Cheaters on the Leaderboards

I know why you are called micro rna. Rna = read notice ability is micro.
You do the same thing over and over again. You read a small portion of the comments and then rewrite it to however you feel like.
9k posts and you still act like you can just lie with whatever you feel like.
You were the same before. Just blatanly ignore most of what people write.
I guess you could be considered to be one of brav’s alt.

It’s not just that. He keeps ignoring most of what people write and take a small portion of the comments and rewrites it to whatever he feels like. He has gotten replies and answers to the things he asks about. It’s like a flawed ai that replies back that just spins around in circles

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You do the same thing. The saddest thing is that everyone pretty much agrees (Ban cheaters/botters), but is playing with words, just to comment.

  • Yes, D3 needs more individual bans (Streamers or not);
  • No, Blizzard is not idle (banwawes);
  • Proof of “Yes” or “No”, no one has official proof.

In this post, I will quote directly and respond to every single sentence that you wrote. It is a bit silly and will become self-evident why you, I, and almost eveey single forum poster does not do this.

That is not why I selected MicroRNA as my username. You can google the word “MicroRNA” to see its definition. Also, this is a mischaracterization as I do read in full what you posted.

In our discussion, I have repeated several key points and facts.

I read all of what you posted. You have no knowledge of what I have read or not. It is preposterous that you claim I only read part of your posts. You have been critical of me due to your perceptions that are not based in fact.

I do not feel the need to comment on every single thing/sentence you wrote. As I have said repeatedly, we agree on the point that cheaters should be banned.

I have never knowingly lied on this forum. With 9k posts, the worst thing that I havw done is potentially misunderstand someone’s post. As an example, someone may have been using sarcasm and I thought they were being literal.

Since I have 9k+ posts, if you were correct that I I can just lie whatever I feel like, there would have been some post that the communuty would have flagged for being deceitful so that it was hidden and then upon Blizzard review, I would have been banned. I recall only a single post of mine flagged into hidden in 9k+ posts. It was an unpopular opinion about the extent of a barb buff that was falsely flagged. Upon Blizzard review, that post was unhidden and the flags removed by Blizzard.

In fact, I will go even futher. I have been continuously TL3 on the new forum since it was 51 days old. That means that I have never been forum banned. As you.know, many can not make that claim truthfully.

In realiry, as our discussion and my posts more broadly demonstrates, I have been the one correcting misinfirmation.

Some examples:

  1. At least 2 ban waves have occurred sinve the start if this thread.
  2. No forum poster with the username “mario” has ever claimed that anyone who played different than them was 100% a cheater. In fact, no one on this forum has said that.

For clarity, I am not stating that you said the latter.

You are correct in that I do not respond in my posts to every comment made in posts that I reply to. It is unnecessary and almost every discussion that I have observed on this forum is similar. For example, you do not respond to everything I posted and only select those parts that you feel are worthy to comment. That is normsl.

In our discussion here, I have not invoked your past. I do recall the silence bug and and the D3 non-player when their profile displayed 17 characters.

Lastly, my post count and my continuous TL3 demonstrates that I have never been forum banned for any reason. With 9k posts if I even croosed the line in 1 in 1,000 posts, I would have been banned 9.times already. I have never been banned and you can verify this fact by queryimg forum posters who are TL3. That query states when TL3 was awarded. If you no longer meet the TL3 requirements and lose it, if/when you regain TL3 it gives the new TL3 award date.

This consideration is not compatible with the fact that I am nit brav’s alt.

This is misleading characterization. I often directly quote what you have ssid and then respond. Since I directly quoted you, I have not rewitten what you have said.

In terms of post count, I have posted alot on this forum; however, my posts in general are ones to help others or clarify info. Ffor example, I posted recently about the legacy puzzle ring having a different legendary affix versus the current version. I also posted in response to someone who could not fugure out why he could not equip a primal that he made using the last kanai cube recipe.

I have also posted frequently in support of banning cheaters with the hipe that Blizzard does more. This desire for them to do more us based in reality if kniwing that ban waves occur inclydind at least 2 since this thread started.

This is the fitst time anyone has compared my posts to an AI (albeit a flawed one). That is an interesting take.

I responded to every sentence that you wrote and directly quored each to highlight in part why I do not do that in general. Moreeover, almost no posts do that across the forum as a whole. Forum posters choose select parts of posts to reply to. That is normal and does not mean that they did not read a post in full.

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How many messages did you have before your last “main” thread was deleted? And now? Maybe you’re just jealous.

Just saying, maybe you all should stick closer to the Topic at hand or else it will be locked up like the Maga Cheater Topic and end up in the garbage. That would definitely be a shame!

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Word of advice, you can add people to your ignore list when they’re clearly trolling like that. You no longer get notifications and their posts are hidden. It makes the forums a lot less cumbersome. You no longer have to sift through garbage posts/replies to get to the meat and potatoes of the discussion. You don’t have to fuel people who make superfluous replies trying to up their post account for farm attention from other trolls.

