Cheaters on the Leaderboards

Haha, what point!?

What “guy”? Not on SSF leaderboard. You mean on different leaderboard?

Ok, so you point is “player with big advantage have big advantage”? Everybody know this already. This is pretty dumb point.

Real, actual point of this is: Gons cap + SSF removes may be 90% of cheater advantage.

I don’t know why this is still argument. Just make game mode that has this option each season. I know you argue for remake of challenge rift, but this is big extra work. Option with SSF + Cap is 0 extra work, because they already create this for S29!

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What big advantage? He had 800 paragon, you had 800 paragon, and he played for 10 legit hours and smoked you.

Your stalker? Sorry dude, I didn’t wait for you to respond to this thread, maybe you should reread it :slightly_smiling_face:

Last season i was for it to be optional, but there are counter arguments to it, like it fragments the small playerbase even more and that it adds even more leaderboards.

Sure cheaters exist however there are far more legit players on the front pages compared to non capped recent seasons. Its all right there for anyone to see indicating that para caps help the legit community. Reducing cheats is the goal or straight up removal.

Yes, there were notorious botters on SSFM and reg.

Finally someone with actual experience commenting! Para caps help the legit community, that is an indisputable fact. Perspectives in opposition are probably casuals that dont get it.

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Just because it goes your way.

Help but doesn’t solve the problem.

And as I said before, and I’m not the only one, paragons cap has reduced the number of active players. Do you want numbers? I don’t have any. You just had to log in to the game to see the difference compared to other seasons. And I’m not even talking about season 30.


Cheaters have a gear advantage

No cap…
Cheaters have paragon and gear advantage

It’s absolutely true that the cap ensures the cheaters have less of an advantage, but they absolutely still have an advantage over legitimate players. The problem is that to get to this result, you have to punish those legitimate players that could do better but are prevented from doing so by the cap.


I was thinking of making tables concerning the disadvantages/advantages, legit players versus botters, but you summarized the situation very well.

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If I have to play 300+ hours to keep up with someone who is playing for 10 hours, how does that help me?

Forcing players into 1 end game activity is terrible. The vast majority of humans need some variety in their games. Bots do not care about variety. How does a cap help legit players when it encourages them to play less?

For you, reducing cheats at any cost is the goal. For me and many others, reducing cheats without punishing the players is the goal. I know you are fine with the cap and so are others, but for a large portion of us, it is a punishment.

Well, if there were botters on SSFM, they either played legit or kept their cheating hours way, way down. I am only seeing in the top 5 players with 300-500 hours, so 3-5 hours a day which is reasonable. Checking the regular mode, top account in 6/7 of classes has 1800 hours or 16 hours a day which I find unreasonable.

Again, the top clears for regular mode and SSFM combined were by an account with 1800 hours played for 6/7 of the classes.

Thank you! Yes, I played S29. Yes, I found running non-stop Visions to be boring as hell. Yes, I quit around 700 paragon when I saw my future was grinding Visions for 3 months straight.

Again, how does mitigating cheating at the expense of the game becoming tedious help the legit community?

For the handful of people who enjoy running the same 1 end game activity over and over and over and over again, they still lose to cheaters, but not by as much. For most of the legit community, paragon caps hurt their experience by making other end game activities useless.

Try not to project your feelings onto everyone. Not everyone has the same likes and goals as you do. For most people, games should provide more variety to do, not less.


Also thirdly, botters wake up with 2000 keys to fish Oreks dream shrouded moor while you wake up with nothing special lol

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Seems there was a banwave. At least in EU.


“Don’t give me hope.” (/MCU reference)

Now, if that’s true, that’s excellent timing to do it, a day before the season ends.


100% disagree.
Everyone wants cheaters banned, everyone.
The “how” can differ in a public discussion.
If you dont agree, leave, if you do, join the convo, no pressure.

Seems like a logical choice to have a cap then. Less of an advantage and a fairer season for those that put in the effort.

Not if the cap is within reason. Take the average non botter paragon and set it there.
The radical pros will hit the cap quickly then focus on gear and rolls while the casuals quit at 700 para then complain in the forums about caps and fairness.

Welcome to D3 seasons, all have been a grind my friend in one way or another.

The only solution here is more frequent bans which D3 has needed for over a decade now.

Wish we had more of these throughout the season to keep people interested in playing.

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Then you are delusional. I guarantee my likes and goals are different from yours, and the next person’s will be different than either of ours. Just the way free thought works.

I would assume cheaters would disagree with this.

And that is what we are talking about. We both want cheating eliminated or heavily curbed. The difference is, you are willing to settle for a solution that slightly mitigates cheaters while punishing legit players, and I prefer a solution that is much harsher on the cheaters and has no impact on legit players.

The point of a discussion thread is to pose different opinions. If you want a “yes man” discussion, an open forum is not where you should be.

Correct, but having different grind options encourages more playing because of less fatigue by legit players.

Exactly. Now you are getting it.


No, because the cap, regardless of where it’s set, will punish some legitimate players.


Not really, show me a normal human who have more than 12k paragon in nonseason.
I have nearly 17k hours played and im not even 10k. Been in top 20 many times without even trying, i dont care.
This game desperately needs 10k cap or even lower cap especially for seasons. Not 20k cap for sure.
So we could stand on equal ground with bots, give us at least this much it would be great.

but i think i might give up on reporting cheaters because it changes almost nothing, i still see the same names on top.
I can’t say it directly, cheats are not always bannable… and it makes me sick.
Just seen on youtube another new videos, people bragging about their highscore while using cheat engine. Some people keep doing that for years already.
Seems like literally everyone in top is doing this.

““big thanks”” to ka%ma p%lice person for teaching others how to cheat…
and thanks to others sharing the guides…
thats how youtube and streamers ruin gaming for normal people.
oh and thanks blizzard like if its so hard for them to detect trading accounts and acc sharing…


standing ovation

It’s hard for some to give up. You feel a lot of zeal but at a certain point, you feel like you’re just trying to ice skate uphill, especially when it’s crystal clear the company does not care. I’m confident that a lot of “we banned people” are just PR damage control. Call that tinfoil hat, but it makes sense. You can’t expect an intelligent person to believe you’re banning all these random minor accounts but you have the same people broadcasting, streaming, advertising that they cheat and have remained doing so for years (plural, mind you).

“Oh, the system just hasn’t caught up to them yet” gaslighting inc from the people who still like to pretend the company does no wrong.

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I have a question running through my head…

Even though I’m against botters/cheaters, isn’t the most important thing to fight yourself? To try to complete a GR in solo?

I have 12 years of D3 (not sure about trad), 95% solo, this season I was finally able to pass a 150 with my favorite class in SSF mode. If you know how to use the search function, you will find the information. If you know me, don’t need to do a search

I smiled for 10 minutes because I was so happy.
First in the ranking? No.
Do I care about the record of other people in front of me? No.

I just enjoyed this 150

It has been a long, long, long time since they did an actual ban wave. Most seasons, it is just a ban ripple. Blizz targets the most egregious cheaters for optics and the smart ones keep on going.

Can’t project your preferences on everyone else. If you prefer to play solo and only care about PR’s, that is fine. Many other people bought an online multiplayer game to play with and compete against others. Everyone has different tastes and goals.

Big grats! WD is hardest to get that 150. The only 150 I did was on Wiz in S28.

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