Cheaters on the Leaderboards

from what I have read others say, yes. You can report a player, whether or not they are a friend. You cannot do this on Sony. You have to friend them first. Even if you do report them, Sony doesn’t do anything. I got a warning for calling another player a cheat…when they were clearly cheating. Said cheat got ZERO punishment. It about sums Sony up.

I don’t feel like levelling up my DH characters, SC/HC etc, otherwise I’d tell Sony where to shove it.

Agreed. For legit players, it’s a massive source of frustration.

Yes. Again, wholly agreed.

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On PC the only way to report is , they removed in-game report button long time ago, and there is no easy way of telling if they are doing anything with it at all, because very rarely anyone gets banned from the looks of things…
Im too lazy to check my “sent” mailbox vs leaderboards who got rekt and who didnt.

Blizz ofc explains they need to gather data, investigate and wait for banwave time so cheaters dont adapt and warn eachother… pretty stupid if you ask me, because all it would take is one GameMaster to parse the reports and actually do something, say once a week banwave… (instead of once per year, like im guessing)

Btw i just noticed ONE person i reported got deleted, and is cheating again on new account. Some of the cheaters got bored and started joining public games in season, again :wink:
But what about the rest of them?? Why nobody bans 24/7 online cheaters?
To me even 12-15h per day seems undoable, because everyone i know who plays a lot manually, actually sucks at the game, 'cause they are quite literally 60-70 year old often, so they just have the time to play entire day… its fairly easy to say whos cheating, and who isnt.

Why the double standards, guy who got enraged and told me hes just a nolife streamer got rekt, but not the obvious cheaters?

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My take is that Blizzard has removed the staffing from D3 to the point where there is no staffing to deal with cheating.

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Yeaa, i meant, make one guy work on D3 one day a week, that would suffice, at least i would think so…

No idea why wouldn’t they…
or why reporting doesn’t really help,
or how am i supposed to write something that actually helps them to get rid of cheaters.
Sending them youtube links doesn’t help, neither do math/stats, they don’t seem to look at player profile… Even bounty bot i noticed in public game, 3 people witnessed, didnt get banned, but pretty sure they dont know how to report…
Also not banned the ones who straight up admit to cheating on the chat, sent the screenshots… nothing…

Some dudes i reported have literally 30 thousands rifts done in season, or some dudes had 4k hours online in a season, still not banned, and it was last year reports, so like i said, i see ONE person got banned, out of 100s, but im not really willing to check everyone out of 100’s of reports. Not that it takes long to copy from mail to google…
Bots still are playing public games when they got bored of botting.
And its the ones which i reported, ((so i know bliz doesnt do anything about a lot of reports)), some new ones too.

At least no more bounty bots, now bots can solo run Visions… thanks blizzard for the permanent addition to the game lol. Now its harder to spot them.

How **************** did they chose to ban that one guy, who said hes just nolife streamer, wasnt really sure if he was botting 16 hours per day, but didnt ban other obvious cheaters?
Whats the reasoning in it? Whats the system?

Honestly i feel like talking about it on forums only encourages cheating

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This is an old reply of mine about making a report to Blizzard’s hacks email.

I am going to quote myself about them banning players reported to their hacks email address. 27 of 28 were banned at the end of the season ban wave. The 28th was banned the next sesson.

If one sees all the tell-tale signs it is easy to identify highly, highly likely cheaters. In this case, I had 100% accuracy with n=28 as proven by Blizzard.

Of course, to compile that information AND multiple lines of evidence is annoying to do on.a case by case basis but fortunately, it did not take that long once you figure out how to spot alts of serial cheaters who were banned multiple times.

I now know the alts of many cheaters.

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Uh, that’s not how it works at Blizzard. They’ve got a separate team that deal with hacks, cheats, exploit usage across all Blizzard games. Ban waves comes from that team’s work and not the D3 development team. Never has. Having said that, I imagine D3 will be a much lower priority now than before: if you’re banning a handful of people - the numbers are very low now - is it worth it? Probably not.

