Cheater Enforcement Frequency Increase Request

The current and previous leaderboards are plagued with cheaters and we would respectfully like to request more frequent action being taken against cheating in Diablo 3.
Many of us legitimate players are discouraged to continue playing throughout a season or era because of this.
Cheaters that use 3rd party software violating the Terms of Service are ruining the competitive aspect of this game and should not co-exist in a competitive atmosphere with leaderboards and ranks.

Thank you.


Oh God…



No time. No resources. No manpower.

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I feel the same way when looking at the in-game leaderboards are seeing 11k paragon botters taking spots that legitimate players should have.
If Blizz or the hacks team enforce their game more regularly, then we wouldn’t have this issue.


Here We Go Again lets drag this out for four more years, never mind I will be well into D4. :man_facepalming:

I hope D4 does not have anything like the cheater boards. Not that I lose any sleep over them.

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If fair-play is really that important for you then why don’t you play Hardcore? That’s a neat argument that I keep reading over such threads but it’s glossed over like it’s not a viable choice.

Also repeating the same thing over and over again doesn’t make a point across when it’s dependent on so many different aspects in practice. There are several variables of the process for clearing the boards and data collecting of millions of people, takes time. Botters are just the tip of the iceberg; while fight has to be sustainable for company to keep hackers out of their anti-cheat system for its integrity.

If you keep dragging attention to bots while ignoring the fact that there are hackers out there listening and trying to break the system, you’re not doing anyone a favor. Let Blizzard go at their own pace. It’s a slow process when bots and hackers keep opening alt accounts of alt accounts to get under the radar.

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LOL! Let’s how long time it takes before this one gets taken away by Blizzard.

Blizzard should definitely do more to ban cheaters online. But I guess you just cant expect too much from a multi-billion company.

Cheating is somehow impossible in HC?

Yeah, that would be awesome.

Anyway, without leaderboards, cheaters very much should still be banned.

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Epic troll thread, almost exactly the same description as his old thread, and as the other banwave request thread. Guess it is an ego thing that you need your own thread.

You got response from blizz? It satys 404?


Not entirely, but bots usually make mistakes and die at rare occassions in mid-high Greater Rifts and leveling up in Hardcore is a slower process to curb down bad randomization. That makes the loothunting, leveling and augmenting process a bit elongated. In short; doing so would not be efficient at all.


Presumably still more efficient than sleeping and gaining no XP.

Anyway, botting is not the only form of cheating. Stuff like Thud/maphacking etc. is around too, and that seems unlikely to be less efficient in HC.

Point being, no, HC is not some kind of solution against cheating, at all.
Though playing HC is certainly a good suggestion in general.

What about being power leveled the recipient receives a major boost without having to do anything.

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Agreed. I hope Blizz takes its community more seriously when we vocalize not wanting to lose yet another Diablo game to cheaters.

Been there tried that, not for me. But I do agree that HC yields less botting however it does not disclude all cheats.

Then there is the morality argument. Is changing from SC to HC changing the issue in any way?


Yeah, that is a good one. I certainly think that should be considered cheating. But it does not count as such currently. So, technically not cheating, as some around here might say.
Also, it would probably be quite hard to make clear rules about when something is power lvling and when it is not, so the best solution there really is to design the game in ways that makes power lvling impossible, rather than trying to have rules about it, succh as massive XP penalties if grouped with a player much higher lvl than you
(whereas, trying to design a game where botting is not possible, is itself not possible, and the mere attempt would likely hurt the gameplay, so for that rules and bans is the way to go)

About power leveling, a single rule can be applied:

If you don’t did the first four chapters of the journey, you can’t join a public game, invite (or invite by) another player.

As you can’t join a T"x" public game if you don’t did a solo GR"y".

I’m little bored by the “Hey, can you pl me please?”, “Hey, can I have a gear boost please?” posts on the general chat, and, really often, posts come from players who don’t really play the game.

I hate it when I open a GR and the other 3 just stay at the entry the entire time.
If someone opens a rift that is above my ability I still try and help the best I can.

I don’t play hardcore because my internet randomly decides to disconnect me. It would not be an option for me.

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Cuz they bot almost as much in HC as they do in SC. The mode is irrelevant when it comes to cheating.


It is very possible in HC. There were 2 HC clans notorious for it for a long time. If you play purely legit, you do though have a significantly better chance of ranking in the top 1000, but that is because significantly less people play HC, not because it is a more legit way of gameplay.


Wouldn’t the 404 be the response?

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