Cheaters on the Leaderboards

The details are important. How many players did they ban in S27, S28, and/or S29?

Typically, one can get a guess by how many spots one move up if they are not too high on the leaderboard.

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It is tho, there have been bans on streamers as well as on non streamers on botting. I dont know of any bans on streamers or non streamers on macro use. Sounds about equal, even tho yes the latter is still cheating, use of 3d party, etc, but it is still handled equally between streamers and non streamers.

You dont know anything, you just assume, you see a 12h/d account and it already raises red flags, thats why you see cheaters around every corner, and a banwave is in your eyes just cherrypicking.

really theres no double standard at work huh what about the fact a GM abused his powers because a streamer asked him to

Streamer gets a priest dispeller banned 6 months because he thinks he was targetted. - Twitch](

interesting note that the GM in question was a VIP follower of the streamer on that video

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This thread is about d3 and not about wow.

nevertheless it should be pointed out that kind of abuse of power has ramifications that will ripple through out all Blizzard titles if they’re doing it in WoW theyll do it in D3 and it should be addressed instead of being swept under the rug merely because its a different game

D3 is 12y old, dont think the ripple will come through. There have been plenty of bans on famous and not so famous streamers from the past, few more or less famous examples are Wudijo, chainer, gabinator (or whatever), baskenator.

You still need to provide evidence that they don’t single out bans.
The fact is : Blizzard is not doing enough with the reports coming in. Using ban waves just to get rid of a small percentage of the cheaters there are, is simply not enough = not doing anything.

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My personal.experience is different. I reported a bunch of accounts in S27 for potential cheating to the hacks team . These accounts all averaged incredibly high hours "played’ per day and in many casess were an alt account of indivuduals who were previously banned for botting/ cheating. All were banned by Blizzard when the subsequent ban wave happened.

In that email, I did report a couple lower hour bounty bots. These escaped the S27 ban wave but were banned in a later ban wave.

First, I never said that they never did “single out bans”. In fact, I even told you that I know of at least one case where a streamer was banned individually and specifically outside of a ban wave. That indiviual was a streamer who left their video on and streamed their botting overnight.

It’s fine for something like that to raise a red flag. Does it mean the person was 100% for certain cheating? No it doesn’t. That’s why in the legal system, there is suspicion and probable cause. Suspicion is just grounds to look further. You may yield results, you may not.

It’s not the same as mario who said that anyone who plays differently than they do is 100% confirmed a cheater.

There is no forum member named "mario " who said any such thing.

You can verify this by using the forum search feature. Search by usernames that are “mario” with keyword cheater.

In fact, there is no forum member who has said that.

Still not enough. If someone streams an entire season while cheating, they should have gotten banned within a week or max two.
I really do not care about these waves, since they are so inefficient that they hardly do anything. It’s like a mother giving a slice of an apple to a hungry kid, they want more.
So do we. People should be held accountable. If Blizzard has a game that is not taken down, enforce the rules.
And again, banwaves : does not matter. They are not efficient enough. Why bother having rules and a report email if they hardly use it. Take it down, let people cheat. Cause of right now, they are allowing it.

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Player: Hey, that streamer is cheating and has been for months.

CS: We’ll ban cheaters… beep boop.

Player: Ok, so when are you going to ban their account? It’s been going on for a long time.

CS: I see you’re having issues with your account. Please visit the following link for self-help options… beep boop.

Ticket marked Resolved

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I agree that any streamer who cheats should be banned. As posted in this thread, many streamers who cheated/ botted were banned.

For season 29, you primarily talked about one streameer that you reported over 30 days. You also stated that that streamer stopped streaming. As such they did not stream the entire season.

He did. He stopped at the end. But that does not mean he was banned. This is beyond a broken system if this is allowed to continue for over 30 days. This shows, together with no communication here, that they simply lack overall control and do not care.

Blilzzard has been clear in that they provude limited communication on the forum about bans. When they do comment, it simply us a
pconfirmation that a ban wave happebed. Fir many ban waves, Blizzard does not comment on these forums at all.

Since Blizzard still does ban waves even when they do not communicate here, yoyr conclusion about them not caring seems odd.

Logically, if Blizzard did not care as you claimed, then Blizzard would have stopped banning D3 accounts for cheating.

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And clearly you are the same as a few years back where we last debatted.
You simply ignore the things I write just to repeat yourself over and over again. Making it a one sided debate simply cause you refuse to actually read what I write and keeps ding Blizzard and you keep spamming the same thought all over again.

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To my knowledge/recollection, a few years ago we never had a conversation about streamers that cheat.

The reason that I kept repeating myself is that your posts continue to make factually inaccurate claims.

We both agree that we would like Blizzard to ban all cheaters. We also agree that Blizzard has missed banning a subset of cheaters in banwaves.

The fact is Blizzard has done ban waves historically and recently.

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And yet again, you blindly only reads a small portion only to reply back with nonsense I’ve never wrote.
You yet again just take whatever you like and ignore the rest. I am done here, since the small amount of “respect” you got, only to work in your favor, keep repeating yourself, keep rambling on even though I’ve explained myself at least twice.
You are simply not worth going on with, since you refuse to read… Well read in general.

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Excluding those 7 streamers, do you know of any players that escaped ban waves where you are confident that they are highly likely to be cheating?

For S27, I was able to figure out who had improbable hours and for a few, their history of prior bans. All these players were banned by Blizzard for botting.

Agreed, the ban wave method might be great at cleaning up tons of cheaters, however we havent really seen a banwave in a while. I think s15 was the last true banwave where they eliminated the majority of the cheaters off the boards BUT they still missed quite a few notorious cheaters.
The argument is, what is a banwave?
To me it should be a title wave that sweeps away the majority of cheaters.
All I have seen in the past few years, and even before the classic team took over D3, has been a few bans here and there, and they always seem to miss some of the obvious cheaters with this method.

When COD Warazone launched (Activision Game) they sent an email to us when we reported a cheater in game that got banned as confirmation.
This type of communication was great since Warzone is another cheaters paradise.
D3 has never been crystal clear between the staff and consumer in regards to enforcement, which is partially why i think it is still a cheaters paradise.

True, yet they can still offer a “safe” for of communication to us without jeopardizing their anti-cheat process. Staying silent is not the way to handle enforcing a ToS.
The D4 forums have it right, there is a sticky from the devs on the forums making it clear that turbohud is not allowed.

Maybe its all about post count…

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