Cheaters on the Leaderboards

You should have seen the original thread I started in 2018. It was the most viewed and commented thread of all time! Still not enough action in game to make a difference.
There were a few positive ideas that came out of it, one was a paragon cap, the other was devs telling us the hacks team email.

Not sure honestly.
Haven’t heard any cheaters or their buddys crying.

Yes that is definitely upsetting and morally backwards. ActiBlizzSoft just banned a bunch of COD hackers this week, maybe they’ll clean up D3.
It wouldn’t take much time or effort.

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Too much to ask for for diablo 3… We’ve not seen proper bans for a long time. Sure, they cleaned up a bit, but seeing people streaming for a long time that still cheats… Says it all, that they are not doing enough

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For Season 29, check the in game leaderboard.

  1. The #1 4 player team set the top GR clear on 11/19/2023. On the in game leaderboard, it only lists 2 players.
  2. The #1 3 player team for S29 set their top GR clear on 11/27/2023. In now only lists 2 players.
  3. Also check the maxroll solo self found S29 barbarian leaderboard on maxroll and in game. You will see that they differ since the “old” #1 player was banned.

A Blizzard banwave happened on about January 8, 2024. I could be off a day or 2 on the precise date.

You know that I want cheaters banned, but I think it is important to know if banwaves are in fact happening. One argument that you have made are ban waves are not frequent enough. If you do not know if/when banwaves happen, that undermines your argument since a banwave has in fact happened relatively recently in January.

This is wrong on three levels:

A. They have done something as outlined in this post.
B. If they did in fact ban 10% that is something. It is 10%.
C. Your claim of 10% is a made up number. I think no one knows what percent of cheaters are banned in a banwave.

Lastly, your complaints about cheaters revolves around several streamers using in town cheats from what you stated. From looking at the obvious bans from the leaderboard, it looks like Blizzard banned botters.


And that is wrong in several levels.
Streamers have been cheating since at least this season start. Numerous emails have reported them with evidence. Nothing being done. Outside of waves, there are still cheaters. Even the waves does not clear all / enough.
Hence my wording : they are not doing anything, cause that small amount they have done, is simply not enough.

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Let’s make this simple.

How many streamers have you identified and reported to Blizzard for cheating since this season started?

Did you see evidence that these streamers were botting since this season started?

Did you see evidence of streamers using maphack software used to cheat since this season started?

Did you see cheating of streamers as in their behavior with interactions in town since this season started?

They asked for evidences but they don’t have on their side, that’s the funniest part :slightly_smiling_face:

That is just something you make up, i have never seen a cheater crying over a ban. But yes there have been bans since this thread

this was your reaction

Another one

and your reaction

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I have seen at least 7 that was streaming and cheating. All sent with both link to twitch and link to videos they store on their site with time stamps of the cheating happening.
One, I believed was cheating though his name is still on the leaderboard took over 30 days and I am still unsure if he was actually banned. He stopped streaming.
I don’t know if they are botting, but they use 3 party programs, which is not allowed either. To spam buy from Kadala / upgrade yellows / salvage items they don’t want ( the program is set to not salvage the items they are looking for and they don’t need to identify the legendaries, the program finds it out for them ).

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So you have identified 7 streamers who cheat by use of 3rd party software for how they do things in town.

You have not accused these streamers of using maphacks or botting.

According to you, one of these cheaters may have or may not have been banned.

I did a quick search of the PC leaderboard (less than a minut total) and among 8 rank #1 players (group or solo) in S29, 4 were banned in January 2024.

We already had this discussion and I told you how you could investigate further. Some banned players remain on the leaderboard, but you can get some clues by looking at their website character profile and more specifically the date of its last update.

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Then you know my answer to these things.
Blizzard still does nothing imo. Cause if they get reports, they should be dealt with within a reasonable time period


In fact, Blizzard has done something. They have banned a subset of cheaters. As was pointed out earlier, at least two ban waves have occurred since this thread started.

Are you denying that these ban waves happened? Doing a couple ban waves is definitely something and not nothing.

As far as how quickly Blizzard acts on reports on cheaters is not up to us. As has been explained repeatedly, Blizzard bans in waves and not one by one as reports come in.

You can argue that Blizzard has not banned the 7 (or 6) accounts that you personally want banned but Blizzard has banned more than that number recently in D3.

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I don’t even know if they have and if so, it was really poorly executed.

Stop gaslighting. Ofc. I have not, I wrote “imo”. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.

explained by whom? No one here could show me any evidence outside of their words. And I’m not about trusting just anyone.

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different set of rules for them name one time Blizzard actually enforced
a permanent ban on a streamer that wasn’t overturned after one appeal despite the fact there was evidence proving they cheated on their very own live streaming

a normal player NEVER get the benefit of a doubt the system decides your guilty then boom no appeals or chance to defend yourself even if falsely accused

case in point a few years ago Swifty purposely encouraged followers to flood a
WoW server to the point of overloading and crashing then go to another server and do it again well Blizzard did in fact ban him but after 24 hours and a meeting with staff at Razer gaming which he was a sponsored streamer in their employ and they had a contract deal with Blizzard the staff “reconsidered” the decision and reinstated him yet all the non-streamers involved DIDNT even get a chance to appeal

Yeah. While I get big names attracht a lot of money, they should still get the same punishment, since it’s their rules. But imo. cheating is worse than breaking a server

my point i though there is a clear double standard the person that actually instigated the incident walks away clean while most of the people caught up in it dont even get any appeals

the bottom line wrong is wrong and regardless of status anyone involved should be held to the same standard

Yes but you also can’t claim that a banwave occured when only a few cherry picked cheaters were removed from the front pages. It is great to see chesters gone, but my argument for more frequent banwaves, which is valid, shouldn’t have allowed the cheaters to climb that high in the first place IF anti cheat was working.
We all know it isn’t.

Yes, this is true. People shouldn’t jump all over specific verbiage, and focus more on the point you are trying to make, which in your case is crystal clear.

Wonderful find! Yet it isn’t enough to make much of a difference. The point is, without any exaggerating, Blizz should handle cheaters more effectively whether accurately or frequently. Anything.

Agreed. We all agreed to the rules. We all play by the rules.

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unfortunately Blizzard is selectively indifferent on the enforcement whenever a streamer or content creator is involved whether its due to corporate politics or just flat out favoritism is unknown but theres no denying they tend to give them preferential treatment they aren’t as heavy handed when dealing with gaming personalities as they tend to be regarding “normal” players caught in the same kind of behavior

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Look at the season 29 4 player leaderboard in game. Does the #1 ranked 4 player team have 4 entries? If not, player(s) from that team were banned.

“imo” means “in my opinion”. People’s opinion about a fact does not alter the fact’s existence. A ban wave happened (actually, at least two since this thread started). That is a fact.

Micro, buddy, we get it, they did do “something” but that wasn’t his point overall.
It’s that they aren’t doing enough.
get your head out of the details, and into the topic lol.

My favorite is when a known and previously banned cheater was on the D3 launcher, thats when I knew they don’t care whatsoever about integrity.

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Blizzard proved that when they partnered with Neteaze who desecrated the legacy of Diablo with their mobile game

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