Charm Inventory

But…didn’t you just prove the point? that it does affect Balance. Balance isn’t just about packing your inventory with enough charms. it’s about how many and the price you pay for having that many.

It’s about having to make a choice. Do I run with an inventory full of charms, and have to go back to town 10x to get all the loot, or even risk losing the loot to another player because I can’t pick it up all at once…

Or do I only run with 3 or 4 charms, and can grab all the loot?
there is a decision there that affects overall power, and overall power affects balance. I love it when a bot has a full inventory of charms in OG D2R. it means more stuff drops on the ground for me. If they want that gear, then they have to empty their inventory.

Charm inventory is really the “get your cake and eat it too” for the power player. Might as well allow us to wear plate armor over leather armor. Or 2 helmets. Or get rid of strength requirements so we can wear whatever we want without having to invest in STR.

OR…reduce the amount of space in the charm inventory. I would assume by the same logic as above that they expected players to choose between space for gear and charms, which meant that they never planned on players completely filling up their inventory with charms. This if they made a charm inventory they should limit it based on a balanced view of this mechanic, i.e. only half of the available inventory spaces as a Charm Inventory. So if anything, it should be reduced. or left as is.

… a charm inventory isnt adding more space for charms… it isnt chaning the space for charms… a “charm inventory” is adding more inventory space" that cant be used for charms

you need to get over the “name” as if we are adding a separate space for charms… thats not what a “charm inventory” is a charm invebtory is simply added more NORMAL inventory space except that new space charms have no effect.

im sick and tried of hearing “if we made it smaller” if we made what smaller??"

you are telling me im asking for a balance changing and you want to LOWER the max amount of charms a person can carry?

a charm inventory does not change balance… its not touching charms at all. its simply adding more inventory space that can be used for picking up normal items WITHOUT allowing players to fill it with more charms to be more power.

and even if you belive you are trading “quality of life for power”… than that’s even more a reason to remove it… QOL for power is a terrible design.

also i have tested this for over 2 years… have you?
dont tell me it affects balance, it donest do jack to affect balance outside of making the very start of hell a bit easier before u can find actual gear for resists… thats about it.


Wait…so a charm inventory adds extra inventory space that you can’t put charms in? Shouldn’t that be called “locked inventory space?” or something else? “Charm inventory” gives the impression that it’s a separate inventory, like the cube, that only allows charms. But I’ll take your word that the mod does the opposite…allows extra inventory space that DOESN’T allow charms. So in essence your saying that it increases your inventory space without allowing you to increase your available charms?

If that’s the case then it does sound more logical and driven by a desire to increase QoL without impacting gameplay. I would assume that it’s the more balanced approach to adding player inventory without impacting power.

But, I feel that It still bypasses the current limitations and does not force choice in the same way. I think it’s OK in this respect that we just have different views on the subject. I still feel it impacts player choice in ways that you disregard. That’s fine, it’s my opinion.

But we can respectfully agree to disagree. Even if I haven’t tested the idea in game, I still don’t think it’s needed. I played D2 for over a decade consistently, I’m very familiar with how the game and charms work. I don’t need to test a mod when I can visualize it and it’s effects. I don’t think it’s game breaking, but I also think it’s not necessary. In a same vein, I don’t think it’s necessary that the shared stash is there, but I don’t see it impacting the game in the same way.

He’s using semantic reasoning. Of course a charm inventory is a place to put charms. It’s in lots of games and everyone knows what it is.

He’s just trying to appease people that are against it with wordplay.

Charm inventory is a massive balance change.


Charms use cost is Lvl and Inventory space cost.

Removing Inventory space cost does affect balance.

Charms, were designed around, Increase in Power, Decrees in Inventory Space.

Thats there trade off. Thats literally the point of them.

Saying Removing one of the 2 Cost of charms, wouldnt affect balance, is literally a lie.

Everyone gets a Charm Inventory, is a place Just for Charms, its in the name.

But the cost of charms was always Level and Inventory Space. And a Charm Inventory removes that.

