Cheaters on the Leaderboards

We have already had 2 of those when I encountered this player, nothing. I get the game is in a very un-effort stage, but cheaters needs to get dealt with. This is just disappointing


I know, I was being sarcastic. It’s a trademark comment from the shills.

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And then i said it smells of innocence. Please don’t miss quote me. I hope you enjoy the seasons ahead anyway. I will try to be more careful what i say but due to ME i say the wrong things in the wrong way at times. It winds me up personally but hey ho, no regrets.

Without breaking forum rules, what name shall I lookup? Maybe code or synonym? Curious to check this person out. A lot of the known cheaters changed their names and have gone unchecked for years. Sad to see someones account at 10k in a season, what a slap in Blizzards face!

I picked up the sarcasm :+1:
That strategy clearly hasn’t worked.

Its all good brutha.
As long as there is respect, say what you want.

I think the majority of legit D3 players are fed up, so nothing is going to surprise us lol.
The cheaters trying to justify doing what they do is something I will not stand for.


That’s gonna be a tricky one. Ehm… He uses He-man as a picture on stream. Has 10k paragon points.
That is all about what I can give

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Meh, we have people here who stalk others. If we’re going to flag someone for simply naming a streamer, we only reinforce why aliens won’t talk to us.


Some streamer bots 10k paragon and most likely won’t get banned. Someone posts the name of the streamer and most likely will get banned. Guess some rules are more important than others.


Blizzard’s rules do not apply the same to everyone.

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For console, Blizzard will continue to treat us with rear end treats no doubt. As far as I’m aware, no cheater on PS4 has EVER been punished. NONE.

I think the cheaters now outnumber us legit players…

I think I found his twich account - checked a few videos out, none of them have 10k paragon though?

10000% Banning user for name said cheater on forums is a cop out.


Blizzard’s forum rules are notorious on other forums for being extremely “sub-standard”. They’re written so vaguely and ambiguous so that they can cherry-pick what to infract. They can loosely allow shills to harass people but someone else even very minorly does something that you’d have to really be reaching to construe it as wrong will get banned. We’ve talked about this in our discord to where it’s a meme.

There are a couple of games I play that are like that. One of them, it’s actually rare to find a legit player. I play legit and people make cracks at us for not “conforming”, to which we just shrug off. I don’t get why so many out there need so much social validation from random people on the internet like that.

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Been there, done that. I was perma banned until the year 3000 on this account…when I bought D4, and this was pre d4 forums launch, I queried customer service, stating that I couldn’t post any bug reports etc…so they unbanned me.

I said the EXACT same things about the forum moderation. I had a user actually calling me names, reported it, and my report mysteriously disappears a few days later. I reported it a 2nd time, same thing. Queried it with customer service and was ignored. It seems that the biggest supporters of the game and Blizzard could do whatever they want, and if you had a history of criticising Blizzard, or the game, they went after you for the smallest infractions, or even for BS.

Your comment is the first time I have ever seen another user echo my sentiments.

The good thing is, the vast majority of these trolls have left the forums over the past couple of seasons, and the remaining users are nice. I don’t always agree with what they say, but they are nice.

Cheaters are pathetic. Name and shame them imho.

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I’ve seen others say the same, even more so on other Blizzard forums. I could tell you funny stories. :joy:

Such a cute dolphin.

Circa 1963, believe it or not

Echo the dolphin is i mean. I will be sure to look up what you mean lol.

I was talking about Flipper but Ecco is cool too. CD version has an amazing soundtrack.

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What a film that is!

I will check it out, ty for the pointer.

Yup, the forums are more strict then their games, which makes absolutely no sense considering freedom of speech is an amendment right lol.

Yikes, I only played a little D3 on PS4, not a fan of the inventory part. Sad to see the games lost to cheaters.

Yup, been that way for years and years.
This is why I formed an epic clan.
The best of the best, and all legit.

I agree, the respect levels are better balanced. I think the cheaters and their troll alt accounts have moved on to a different game, or are staying quiet. There was literally an anti metalhead clan discord that existed only to troll my posts, but most of them either grew up, gave up, or were banned enough times to get fed up. Karma…


Or it is the same talking points over and over again, and everything that could have been said has been said a 1000 times by now for a 12y old game. And anyone who goes in against your exaggerations is called a troll so you have a low bar anyway.

Many things have been said 1000 times in regards to this game. This subject is not exclusive. You said the same thing on your main account too.