It also gives you a sense of satisfaction when you continuously see “hidden reply” under your posts. It shows you that they’re clearly obsessed and further justifies your actions of placing them on ignore.

Nope, I do not. I stick to the subjects, there is a difference in ignoring comments and not sidetracking.

All I read was this. Wall of text from someone so ignorant as you, while you also lie, I simply cannot respect. You remind me of an alt to bravata and you are ending on ignore again. Simply cause of the fact, that you both lie and only read 1/3 of what people write. Then you continue to spam and ask the same questions you’ve gotten answers to several times. This is just too much of a strange, non respective behavior.
I know you will reply, but like this comment you wrote, I will not read it. You are not worth the time.

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You didn’t reply to the most important part of my comment.

standing ovation



Below, in the event it was not directed at me, my bad. In the event it was, sorry, can’t hear you.


I agree that it is nice that the forum software provides this tool.

Personally, I do not use it because I have found that some people who I would consider putting on ignore have made such outlandish and inaccurate claims (sometimes it may be misleading or incomplete information) that without responding, other forum members might think accurate and/or complete information was being provided.

For example, I and another forum poster provided evidence that at least 2 ban waves happed since this thread started.

Another claim was made about someone with the username “mario” stating that anyone who played differently from them was 100% cheater. A simple forum search demonstrates that this never occurred. In fact, no one on this forum has ever made that claim.

Another post was a satirical fiction about an interaction between a player and Blizzard CS (customer support). As has been discussed in this thread, it is the hacks team at Blizzard who investigates cheating and their email address is the one that should be used to report cheaters. I have no idea why Blizzard CS is being brought into this discussion at all.

These false and/or dubious claims distract from tbe topic at hand and muddy the reality. This thread has primarily focused on Blizzard doing more about cheating. There is widespread consensus about that.

That is fine. My response here is directed at others who are reading this thread. In fact, even if I am replying to a post with inacurrate information, intellectually I consider my post frequetly as post to the forum community to inform. Sometimes, ir is directed to that individual that I replied to.

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I reply once or twice, then it’s up to the other part to actually read the comments

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Sometimes, responses are to show others the ignoring poster’s claims aren’t correct. The person metaphorically putting their fingers in their ears and chanting “I can’t hear you!” isn’t the intended audience for the responses, it’s everyone else. Just because someone doesn’t listen to an answer doesn’t stop it being the answer.

Or that they don’t like being lied about, maligned or misrepresented unopposed.


Let it go. Some have no intention on doing that. It’s just a way to hope you reply.

The other part read the comments.

So this thread can be closed, if everyone agrees.

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I bookmarked your post since it captures my sense of things. Your post was stated with far more eloquence.

Guess I was right about the alt to bravata. Mystery solved

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someone called?

what’s going on in here?

‘I don’t know what to say anymore, I’m going to talk about alt’


I would also add that just because a poster states that they have someone on ignore, it does not mean that it is true or that the ignoring poster does not click on hidden replies and reads them.

The most infamous example that I recall was brought to light by a forum MVP. That MVP proved a cavalcade of lies were made by the individual who claimed not to have read a hidden reply post. In this example, not only did that individual read a “hidden reply”, that individual edited 3 posts that they had made 10 months earlier in response to reading the hidden reply.

Those 3 posts disproved what he claimed in the new thread. Since edited posts have the pencil icon, the MVP provided a screenshot of one of these 3 posts to show the edit date and time. This screenshot proved that his 10 month old post was edited shortly after (within a few minutes) of that post being directly quoted in the “hidden reply”. Even after the screenshot was provided by the MVP, that individual continued to claim that he had not read the “hidden reply” and that he had not edited his 10 month old posts.

I think that this helps illustrate that some lack integrity and is relevant to this thread where there are cheaters in D3 who lack integrity. I would like Blizzard to be more aggressive in banning cheaters.

For example, I personally would like to have a 2 strike rule. As we know, many botters have multiple accounts where often some are “clean” and some are used for cheating. The first time someone cheats that is confirmed by Blizzard that account is banned. If that same individual cheats again, all of their D3 accounts are banned even their “clean” accounts.

P.S. Often these “clean” accounts are actually dirty as they receive bounty caches from an alt account that is used to bounty bot.

P.S.S. I do not believe in a 1 strike rule. I believe in forgivance and an opportunity to straighten out. At 2 strikes, the cheater is clearly continuing to make the decision to cheat after being banned so that cheater is now a repeat offender where harsher punishments are needed. Tthe first ban was insufficient to serve as a deterrant for their inappropriate behavior.

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Someone that has maturity!
Yes plz stick to the broader topic of cheaters in D3, not insignificant personal quarrels.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions etc, but no need to take it any further then that.

Yes, pretty awesome feature. The trolls will probably continue ranting on your posts but you’ll never know. Trolls are interesting attention seekers that need to get out of the forums more, and go play some Diablo.

There are tons of other threads on the same topic because cheating is still an ongoing issue. When all cheaters sre removed from the leaderboards and game, then we wouldn’t have these discussions.