Cheaters on the Leaderboards

It is hard to prove something that is deleted. But he is right, at the time that the mega thread was removed some topics arose that had similar or 1 even exactly the same topic title from a METALHEAD. Those threads also got deleted, the thread with title “banwave please” from a metalhead was however not THE metalhead but a memer.
However the og METALHEAD just had to have a thread about cheaters, and thus named it" Cheater Enforcement Frequency Increase Request " wich is ofcourse a 1 on 1 conversion with synonyms to say the same thing without using the same words. In that thread you will see some people comment “ow no here we go again” “how fast will this be deleted” and “exactly as his old thread title and as the other banwave request please thread”. Indicating that at that time there were several threads wich got deleted.