I found heman guy, i think hes using an auto loot cheat, along with maphack overlay.
Good eye! And you kept to the forum rules too, no naming of names.
Hopefully he gets the hammer soon.
The conversation will continue until the cheaters and their alt accounts are all permanently banned. Just the way it goes.
I saw blatant cheating on this weeks video man.
Sure it nay not be botting, but he is definitely using cheats to stream, talk about risky.
What amazes me even more is we see some cheaters end up in the launcher, fooling the D3 community that the player is skilled. “Blue hoodie guy”. Its like they are whitelisted and promote the wrong crowd.
Exactly, although we have had trolls try and argue in the past how this is possible. I would agree with you that no “human” would put that amount of time into a season in such a grindy slow xp game.
Many of us legit players stopped playing D3 seriously because the cheaters aren’t dealt with. Nothing is more frustrating then finishing a season of blasting at rank 6, only to have cheaters above you. And they are all banned now BUT the boards still don’t reflect who is actually the best. Very unfulfilling.
If acti/blizz/soft wants to keep players playing, they need to give legit players something to strive towards, like leaderboards. The infrastructure is in place, just not the execution regarding fair competitive gameplay.
I wish they would just lock and delete this thread. Same 10 crybabies for a year moaning about what people do in a single player game that has been on life support since 2016… I doubt even 2% of the player base has ever even looked at the leaderboards for this game. Nobody cares who is on it.
Cheaters and leaderboards cannot coexist.
Allowing cheaters to cheat without proper enforcement goes against morals and the games rules.
Having an on going discussion about the biggest issue in the franchises history isnt crying, we are fed up!
Something needs to change because the current system in place isn’t working.
The salt on the wound lol.
It is pathetic to see these pricks allowed to take advantage like that.
Their clears are still on the S31 boards for anyone to see.
Cheaters already at 4300+ paragon points this season. Why are we having a 1400+ comment post and no help at all from Blizzard ?
What is the point of having a report system when it’s broken and not looked at
That is not accurate from my experience from several seasons ago. I reported 20+ players for potential cheating in an email to the hacks team with multiple lines of evidence. All but 1 was banned in the subsequent ban wave.
The one that was initially “missed” was banned in the following ban wave. Since ALL were eventually banned, my suspicions were confirmed with 100% accuracy as determined by Blizzard themselves.
They have done absolutely nothing with my reports. For 3 seasons I have reported several people streaming while cheating with 3 party programs, running bots as well. With timestamps on videos. They keep cheating, Blizzard has gotten several emails from me with links / evidence. Nothing.
There are people who falsely claimed they reported a bunch of people and they were all banned. After a deep dive, it confirmed they were in fact, false claims. One of them was someone who reported everybody and IF… someone got banned, they claimed they were the reason.
If one person reports some cheaters with irrefutable proof and nothing happens yet some guy claims he just goes up and down the leaderboard clicking the report button and everyone magically gets banned, you technically don’t even need to dive, but it’s funny when you do.
yup, he got over 10k last season. You can clearly see him using 3 party program to autosalvage / purchase from Kadala. This alone should result in a ban, but with that paragon level / amount of keys, he also runs a bot program when not streaming.
To my knowledge, I am the only person on this forum who has claimed to have reported 20+ people. Are you referring to me? If so, you are wrong.
For your convenience, I will repost what I wrote more than a year ago. Anyone at that time within a few minutes could have figured out the batteltags. Whoever did this supposed deep dive was lying to you.
Even now, one can go to maxroll to see the relevant leaderboard and compare that to the in game leaderboard to confirm every single player was in fact banned.
Diablo 3 isn’t a competitive game. It never was, and will never be competitive. Who cares about cheaters anyways. Just focus on beating your own times.