Charm Inventory

The difference between a 4x10 inventory and a 4x4 charm inventory would be how many charms you can actually use. Anyone can use the entire inventory and not care. People like me are asking for a NERF to how many we can use, to make the CAP more balanced, but to also give QOL changes. Unlike D3 where you have unlimited paragon, D2 is much easier to balance, because there’s a maximum threshold.

a nerf is a MASSIVE balance change, thats would completely ruin the fun of a lot of non-meta build that require those charms to be hell viable.

my fav part of d2 was being able to make a completely stupid build have clear hell with it, without a 4x10 inventory of charms they would knock off at least half of those fun builds.

no “nerfs”… that’s a worse idea than what we already have, that and one benefits absolutely no one.

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D2 had dozens of patches for the exact same thing.

But you are asking for unneeded balance changes. I don’t see any reason why you would nerf that, really. If you are in a point of the game where you have 10 skiller GC’s your gear is already so good that you could do perfectly fine without the GC’s. The only builds that would suffer from that are the weaker builds.

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I’m asking for something more streamlined. Not some outdated mechanic, that adds no real value to the builds themselves. That just adds inconvenience to make you overpowered, rather then focusing on making all builds somewhat viable. Not all builds have to be as strong as each other, but some things could be updated.

They could also add more charms and upgrade the entire thing. Like making charms that modify abilities, but they can’t do that with the current system. For example, making firebolt have multi-shot component, which could be a charm exclusive. But since you can only use so many charms, it has limits. It makes more builds viable, but you still have the same awesome gameplay.

People keep using the phrase “Outdated Mechanic”. It’s not outdated just because it’s old. This game has proven that over 20 years. This game is hell of alot better than the “modernized” sequel and we want to keep it that way.

I don’t say that those are bad ideas for a Diablo game, but i think it is a bad idea for Diablo 2. If you make changes like that the game will no longer be Diablo 2. Mabye you will get all of these things in the up and comming Diablo 4.

edit: By the way, many of these charm changes you mentioned sounds alot like the Diablo 3 rune system, we don’t want these kinds of things here. If you like these kinds of things, you should play the game that has that feature, and not try to change this game.

Diablo 2 was already changed multiple times already. Each time it changed, they made older things more redundant. The first uniques were great, but then they became redundant in comparison to elites, then came along runewords and now many uniques are garbage.

I would rather them improve the system by making things important. We could also use more content instead of the same boss runs, to make the grind mechanic that the entire game is based on a little more enjoyable. But at the start, they should just focus on getting the game out and worry about improvements later.

Many of us are scared of change because of what D3 was like. No one wants that…

But then the question is, can a completely new team revive a developer progression of a 20 year old game and still keep it true to the original feel and gameplay? I personally don’t think so. I think if they started altering or adding content it would not push the game forwards, but in some other direction. That would MOST LIKELY, but not certainly, be destructive.

You have to remember that Diablo 2 has a step progression. If you unlock all content for everyone to free farm it will break said step progression and gearing up will be less rewarding. You will not progress in the same way. The fun of the game isn’t about killing the monsters over and over a thousand times, it’s the variety of loot they drop that makes you progress and unlock new area’s where you can get even better stuff.

At the moment the itemization in D2-LOD sucks. Since they increased the resistance penalty and difficulty, you literally require the overpowered runewords, just to compete and survive within full-party games. Everyone wears the exact same equipment anyway, because the amount of variety is actually quite limited.

The base itemization mechanic is quite good, but the items are lacking…

I beg to differ, itemization in D2 is one of the best things about it. One of the biggest things Diablo 3 failed at.

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D3 had many good innovations with items.

But the overall game was poorly implemented.

And D2 isn’t without faults, there are issues.

D3 released with a great loot drop system, but horrible itemization system.

Reaper of Souls came with the opposite, a horrible loot drop system, but a decent itemization system.

Then it span out of control and the game became worse and worse.

The items at launch were a joke. All you did was equip the strongest whatever, because everything was basically the same. At the moment items have better prefixes and affixes than before, so the improvement is very noticeable. The new unique bonuses are what really make them stand out now, compared to what even exists within D2 at the moment. But the focus on cookie cutter set damage, kind of ruin some of this. You don’t have to use sets with Legacy of Dreams though.

But, yeah. Paragon and Rift Loot… Horrible.

If they kept d3 as it was on launch, removed the RM aspect of the AH, and made legendaries have static prefixes with fluctuating values like in Diablo 2, instead of finding a very rare wizard set item with completely randomized useless stats for the class, the game might be a very viable option to Diablo 2 in my opinion.

That way, if you finally found a set item or legendary (which was rare at that time), it would have the proper stats and could be used or traded for something you would like. That would be rewarding, and would create a proper economy.


Exshactly Playaah, all your posts, hallelushah.

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This in itself is a problem. Why do you want more inventory space?

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Charms would not work in your normal inventory if charm inventory existed. Normal inventory would be strictly for picking up items. Charm effects would only be activated in the charm inventory.

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To pick up items, I surmise. What do you surmise that might be?


I have been playing D2 mods with Charm inventory and its just been a space where charms go so you can pick up additional items! Its a little out dated and silly to to tell players to pick a charm over inventory space like gosh the purist really want this game to flop after a month! We all buy D2R Play it for a few weeks then stop Due to all the baggage the games has… We wait for mods BAM we all come back LOL


I played PD2 for a few hours yesterday, goofing around in a plugy single player test stash the creators uploaded with the site. The charm inventory was pretty neat, surprisingly enough. However, my issue was that it allowed normal items too. While my initial thoughts on having more space in the 1.10+ iteration of LoD should come with instanced loot (unless they balanced the game well enough where old uniques/sets came back in line for desire and viability) I would be ok with charm inventory if no items could go into it. It was locked to charms only. - It should also be a note that PD2 sets the standard no drop to players 4, and players 8 is aprx p9 according to the wiki, so more loot does drop to account for the extra space in that mod.

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