I know, it was just to give my point of view
And thanks
I know, it was just to give my point of view
And thanks
Take the 20th place person OVERALL for ANY of the classes, on ANY of the leaderboards.
Note the highest paragon differences between them, and the other 19 people.
Note the gear that person had.
Note the gear the 20th place person had.
Your argument here is that X paragon levels (X = the difference you found in step 2) is LITERALLY equivalent to whatever difference in gear there was. One primal off? Apparently that’s worth 10,000 paragon levels. No difference in gear? Apparently 10k paragons gives you 19 leaderboard slots because… why, exactly? Magic beans? Roflecopter lasers?
It’s a stupid argument and I will never agree to it unless someone can show objective proof that PARAGON is the ONLY reason botters are “winning” over legit players. Ban the botters, keep the gons.
They get Paragon, gear and/or mats to reroll gear freely, keys to open/fish countless Orek’s.
Some of the streamers (not saying they are botters) I watched last season (that didn’t get banned) where using Macro’s for crafting gear, Macro’s for re-rolling gear, Macro’s to open Orek’s, and they were calling out Pylon’s before they showed up on screen/map.
I was going “hard” last season, played a sh1t-ton, did 32/42 sets GR150, SSF. Still ended up below 3800 paragon.
However, even though I didn’t have problems running Visions (mainly) for mats, I still was really short on them, especially forgotten souls. I transferred over a tad less than 24K bounty mats each.
I needed like 50K of all the white/blue/yellow to craft a Primal Scrimshaw for WD (there are only 2 Spears that WD can “roll” in cube. Took me hours doing that “by hand”.
Needed like 70K mats to get one Primal/decent weapon of each spear for my Raekor Barb as well.
The beforementioned streamers burn that amount of mats in like 5 minutes…
I’m not saying they don’t have advantages. I’m saying 5 thousand main stat isn’t what pushes them into the #1 slot on leader boards.
I placed 18th on masquerade solo gr clear season 30 and I wasn’t even trying. I didn’t even play the last 3 weeks. But no, it’s DEFINITELY the paragon that made it “impossible to compete” right? Not the lack of effort on my end?
Paragon and Keys
Even if you are 7k in S30 and do not have thousands of keys, forget about it.
Pushing is mostly Paras and Keys
And what are you proposing?
My suggestions are realistic and require hardly any man power.
I think we disagree only about the paragon cap topic. I think para caps help bring D3 back to what it was designed to be vs. endless power creep paragons which was not the initial game design, and is now an abused mechanic primarily for cheaters.
Not unless the cap is slightly above what legit players achieve in a season.
Put it at 2k as a trial and see how it does.
I say leave non season alone, but cap seasons to 1-2k.
I could even live with a cap but 800 isn’t it. 3000-4000 is something I can live with. Problem is, there are legit players easily hitting 5000-6000 even in a short, 3 month season. I wouldn’t want to gimp them, so only realistic cap I would be good with would be 6000.
Leveling is like gear. It is a carrot for people to chase to encourage more play time. Hard gimp one or both, and people stop playing.
Unfortunately, it has been a long time since they have done this. They seem to be simply cherry-picking the most egregious cheaters when they do a ban ripple. At this point, I think Warden is more of a scare tactic than anything else.
Definitely this. Think there was one season they did a double ban and the LBs were much cleaner than normal.
Again, this is a company with profits in the billions. They can afford a few million more a year to clean up their games.
That would definitely affect some legitimate players.
Last season, I ended up with about 3K. Without these 3k, I think the 150 would not have passed with my WD.
Maybe with a lot of pushing, but that’s not what I prefer
Also, there was already a trial of limiting it to 800. 2k is reached almost as fast as 800 in context of season (about 1 week instead of about 1 day for me).
And the result for me is already known: I got bored much faster than in free paragon seasons. Also most of my friends still playing D3. I actually prefer cheaters over lowish paragon limit. Cheaters only ruin leaderboards, while too low paragon limit ruins my season progression.
I’d be ok with 6k-7k limit. Most legit people would stay under it, and cheaters will get there in a couple weeks or latest one month. My max in one season being a little over 5k. But not sure if 7k limit would affect anything that much, since cheater power level isn’t that much more.
Paragon cap (even if paragon is important) isn’t the most important thing.
The most important thing is the gear.
So you can cap paragons, that won’t solve much…
Ofcourse para is very important, in damage and in toughness especially compared to low para like the cap of 800 or even 2k proposals. But the good apples shouldnt have to suffer because of the bad apples. Blizzard should do more banwaves imo like 2x a season, and that is the most we can expect in this old game i feel.
Go have a look at different players on twitch. A lot of them uses autosalvage / 3 party programs. I reported one streamer several times, with proof, he keeps playing.
If you have a game running, you should deal with the cheaters.
I always thought it was funny that you could report some random person and get them infracted, but report a streamer while they’re doing it live, etc and it conveniently gets ignored. Then streamer fans all pretending that they never cheat or that they don’t get ignored.
The difference between a legit player at 2k gonz vs. a cheater at 7k is absolutely massive.
Add the gear that they farm during those GRs and you have an unbeatable leaderboard example.
7k is surely not realistic.
That explains it all lol. Mindsets like this only further the problem.
I prefer playing SSF since it launched, however when in group play I would take a non cheater that knows how to play vs. a clueless cheater any day!
Especially when it is part of the eula!
Yup. I got muted twice simply due to some in game reported me with some friends of his, I got it removed since there were no offense. But reporting some streamer, well. I reported 3 multiple times with videos, they still playing. Today I saw 7 people streaming, using 3 party programming… Guess you just turn on a stream and never gets banned. Call it diablo 3 seasons of cheaters
Don’t care about tiwitch.
When I play, I play
Then why comment? This thread is about cheaters, which there are plenty of, on twitch. It does not matter, they should get banned like the rest.
But they are not, even after multiple reports and from several people as well.
They earn money by showing you can cheat and does not get punished.
Well, not always. There was a known cheater who got banned in S3 (I think) during a live stream.
When was the last time you seriously played the game?
I have friends 100% legit getting in the 5000-6000 range averaging 5 hours a day. 6000-7000 is definitely possible for a serious legit player. If you want a serious cap that isn’t going to much impact on legit players, it needs to be in the 6000-7000 range.
Comparing to how many I just saw today and at least 3 of those i reported last season with proof, yet nothing… Just shows the lack of well, enforcing the rules