If I have to play 300+ hours to keep up with someone who is playing for 10 hours, how does that help me?
Forcing players into 1 end game activity is terrible. The vast majority of humans need some variety in their games. Bots do not care about variety. How does a cap help legit players when it encourages them to play less?
For you, reducing cheats at any cost is the goal. For me and many others, reducing cheats without punishing the players is the goal. I know you are fine with the cap and so are others, but for a large portion of us, it is a punishment.
Well, if there were botters on SSFM, they either played legit or kept their cheating hours way, way down. I am only seeing in the top 5 players with 300-500 hours, so 3-5 hours a day which is reasonable. Checking the regular mode, top account in 6/7 of classes has 1800 hours or 16 hours a day which I find unreasonable.
Again, the top clears for regular mode and SSFM combined were by an account with 1800 hours played for 6/7 of the classes.
Thank you! Yes, I played S29. Yes, I found running non-stop Visions to be boring as hell. Yes, I quit around 700 paragon when I saw my future was grinding Visions for 3 months straight.
Again, how does mitigating cheating at the expense of the game becoming tedious help the legit community?
For the handful of people who enjoy running the same 1 end game activity over and over and over and over again, they still lose to cheaters, but not by as much. For most of the legit community, paragon caps hurt their experience by making other end game activities useless.
Try not to project your feelings onto everyone. Not everyone has the same likes and goals as you do. For most people, games should provide more variety to do, not less.