues. Didn’t run blister hot, but still ran warmer than any other game I play. lol But well within normal limits. I have yet to change any settings from how I set it up a week ago now.

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yes they should, but since i was more worried about the constant PL load than having issues with temperatures its fine for me.

Devs patched it now? Your post is confusing me. A personal fix or an official fix.

pretty sure they did something. to maintain the 200fps cap it required around 180w draw for my card (60% PL selftested).

However without doing any afterburner settings the game was drawing always my cards full available power limit and ingame settings or the fps hardcap to 200 didnt matter much. It could when overclocked with lowest possible settings still draw 384watts permanently (126% PL) for the same FPS.

But yesterday its draw was only 240watts (with 290w spikes) on its own on max settings and about 200watts at lowest settings while still maintaining the 200fps hardcap. SO i would guess they did something hidden.

Also the game overrides Afterburner settings after 10-15 minutes of play. Afterburner overlay just disappears and then the system runs significantly hotter. Obviously there’s something wrong with this game and MSI Afterburner.

This sounds promising! Will definitely test this out again once the Beta comes back (I think it’s coming back…right?).

Edit: never mind - I see now the Beta is over.

Well, not everyone has had the same experience, same hardware, etc.

If anything, the one definite is that not all players are getting the same results. Though most have seen both manual card settings and in-game settings affecting usage/temps by varying amounts.

HOPEFULLY, they will address this better before final release, but not holding my breath. As it was by the end of beta, it was still harder on a wide arrange of GPUs than most current game titles are as a comparison.

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This is exactly the issue I experienced as well. The weird thing is the game runs fine and smoothly until the point where the overlay disappears. Then the GPU goes berserk. Would love to know what the trigger is.

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“The weird thing is the game runs fine and smoothly until the point where the overlay disappears. Then the GPU goes berserk” - same here! The same situation

Have they said anything about this on Twitter ext?
Buying a new computer don’t want it getting ruined

Sounds to me like an incompatibility with that overlay. May want to use something else instead. I have an MSI card and don’t run afterburner during game play at all.

I will run HW Monitor sometimes to see peaks while playing a game, and use the in-game FPS to monitor frames. But that’s about it.

I don’t trust too many of those monitors. Especially if they have a high polling rate, as that can actually interfere with things too and cause stuttering or even latency.