It is. I have someone on my friends list that can’t move any further on the HC leaderboard because of a bot. Since botters bot, who cares if they die, they’ll just bot back to the spot they previously botted to in the first place. So, he opted to do SC and encountered the same thing. He hasn’t logged on in a very long time.
Another thing people don’t realize is the pro cheaters aren’t botting on their push gear.
Bots are used for redundant tasks like regular rifts, bounties, speed GR’s. You do not need topped out gear to do most of those. The cheater usually uses secondary sets of gear on the bots, then saves the top gear for when they actually play, either it being pushing or running higher speed GR’s.
When and if they die, it is 5 minutes of plvling and they are back in business.
yes it would, but OP here was making up some conspiricy theories about cheaters/trolls massflagging and it got automated modded. Would be nice of him to be honest for once and own up to it if his assumptions were wrong.
Goooood luck…
Suggestion, for the start of Season 30, ban everyone.
If someone wishes to play that season, they can pay $10 and it activates the season for a month. After this month, the boards are reset and everything goes back to normal. Or, an offer is provided to allow the previous progression for a further +$20, cumulative each pay session.
Obviously, no impact on non-season.
If bot dies as they get clustered by bad RNG in Greater Rifts and you happen to be away from keyboard, there’s hardly any difference. That’s why characters designed to not being able answer at every circumstance and “bad randomization” is present in Greater Rifts. While it’s bad game design from players’ perspective it’s still a convenient obstacle.
“Were”? I’m open to hearing the story.
I suggested Hardcore because as others have said, less people play this mode and you can easily catch up as long as you are consistent. Let’s face it, Hardcore meta is not really amping it up to eleven to rush forward and solo GR115 with minuscule amount of paragons because season theme is overpowered.
D1 had terrible game integrity and no punishment for cheating. D2 had loose game integrity and trading on a pedestal to encourage botting. D3 has no serious incentives for cheating other than a namelist but it has a blackmarket of sorts. You have to realize that blackmarket of D3 runs deeper than previous installments and that’s kind of scary.
So, yeah, there will be cheaters and botters regardless of game design of Diablo 4. You can’t deny or neglect that.
Only model they can follow is “out of sight, out of mind” approach by not including any leaderboards. To curb down the awe from the trading, they can also follow different models with varying taxing for exchanges with in-game currency and real money, if applies.
Sad that it’s not your cup of tea but it’s better than complaining about something you can not change. As every company with valuable piece of software and multiple franchises, Blizzard tries to sustain the fight instead of exhausting their resources on one game; just to get their attempts deflected back at them by hacking breaches. If you run a food service business, you never suggest dumping everything in one plate at once; you have many plates to fill and customers to care for.
Another metal head post about how you can’t hold any leaderboards, I know of a few legit only players who hold a lot of 1st, 2nd, 3rd spots on softcore and hardcore.
Banwave or not, you’re not getting anywhere. Use the time you have to complain about others into playing the game and you might achieve something
Also turbohud and other programs besides rosbot Havnt been banned or taken action against.
I’ve reported a few streamers using turbohud and automation and they didn’t do anything lol.
Just join them and start climbing
No, the model they can and should follow is Detect and Ban. Over and over. With more effort than is put into D3. They will never catch everyone, but at least try harder. As others have said in these threads (heck, coincidentally, right above this ), being banned for Thud is a rare thing in D3. It shouldn’t be.
Players should feel like cheating comes with a substantial risk of losing their account.
There have been some excellent suggestions throughout the years, and capping xp gain or paragon was a decent approach mentioned by several players. The fine line of when would be up to Blizzard.
So you’re ready to lose your 8.2K in non season and your 3.1K in season, without complaining?
I have never implied that it’s “out of question” as well. Certainly they will seek and ban players who use bots or hackers trying to tap into the client-server communications. That’s a requirement and a given to keep game integrity. Have no doubts.
That’s because WoW and many other non-Blizzard games use add-ons and this is also encouraged by Blizzard.
Related products: World of Warcraft
Being mostly based on PvE and funneling player to be more and more effective to the point of forcing them through the intentional design, Blizzard developers are rather reluctant on banning small third party tools like THud. Looking at its reach, not every top leaderboard player uses a bot but have pure personal dedication with or without THud. Some rare specs (I think mostly zDPS ones) having really intricate design that it feels it’s pushing an envelope without the use of this custom interface.
After realizing what the previous THud developer KillerJohn did, Diablo 3 team stepped forward and said “its time is coming” but so far no action is taken. The reason is even though it’s now developed by shady people who also develop botting software, its reach is far wide than anyone anticipated. They caused this by designing some specs so complicated and highly punishing to operate with anything lower than 99% efficiency. THud might get action taken against it but as long as it stays this way, I wouldn’t expect something to change.
