@PezRadar, CCP for their game EVE Online, employs a forum similar to this. On their forums, If you do not have an ingame character, you are unable to post on the forums. They have the forums connected to the game, via API’s etc.
While I have an account with EVE, If i decide to biomass all my characters, I will not be able to log in or speak on the forums until I have another character ready to do so.
I imagine it would be harder to vet D3 on consoles in that fashion, but considering we had to attach our battle.net stuff to D3, shouldn’t that verify that we have a copy of the game? For those who decide to sell their copy on the current console, you could ask for verification from the game or some way to verify that our emails and battletags are still attached with the game.
as Homer mentioned, this shouldn’t be an issue with D4, but with the lack of Community managers interacting with us, and I think on the old forums Miss Cheetah even came in our section once, its rather sad and makes us feel inferior or not as important since we were an afterthought for D3.
We never should have been locked out of the specific “demon hunter” or"barbarian" topics especially on ps4/x1 since we are right along with PC in terms of items and use etc.
So, my biggest concern was if they were even listening. Next is: are they going to do anything?
With D4 coming, I honestly am not sold on their promises, based on current envolvement with the console community.
Next season is supposed to be a focus on balancing and QoL. QoL just on the forums could drastically improve, but I know the QoL they are referring to is in game. So, I raise the long standing issue of nephalem glory mechanics for console players. Are we going to see yet another sesson go by where console QoL isn’t even considered?
QoL issues on console:
Nephalem glory mechanics
Upgrading gems at Shen.
fixing graphics issues introduced via season 21. Memory issues.
Those three issues rank highest on things I would like addressed. I’m sure there are many other things that others will list off.
I like how this whole thread is just PC users complaining lmao way to use a forum intelligently boys!
Meanwhile, I’ve paid for this game in full twice now, and the console glitches make it borderline unplayable.
Paragon 360 and still can’t teach any plans or designs to any f#&$ng artisan? No problem. No access to the best items and upgrades? Cool. Welcome to the console gang.
I’d have to disagree with that statement. I started this thread, and I am a console player only. There were some apparent pc players who came in and commented, but it is far from “whole thread”.
Yeah same here console only bro, your spewing nonsense without facts, which unfortunately makes it harder to believe your uh ‘artisan’ issues. Mabye you tried save editing and messed up who knows but you just sound like someone that’s done something wrong and won’t own up to it, even mabye shutting down the console while it was saving I don’t know.
From what I read both areas have issues with lag, or being unplayable however I noticed as the season has gone on and the short timers left it’s much less lag for me unless the hosts internet is doo doo.
Only bug issues I’ve had are the same one pc players have with some bounties bugging out, we are here talking about GAMEPLAY MECHANIC DIFFERENCES, not to here your self centered whine fest. Grab some cheese for that whine bro.
remember, part of that lag issue is due to the Stash being tied to the memory, so the more items you have in stash, the more issues with lag pop up, thats why they ended up not giving us the extra stash space like they initially were… now on console thats easier to manage with us, by making mules, but on PC, i think thats harder for them to manage… Plus each character on console can hold 60 items… PC cannot.
@EddieLMT I would agree that stash space used does cause lag/frame rate drop; However, it normally only occurs when you have 4 players with over 300 + items each in their stashes.
This season doesn’t matter. We ran 4 man with all of us with less than 100 items each, and had to force quit the game at the xbox home screen because the season theme decided to summon in 4 sets of twisters. We couldnt do anything for 20-30 seconds, mobs werent moving, affixes were essentially paused, no skills would activate. This happened to all 4 players including the host. We have attempted having different people host, but the problem still happens when too many season theme twisters spawn in.
Arguing over typos and bad spelling is a poor choice. It is the tool of people who lack any valid argument. We should avoid such tactics if we want to be taken seriously. So, Can we please focus our energy on the actual issue instead of each other?
One other annoying thing about console…characters with wings…on PC all the wings look fine to pretty darned awesome…the sae wings on console look like crap and visually get in the way of playing.
I like some of them but the falcon wings and the six wing ones are god awful. Look great with the animation and detail in the pause menu but in game they’re barf.
I’m a fan of all the butterfly ones expecially the black ones. Simple and goth but butterfly
If you’re referring to Lord Culsu’s Wings, they were PTR only and doesn’t exist in actual game. Wings of Lempo are a baby-Cosmic Wing version, it’s kinda meh.