D2R Copies Sold

I think a lot of people are in for a rude awakening in hell to be honest. I see lots of folks claiming the game isn’t hard or that it is too easy. Sure it is easy with good gear. It’s getting that gear that is hard, and before you have it unless you are playing one of the more op builds specifically its not going to be easy.

All the op gear floating around from dupes and bots will be significantly reduced. Folks might actually be going into hell with mid level uniques and rares for once, instead of being kitted out with a bunch of end game runewords.


Ancients Pledge is your friend! The game gives you the runes to make it as a reward for saving some Barbarians! Heheheh :slight_smile:

No kidding. I was running rhyme when I got to hell last ladder and I still had a deep red cold resistance. Every time a cold enchant monster appeared I pretty much got one shotted x.x

That’s when you belt bulk buy thawing potions and drink 'em all. :slight_smile:
6 potions will set you up with a cold resistance boost for 3 minutes.

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Very true, I’m actually debating On Going Bone Necro and Shopping a +8 white wand which on Single player took less then 30 mins, I could have these runes In Nm or a5 normal. Compared to a Sorc for Just the ability to Teleport I’ve realized the Sorc is SOOO Much harder because everything immune Or alot of it’s immune to cold/fire/light. I read a Post today that suggest Lvl 30 Pierce Now break Immunity’s. so Idk well have to see. Magic damage FTW Baal wave 2 sucks tho. Lol

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When I started playing I had at BEST 28.8 dial up. I played a necro so the army protected me while I lagged. Then a patch totally destroyed my necro and I was rather unhappy. Rebounded with a frozen orb sorc and zon.

Oh, and I moved to a place I had DSL on purpose so I could play D2.

Not sure what impact will be reported though. I guess we find out in November. But the report period for Q3 ends Sept 30th so that is not a lot of data related to D2R.

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It’ll give a good estimate of launch numbers at least. Will be awhile for more numbers for people that adopt the game later, especially after ladder. That is what I was meaning.

Right right. Agreed.

Selfishly, I don’t care about numbers. I just care they brought back my favorite game and I can even play it on my old 2013 laptop. (Or could in Beta). It is kind of all I ever wanted.

The other good thing they did - was make WoW more solo friendly, esp for farming old content for pets, transmogs, achievements, etc. There is a lot of comforting things to do there that don’t take a group.


Probably 7 million. If D3 was as good as D2, then it would be more like 20 million.

Bodach your comment does not make sense.

D3 sold over 30 million by 2015. D2 (which you say is better) did not sell anything near that.

Either I am reading wrong or your statement does not make sense.


I think sales will slow down after pre orders and first week players are in - - now blizzard could easily just stage ban waves every other month to boost sales lol

Yeah, I did a search today, and seen launch for console versions of Edge of Eternity was moved to Feb 2022, so outside of the couple of weeks I’ll spend with Endwalker, got nothing else on the menu besides D2R.

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It is difficult to tell. Personally, 250k copies for PC version would be possible at launch, projected to 1.2 million in a few years time.

All platforms total would be roughly 2 millions copies in 2024.

I think it will sell a few million at the start, then slow down until Blizzard explains what the ladder system will be and how people should be interested in the ladder system as well.

I’d say considerably more than this, Dungeon Keeper I sold over that amount from its launch in 1996 to hitting 1 million copies sold in 1999 when Dungeon Keeper II came out. My point is, only a fraction of people had online capabilities then, and what is more Dungeon Keeper was a new IP too.

The game’s global sales reached 700,000 copies by 2003. Molyneux considered it a “missed opportunity” in comparison to his earlier games such as Theme Park, which sold millions of units.
-Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design . New Riders Publishing. pp. 184, 185.

I just want to say, this thread is filled with well put assertions, data links, friendly discussion, etc.

Very very very pleasant and constructive. None of us have answers, but being able to have a great online discussion is so rare these days. <3

It makes me WANT to read the thread.


The issue with intel, it’s their gpu drivers. Needs a ton of improvements their igpu drivers needs several improvements. My bet their 2nd/3rd gen would be worth to buy or about a year after 1st gen the release.

About DirectStorage, unless microsoft gets a consensus about it, we never know what kind gpu would support it. Because they already changed the Direct Storage requirement about 3 times at least.

Right now they state:

DirectStorage requires 1 TB or greater NVMe SSD to store and run games that uses the Standard NVM Express Controller driver and a DirectX 12 Ultimate GPU.
DirectX 12 Ultimate is available with supported games and graphics chips.

Until get more updates on it, I wouldn’t lost hope about the support, microsoft often back off on their restrictions, so I wouldn’t be surprised if actually ends supporting it. Not sure nvidia part tho, only time will tell, but this gpu can handle several stuff even those days.

About the thread, I would say on first year:
10 million easily. About half being on PC and the other half being on other consoles combined.

Even with the controversies about blizzard, Diablo franchise has several lovers and influence around the genre. Not sure about active playerbase tho, because some folks would buy multiple times to play the cross-progression. I’m thinking about switch and PC, but I don’t know if the 4 players limit would be a downer for me. So I’ll wait some reviews about performance and stuff like that.

But I’m almost certain that I would own switch and pc version of it, unless the performance ends up being really bad on switch.

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I would love to see DII R sell more than DIII overall life cycle along with the addition of ROS and other editions like the Ultimate Evil Edition. Is it possible DII R could yes, It’s going to have lots of hurdles to cross for it to achieve such goal.

In the rare chance that it does, perhaps Blizzard along with VV, could make Diablo IV more akin to older game design philosophies?

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