Current Diablo playerbase

You see how he passively insults anyone who disagrees with his point of view
You have absolutely no idea who the current d2 player base is do you :smiley:


I seriously wish I could +1 TOPCommander’s posts more than once.


Why he’s toxic

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Please Personal Loot because I play on a touchpad and I’m pretty slow to pick up the items that falls on the ground.


Careful any moment someone will turn up and tell you you live in “your moms basement” and demand you immediately retract that statement pending further flaming and nonsensical argument ad infinitum :smiley:


Hahaha laughing hard :rofl:

1000% YES to all of this.


I fundamentally agree.

The core mechanics of D2 should stay untouched.


“I don’t want a dedicated space for charms! If people with complete builds are still going to be picking up items, how else will I leech by vacuuming all the loot with an automated, third party program?”

“Please, don’t implement personal loot, because I like the feeling of “competing” for loot with my allies… especially people in full BiS, inventory full of lifers, skillers, anni, torch, maybe even gheed… and have no space to pick it up anyways. I wanna feel like a real winner in a situation, in which no one is competing with me!”

There are certainly players, that I would refer to as whiny, entitled and bad at games.
However, so far I haven’t seen anything typical and ridiculous along the lines of “nerf hell difficulty”

I haven’t seen such requests yet. That would change the core of the game, so it would not be reasonable.

That’s… quite frankly stupid. The stamina bar is not an issue, because it exists as an RPG element. The problem with it is, that past a certain level it’s no longer relevant, and yet it takes a big part of the interface.

The interface should be modernized, the long stamina bar can become a small stamina ring. Surely that wont remove the RPG element for you…


One of the best parts of multiplayer RPGs is playing with other people, which this game actively discourages. It encourages evil in people, greed and anonymous actions without consequences. If you want that as a game type I can get that but I always thought that one of the missed opportunities is having players kill stuff together willingly and without feeling like being robbed, if only the way drops worked was more fair. It would be amazing if people synergized their skills together, like a D and D group instead of a solo game in individual bubbles. I think it would be such an amazing experience and it wouldn’t take THAT much for it to happen, presumably. Unless dealing with the old code is difficult.

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Or you are a ranged character and not near the enemy you killed but someone else is. Oh guess, what?

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I played as a ranged too, It worked fine. I didn’t even complain If someone picked up the item before me. Because I know I have plenty of chances next time something drops. Don’t be such a baby.

It was not always other players who picked up the object that fell to the ground, then I could pick it up without any problems.

I have also experienced that a person picks up an item, but that he asks other players if anyone needs it. Because he did not need it.


Can you please show the numbers of players on this forum that prefer PL and FFA?


Don’t be such a meanie. I don’t like it, I don’t think it is fair. In fact, I HATE IT. There I said it! I would rather play alone or with friends only than allow weasel-rats ruining my experience. I honestly have had terrible experiences LOL.

I play ranged. Never had a problem picking up loot sans mods in D2LOD. Did I get everything I WANTED … no, but I had a blast and got my fair share of great items.

Getting items is part of the fun!


This is the basic truth about looting. It’s seriously as simple as this. This is D2.

That being said, what do you think about this idea: characters have expanded range for loot pick up only from boss kills, so a ranged could loot something from a distance. Everyone could loot whatever the boss drops from a distance. There may be some issues in there I’m not seeing atm, but that would be a hell of a lot better than changing the fundamental experience like plooting. Plooting affects the social spirit of the community for those who don’t use it. All of a sudden, the players don’t even have this basic experience in common. That’d be a bad blow to the community spirit.


This has possibly been the best response I have seen to saying no to PL. Even if they split it down the middle there would be no reason to play shared loot for these facts alone.

The only way I could see them adding PL would be splitting everything that drops among the number of players in that game. Say if 8 items were to drop, each player if there were 8 would get 1 item. This being the case no one would play with PL because you have an even smaller chance to get certain items. If this wasn’t the case and 8 items dropped to each player then again high runes would be worthless.

And then we would get to Torches and Annihilus charms. Would only 1 drop or is every player there going to get 1? The ladder would be busted. PVP would be pointless because everyone would have the same top build. There would be next to 0 trading and actually grinding the game would be pointless. Most people make a build to kill the Diablo Clone or the Uber bosses solo so its guaranteed their drop. With PL those builds would be almost pointless. The hardest thing to do in the game is killing the Uber bosses and now its free.

Are keys gonna drop to everyone? Like PL would destroy such a big aspect of the game. You turn a grinding game into a game you barely have to play. You get to act 5 in Hell and you look for a game doing Ubers or find a Diablo walk game and you have some of the most sought after items in the game for free.


Or the community spirit is dramatically enhanced for the better because people love to play with other people and they have a great time without the typical or potential misgivings and disincentives to play together. To me, it would be the greatest possible enhancement to the game and would motivate people to actually play with each other. “That’s not D2 then, I prefer the dog-eat-dog world of stealing everything from everyone” well then make it an option.

Keep drops the same, randomly split between group members, have a timer so that they are Free-For-All after the timer ends. 1/8 is still WAY better than always 0 because you are a summoner or at a distance. Especially if killing rates are increased significantly because you are actually playing with other players. I know it is a novel concept.

myself and ALOT of people played D2 for 20 years because i like everything to do with diablo and D2 is a great game, but you cant speak for anyone else for what kind of player they are.

Im a long time diablo fan and would pay blizzard extra money for a personal loot system. you are not more of a real D2 player or fan then me or anyone else on here who obv has bought the game. thats just toxic behavior to act like.