Its not complicated. You cant have All your Cake(full charms) and to eat it too(have full inventory). Charms are picking between them, not having it all.


“Purists” arent scared of QoL changes. We are scared of things that you THINK are just “QoL” changes that actually will actually make a big difference to gameplay. I get that 95% of the QoL pushers are people who have never really gotten into Diablo 2 properly and doesn’t understand how the game works. But trust me, the game is fragile, even small changes that affect game balance or economy can be extremely destructive to the game. You probably don’t want to listen and continue your rant, and thats fine, you can do that. Or you can reflect on what I am trying to say and mabye play the game as it was intended for some ladder seasons and mabye you will discover why you get so much resistance towards these types of things. And by the way, this game has an endgame. A better and more replayable endgame than most games in the industry. It’s just not a modern, simplified endgame that you are used to, it’s a much better and personal focused endgame. Trust me, i think you’ll love it when you get into it. Well, i tried explaining it, now it’s up to you to reflect on it, or continue on your purist rant.


The purist rant is completely deserved, because all of you fail to see that 99% of the time when people are asking for more changes/updates, they are also asking for those changes to be optional.

We’re not asking them to take away the game you love, we’re asking them to make a separate toggle at character creation that lets you play with or without additional QoL+balance+modern changes to make the game more, you know, 2021.

We’re not trying to take your game away, we’re trying to get them to give you your game but also to give us some optional changes.

Mods won’t cut it. The new bnet support will, almost 100% likely, destroy the ability to play online with mods. Those of us asking for changes usually are asking because we want to play online with other people, not just by ourselves.

Stop being afraid of changes, we’re not asking them to force them on you, we’re asking for the ability to CHOOSE.

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I’m fine with the ability to choose, aslong as you can’t choose to compete with us with an easier time on the same server. The only way this can work out is with a legacy server and a Diablo 2.5 server. Im personally fine with that, but i think it’s bad for the game though. What i don’t understand is why do you absolutely have to change Diablo 2 into something it’s not when there is Diablo 4 just around the corner with all of your needs. That’s what I’m not getting.

edit: There will most definately, if not guaranteed, be modded servers where people who liked PlugY and PoD can play on. That way we can all have what we want.

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The inventory space cost isn’t an amazing mechanic. It’s meh. You’re only giving up space within your inventory that has noting to do with your build. An actual charm equip zone, maybe 4x4 zone, would make you chose wisely what charms you use. Which would make it feel like you’re making a build, rather than just hording…

Charms isn’t a piece of equipment like a helmet or a weapon. It’s an item you carry with you in your inventory as a tradeoff for less inventory space for more power. That’s the whole point of the charms. Removing that functionality is basically like giving you the option to wear more than 1 helmet at the same time for more stats. If you think about it, i am correct.

You have the option to get +13 skill bonus with items in your backpack. Seems strange and unbalanced. It’s literally an extra incentive to have enchant bots making games.

I want the Charm bag for space too (and I think I may have posted here already) but it could effect PvP… I think?

Couldn’t you be cheap and put some absorb gear in your inventory and change it on the fly?

Keep in mind I almost never PvP so this might not even be possible.

Can somebody confirm that you can switch out gear mid PvP? I haven’t been in the PvP scene for about 10 years so I’m really rusty.

13 very hard to find skill bonus Grand Charms that you can choose to bring with you as a tradeoff for inventory space. With a charm inventory you don’t have to make such decisions anymore. You can pickup and replace the charms as you go and always have bonus stats without having to sacrifice anything. That is, infact, a severe balance change.

You can change equipment on the fly, but you would probably be dead in a PvP scenario before you could change 1 equipment piece.

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With a charm inventory you chose what charms to keep. You’re unable to equip an entire inventory of charms, you literally have to make a sacrifice. But that sacrifice isn’t inventory space, the sacrifice is OTHER charms.

