D2R Copies Sold

What’s you think the sales numbers for D2R will be? For comparison, according to Wikipedia, Original D2 sold 4 million copies and D3 sold 20 million copies on the PC. Where will D2R fall?


D2:R will easily outsell the original D2/expansion total sales. I don’t know if it will come close to D3’s total sales, because D4 is on the way.

There are a loooooooot more gamers these days compared to when D2 first hit the shelves.


It’ll sell well, not only are the vets coming back but you would be surprised by how many people these days are fed up with low quality games of today, and want something from the golden age of gaming, and D2 shined above the rest even back then, THAT is how good D2 is.


Few million, I dunno.

I also think it’ll take quite some time to get there.

I don’t think this game will sell nearly as well as D3, or D4. I could be wrong, but most of my OG friends aren’t picking this one up, despite playing thousands of hours on original. They’re either sticking to PoE, or just doing life things now.

Guess we’ll see. I would be very surprised if it broke 10m. Very.


Yep. The days of gaming be a small group with access to high end toys, is gone. Almost EVERYONE games just like almost everyone watches movies and TV (or Netflix).

It is a very common entertainment medium. The consumer base is much much higher.

Also the numbers on D3 are off.

It sold 6M the first week
12M the first year
30M by 2015 without including the China market that launched that year. Diablo 3 lifetime sales top 30 million units - Polygon

No new data since so it is higher, but not sure by how much.

It did sell well. The first week or even first 6 months may be nostalgia for D2. After that though reviews were all out. People knew what they were buying and DID. It got a LOT better after RoS release so that is fair. Still not D2, but it is a decent enough game.

We are going to get some old players. Some D3 folks who are curious. Some new folks who are young and want to see what the fuss was about.


D2:R is a perfect strategy for Blizzard to prime the sales of Diablo 4. They know what they are doing. :slight_smile:


As are the number of games to consume. I’d be very shocked if this comes anywhere near D3’s sales.

I would be too - BUT I did not expect D3 to sell that well either. The 30M was over 3 years so there is also that.

We shall have to see what kind of engagement it gets.

YES it is. So is D:I actually.

They should have announced D2R or D4 at 2018 Blizzcon, but that is another story.

Both appeal to two diff audiences. D2R is for the deeper RPG item grind and char dev folks - but now has mobile! So that is nice. Game on the go.

D:I is almost an MMO… It looks beautiful art wise, of course. I can’t play it but it brings in a different audience to the Franchise.

D4 may have something for everyone… but I will be so upset if they screw it up and try to be everything to everyone while ending up being nothing at all. So far it looks good though. And having other Diablo games in the meantime certainly does fill a gap as they work on development.


Hopefully by the first quarter of 2022, we’ll be able to get our hands on a decent graphics card without having to pay through the nose for it.

Intel is supposedly releasing their Ark Alchemist card lineup in Q1 of 2022, and both their projected performance and their pricing lineup looks appealing.

Something has to happen. If team Blue can come through, they have the perfect market setup to make a huge leap into the discrete graphics card market.

While I do love my GTX 1080 Ti card, it is holding me back from using DirectStorage. :frowning:

D4…maybe…not so sure though, with the length of time it will have taken to get the game out. D2R though, was the right call not to announce then. They probably had nothing to show in the new engine, and would have been constantly harassed for how long it was taking to do a remaster. Look what happened with FF7 remake; reveal was what, 2015? Released in 2020, for part 1 ONLY in a multi-part game. IF D4 manages to release next year, by end of year, we’re looking at 3 years from reveal to launch.

However, for copies, I posted in another thread, I believe launch will be around 1-2 million. I believe that the current scandal will have some spillover into sales, as well as the game being less mod friendly, and not enough new features for people on the fence to spend the money.

part of the reason D2 & Lod sold Less copies are the lack of Technology, Owning a Computers 21+ years ago was not super common for a lot of ppl. Nowadays EVERYONE is Online… I’m guessing D2r will sell 20-40 million copies.


Yes. Agreed. I do think the fact that offline mode will be a reality though is going to offset some of the folks upset about loss of mods and such. A lot of people like offline play. Now if only they would make it onboard graphic and tablet friendly they would have a ton more sales!

Scandal eh… not sure. While some people buy based on corporate decisions, others support the workers who were subject to that. The folks who did a great job despite the crap they had to deal with. I get it though, if you want the corporation to change hitting them in the wallet is the only way to make that happen. Along with negative publicity.

I just…the Diablo team has been pretty hellaciously fantastic for the 8 years I have known them. I won’t say the Blizzard WORK culture on overwork/crunch/promotion is good. It was not and I commented on that long ago. But the Diablo team was not central to the worst of it from what I can tell, or experienced.

This is also true I think. Almost everyone owns a computer type device.

It won’t sell that many right away, but over time I think maybe, esp if they expand device compatibility.

Back then the cost of the game was also VERY high compared to income. It was like $50 for Diablo 2 and $30 for LoD. Something like that. Now we get both for $50. Price points for games have gone DOWN overall despite inflation. So people tend to get more of them. Why have one when you can have 5 diff games, or ten, or a steam library!

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Yeah it’s true 100%. Diablo wasn’t even on my radar after d3 and I had nothing but contempt for Immortal and how they handled PR for that.

This remaster got me right back in and now I might actually look at d4 instead of just ignoring it like I probably was going to.


Agreed, I hope it has a long and amazing life.


TOTAL PLAYERS who played in the Open Beta was between 1,145,666 and 5,240,453! This is a rough estimate, and not 100% exact! :slight_smile:


I have an answer that i find funny.

Some million-5 from refunds of the ploot advocates on these forums.

Tbh I’ve been playing D2lod waiting on D2r and Lemme tell you The quality of Life additions too the Game are Fan Freaking tastic, I hope they do more. seriously the simple things like the added stash space the auto gold pickup ect. more Modern gamers who like to speed run will appreciate these things. as well as the Level of difficulty the game has Prior to getting end game gear. this 1 game is in a League of it’s own to this day.

Yes agreed for sure, those who come from the time of Dial up know what we’re talking about =) Lol Modern Marvels Huh


Absolutely, man it’s not goiung to be long now until launch!


Yeah, I’m still supporting despite the scandal, but I’m not a big believer in boycotts unless it is something that has negatively impacted me (I have never bought another D3 Publisher/Namco product after the crap way they ended WKC 2 support). However, I’ve read plenty between facebook Diablo posting comments, Reddit, etc about people standing on morals about it. How true it is, is unknown, but it will be interesting if they release the numbers for Q3 report.

I didn’t get that statistic email… While I easily defeated Duriel, I didn’t play a ton. I must not have been worthy enough to get the email. Oh well.

I will say that I did not contribute to that death count though. :slight_smile:

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