Would game community lose anything if THud were to be banned? No. Not at all. But if they were to do that, they can’t do that in a single night. When they happen to decide up on it, most they can do is handing out warnings before a complete ban of the account which seems only fair.
In case THud changes to contain features that can be deemed as cheat, such as a maphack which was removed back at 2015, brought back to THud then this changes everything though.
I certainly think paragon should have a much lower cap, not to stop botting, but because it would just be better game design imo (endless power is bad!)
Still, people would continue to bot even if paragon was removed.
Capping XP gain per day etc. would very much be an example of hurting your game in an attempt to limit botting. Same with limits on hours played and all that.
If someone is only able to play one day each week, but can somehow put in 20 hours that single day, the game should not punish them vs. someone who can put in 20 hours combined over 7 days.
I am pretty sure you know that Thud is not remotely comparable to a WoW addon, even if you now want to pretend otherwise.
Blizzard has defined what a WoW addon can do do and can not do, and redefines it whenever an issue comes up.
Thud is a third party cheat program, WoW addons is an integrated part of the game.
Ah, so if enough people cheat, it becomes okay?
Sure, Thud should result in warnings and temporary bans the first time around, then permabans after that.
Hence why people here have been saying that it is very common for people on the leaderboards to be cheating.
Riiight, people need maphacks because their builds are complex to play… poor poor cheaters being forced to cheat because they cant faceroll the keyboard. Nah, that is not an excuse.
There have been some suggestions throughout the years, doesnt mean they are excellent. Just because some (usualy low para, low playtime) people want a cap, doesnt mean all people want it and thus making it not an “excellent” idea.
Hence its even more speculations and assumptions from some people, at least with bots there are some parameters (and its still up to blizz), for thud there is no way of knowing if some player uses it just by looking at the leaderboard.
That is about pointing out specific players, which is irrelevant here. The other is simply about how widespread cheating is among all players, without singling out anyone.
Anyway, I was not saying most are cheating, I was responding to someone saying that THud usage had a noteworthy reach, which would logically mean that cheating also had that reach.
I know that’s a sarcastic jab. Good point though.
Regardless of how many people are botting, system just picks them out and bans them in a single wave, irrelevant of their numbers. Perhaps hundred thousand accounts get banned regularly by the anti-cheat system due each botter having ten different alt accounts. Numbers don’t make it okay.
They certainly looked at features of TH along those years and deemed it as “gray area”. THud offers comfort to the player in a general sense, people have been complaining that D3 User Interface is a mess and they’re right. That’s why maxroll offer tools like CoE timer and cooldown calculators. It’s also convenient for very few specs like ZDPS that is built upon pure efficiency. Otherwise bans would be handled without any questions and swiftly.
That was a feature that was removed back at 2015. In an interview back at 2015 with Wyatt Cheng, he gave a warning to the THud developer saying that “some features” in “some third party software” might be deemed as “cheats”. I think he even said the word “maphack” but not sure. After that interview, THud developer removed that feature or at least dimmed it in a month notice.
Now instead of revealing the whole map with pylons visible, THud marks “potential” Pylon spots in the map tileset. That information also available to players who play the game for so long, fish repeatedly and memorize certain places. Game sometimes decide to give no more than one or two Pylons if you play pretty badly or slow, so it’s not a deciding factor or seen as a big advantage.
True. And I’m not gonna advocate it further. Just putting it out there and saying that it’s hard to decide for developers to take action or not. Also I’m surprised that they haven’t take any action as well.
In my eyes that makes it worse, as these generalizations (that some people do) make whole groups of players suspect.
I get what you’re saying and i’ll leave it at that.
Completely disagree. Utterly in it’s entirety.
License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:
Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:
cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;
I hope every single user who uses thud gets permanently banned from purchasing any and all blizzard products and have all their game licenses revoked.
There are some things I strongly believe in giving people warnings about… like being rude. I get it, some people have bad days, we’re all human. However, cheating isn’t an accident… it’s not an impulse.
Suits me. Only a matter of time until game changes on the upcoming patches, then they could deem any slightest feature of THud as cheating to ban it on sight.
Only if they can make that happen for botters, that’d be sweet. They did permanently ban some nuisances at Overwatch, but they were really extreme cases and Overwatch is a real competitive PvP game unlike Diablo 3.
No idea how they managed that though, perhaps by banning their hardware (GPU ban comes to mind) and applying some regional restrictions for asking more indepth personal information where he resides.