Gratitude Email

First half of Email, was Your Achievements, second half was Community Achievements.

So hopefully we can keep track of personal stuff easily.

Also, would be cool to see like Community HR count after 1 month or maybe even Global First Tyraels Might or something.

it would just be dumb to have this ability and NOT give it to players post-launch in D2:R. Along with a holy grail system of course!

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Are we all supposed to get those emails or is it just a small test of test subjects?

If I remember correctly, D3 had a bunch of metric sharing during the first year, with that massive one you linked too.

If it helps people find their email, I use gmail and mine appeared in the promotions tab.

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Got mine at 8:01P.M. EST(about 25 minutes ago)! Was gonna make a new thread, but was uploading the images and came back to forums to see this post! So, I’ll just post here! :slight_smile:


I would estimate that there are probably 500-600k emails that they are sending. Might take some time for them all to filter through. Looks like mine from about 20 minutes ago.

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i want… nay, i DEMAND a holy grail system… OR more stash space!! i shouldn’t have to literally write down every single item i find and then have to toss it due to space restrictions to keep track. Esp since there will be no mod support so no more plugy.

7 MILLION community player deaths? christ… so many newbs playing the beta… :stuck_out_tongue:


Where does it get sent to? Our email addresses? Or is it a bnet notification or what?

Whoa! Really 7 million? I am impressed with the number of peeps who tried it! I hope they come back for launch.

I imagine this would include PvP too, there were some tournaments with prizes during beta, etc :stuck_out_tongue:


This would also be counting PKs/PvP. So a bit of an inflation I’d imagine of actual players dying to the game itself.

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Yeah it’d be nice.

I really hope they add an official way to track grail completion.


There was? Oh that’s great, I can’t believe I missed that.

how do you know how many people tried it?

Same wavelength ya cane wielding bum!

sure but the majority of players didnt PVP. that probably only counted for thousands or tens of thousands tops. 7 million… i didnt die once.

how about you guys? you guys die at all? how many times do you think?


I think the biggest one was like 40$ steam card or something, with some being 50fg or something…nothing to write home about…most of them were organized between friends on jsp, and struggled to get enough players…wasn’t bad though.

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No I never died on the beta.