So now we have to decide: do we all keep playing fair in view of this possibility that no-one’s getting banned any more? Or do we all start botting and maphacking because there’s no accountability?

I won’t but I come from a background and culture where cheating is not acceptable. On top of that the popular cheating methods follow a subscription model now which I find hilarious: I’m not paying money to do better at a game by cheating. That is pathetic.

Others on here may formulate a different opinion.

Haha, I keep meaning to add up the hours of the guy who does 150s on all classes and sets every season. He’s running his main account but is also running an alt for his SSF clears (evidence on his YouTube account). I’m sure if I added up the hours on both accounts it’d run to more time than the season’s been running. Superhuman effort that. :laughing:

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Huh, okay, i assumed they do investigate reported players, not solely relying on us to do their ***** job… guess its too much to ask … the corpo rats.
Now im mad… oh man.
28 banned back then wasnt even 1% of them though.

My “one” guy probably got banned not because of me then, knowing my lack of writing skills.

seems like they never cared about this game, ever.
Why am i
i cant… xD

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If you are talking about the same person I think you are, they usually average around 16-18 hours a season on their main account. Would wager this season is the same. Add in the SSFM and they are probably running 30-35 hours a day. A true D3 warrior :wink:.

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If you’re still playing that hard-out at D3, it’s definitely an addiction. I know it is with me. But addicted and cheating is just… sad.

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I am more and more convinced that Blizzard doesn’t care about cheating. On ANY platform. Their “banwaves” have been token efforts. Ban the cheaters multiple times per week, to the point where they get sick and tired of paying more $$$$ for new game licences. Furthermore, have a system in place if someone is frequently buying licences, it’s an obvious stat that they are cheating.

It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

it’s even easier on consoles, especially switch and PS4. Yet, neither Sony or Blizzard have EVER, to my knowledge, banned a player for cheating on the PS4 platform.

They will employ X amount of staff for all of their games. When D3 reached end of life support, they would have either let a % of cheat staff go, or re-deployed them elsewhere.

The numbers are MUCH higher than a handful of people/players.

That is a very good question. I guess it comes down to whether or not you value fair competition.

LOL, yep.

It’s a shame that naming the cheater gets you a temp ban, but the cheater gets no punishment.


Agreed. Email reporting shouldn’t be our only option especially since we the massive cheater spike covid brought to all gaming. Its a fake front to shut the community up.

And if they get banned, they just buy a used D3 account for $7 and bot again, then snag a frontpage spot on the boards. For a game this old, 12 average playtime for 5 months is 100% cheating.

Now thats amazing!!! I guess its a platform thing?

I vote a 0 tolerance rule.
Once caught cheating, no chance at buying another license. And yes to more frequent enforcement. Easily the best way to keep the cheaters at bay vs. whats been going on for years, cheaters running wild.


Yes. Microsoft seems to have a tougher stance on cheating than any of the other platforms. I now wish I’d bought an XBOX at the beginning of 2016 and not the PS4 (to be fair, I bought it cos I wanted Until Dawn, which is a PS4 exclusive).

Has my vote.

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Cheaters really do suck, smell my finger!

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nope (can’t tell where that finger has been!).

It smells of innocence honestly xD i did just play hide the sausage with no cheats.

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I only smell tacos. Sometimes even taste them.

Yes… well… each to their own, no judging. Just a shame i don’t have much of a choice of helms in D4 for my sorc. The game cheated me! Ha. I’d rather smell tacos too to be honest.

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Lol. This discussion gets so heated at times, the humorous diversion is nice.

We will see what s32 brings to the table.
Hopefully no exploits!


Blizzard does nothing. One guy streaming is 10k paragon points this season. Streamed last season cheating as well. Linked them both videos and stream to blizzard. Nothing.


“We do bans in waves, they’ll get it next wave”. TM