You choose what charms to keep, but you do not choose whether to use charms, or not.

the reason its called a “charm inventory” is becuase they added a ton more space to be able to pick up more items in the mods, but only the bottom 4x10 space can be used for charms, this is what they call the “charm inventory”, its really just a portion of the main inventory, but its the only portion charms will work in, its not “separate” in any way other than if a charm is out or partially out of it it will be coded to have its lvl req raised by 100.

in reality the only and easily the biggest “balance effect” it has is “raising your resists” if your not already maxed in hell.

by the time u are replacing the resist charms with anything else.

the people screaming " it provides more power" are going way overboard

in pod there is a 9x10 inventory, the bottom 4x10 is the “charm inventory” aka it works as the base inventory you always had in d2, you can put anything u want in there, but the top 5x10 space wont allow charms to work in it, this allow u to pick up items much more freely.

and no there is nothing preventing you from not using a single charm and using the entire 9x10 space as a normal inventory, its just a mod with a “larger inventory” except charms don’t work in the extra added space.

to anyone who argues “oh blizzard balanced it so your choosing between qol and power”, you’re just wrong… they didn’t

you can try to argue that they tried to make u choose between it, but BALANCE?

im sorry, charms are balanced about as well alpha MTG was. with either complete garbage and then having the power 9
most charms have thinks like " +1-2 cold damage" or 1-18 lighting damage gc’s in norm.

their flat out garbage, there was no “balance” attempted to make u “choose”
blizzard just made charms because they had an idea and they didn’t consider the implications of it…

diablo 2 LOD is patch 1.07, i shoudltn need to remind you about jow SOJ was considered the best item in the game, this was before the synergy split, less immunes… and what do they do… they make it so charms can spawm +1 to an entire skill tree, and u can fit 10 of them in your inventory.

no, if blizzard tried to “consider the balance of charms vs picking up items” they did a complete failure of a job.

charms should have been something that would give you a smal power boost to help you when your missing a few stats or add a few more resists… something you would use for a while and then when u got a better pecie of gear put aside… thats not how they were.

the current system of charms taking inventory space is garbage. we shoudlnt be forced to choose between “power and QOL” that is a terrible design.

if u fill your inventory with charms, then there is ZERO power difference with charm inventory. and becuase THAT’S the baseline and every pro-player uses. i have ZERO issue with giving a QOL change.

i would be 100% again adding any MORE space for charms and 100% against taking away any space, but not being able to pick up items is terrible, and no one should feel punished for playing efficiently when there is a simple change you can do… playing the correct way should be the most fun. that’s what this change would bring.

i would LOVE to be able to pick up items as often as i do in pod.

that being said this isnt something that would ruin the game if its not added.
with the sole exception of fixing a way to make dclone spawn as the old method relys on duped nl sojs, nothing “not” changed will ruin the game, you can only “ruin” the game by changing stuff.

so if i have to sacrifice every single change to d2:R that i want to keep out “personal loot” i would do that in a heartbeat


We definitely don’t want to play on the same server.

There should be a server for Classic, and a server for modernized/changed/whatever you want to call it. “Server” is an outdated term, though, and does not apply to the current Bnet system.

We’d all be on the same server.

But you can only play with other characters who have the same flags as you do.

In D3, seasonal, non-seasonal, hardcore, softcore etc. characters are all on the same server/datacenter. It’s just they can only be matched with other characters of the same nature as them.

Point being though, yes, absolutely, we are not asking to mix the playerbases up or to replace your authentic experience. We just want support to play a modernized version of the game online.

Mods will probably not work online.

The way mods work in D2 is that they rewrite game files to change what server you connect to. I sincerely doubt that will be that easy for D2R under the new Bnet system.

Even if it was, it would be much better, and safer, for Blizzard to support those changes online themselves than to mess about with mods and compatibility.

This is what a charm inventory looks like :

I know what a charm inventory would look like, but it still is a balance change. Noone can say otherwise. There will be no reason for you not to use charms, therefore, you will have more power and therefore, making the game easier for you.

I am probably in the 1% of players with highest amount of playtime in Diablo 2, and i have always run with a 40% charm/tome inventory. The rest for item pickups while farming. Mainly because i didnt need it to do what i needed to do. If i suddenly were to get a charm inventory, i would breeze through the content with ease and still have a full clear inventory.