Captain Crimson's Trimmings

Been running anywhere between Normal to T4, and they haven’t dropped a single plan since completing the Blacksmith of all of the other plans.

I don’t think it’s difficulty locked but the rather weird algorithm that causes 1 specific recipe to not drop is a recurring thing since Season was introduced.

Just unlucky I guess, bud.

I’ve been doing mostly t16 Bagboy and am Seasonal and definitely doing bounties. These are the last plans I need and they just aren’t dropping. I do indeed have 1100 bounty mats, my Paragon level is 700ish now. I’ve even killed 15+ odious collector goblins and they don’t drop any plans, just mats. The characters in my profile on this page are horribly out of date as I’m not playing on PC anymore.

Could be a console issue.

Bagboy- edited my post but will reiterate. I don’t play on PC anymore, playing on switch so my characters aren’t in profile linked to this.

I originally thought it could be a console issue as well, but people are also having trouble getting it on PC and it’s the exact same game no matter what system you are playing it on. Also two of my friends who also play on switch got the plans but it took forever, 1000+ bounty mats before it dropped. And I have another friend who plays on PC that is Paragon 1000ish and he hasn’t had it drop either.

Well, its not exactly the same game. Console is currently at least 1 patch behind PC, but it’s not related to this. It’s possible there was a hotfix to this on PC and hasn’t made it to console yet.

Plans should drop from every bounty bag until you have them all; obviously the game already tracks the ones you don’t have, it wouldn’t be a task to achieve this.

Considering people hate bounties in the first place, you’d think this would already be a thing. Biggest QoL change circa '19.

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As I said though, this is also occuring on PC. And patches are released to PC and console at the exact same time. I checked my PC and Switch patch version and notes and they are identical. Was watching a streamer on PC today trying to get these to drop as well while split farming bounties with 3 friends and it took him and I quote “12+ hours of nonstop split farming bounties before it dropped.”

Not every change on PC goes to console at the same time. Nothing to do with Crimsons, but I assure you it’s a fact. Console won’t recieve the current bazooka change until at least the next patch.

My boyfriend and his friend had the same problem. The plans wouldn’t drop for them. Mine dropped first day on the first set of bounties we did. After well over 300 paragon with no luck on the plans i suggested going back down to normal and doing bounties and both got them on the first bounty run of all five acts. I don’t know if this is a “fix” but if anyone is desperate might as well try.

Now imagine if you could trade in this game. Lolol. All of you that don’t want trading in D4, this is what you have to look forward to.

It’s not a matter of who does or does not want it. D4 will have “limited trading”, but not as limited as D3. Why are people still talking about this. It’s old news.

Here’s an interesting fact, a UGO was spotted above the whiye house yesterday. Talk about that.

It’s about all of the posts that want no trading at all or very limited trading. Stuff like this shows how boring and annoying the game will get. And this is a Diablo forum, that’s why.

You don’t underatand what I’m saying. D4 will have limited trading. There’s no reason to talk about it. If there’s clouds in the sky and you argue about who likes them and who doesn’t, guess what? They’re still there.

Nothing is set in stone. They could always change it which is what I’m working against.

I see. Yea, no. There will definitely be trading to some degree.

After reading all of the comments here, I decided to run some bounties, get some caches, then save them. I logged in to a Level 1 toon with about 120 paragon, and opened the caches. BAM, every single one of the “rare” caches dropped, and this is AFTER the caches stopped dropping on my main. Really odd “bug”, but hey, got the plans!

Same problem here on PC. I’m bored to death with farming bounties. Sure would have been nice if they didn’t F up the drop tables. The extremely poor way this game is maintained is honestly making me want to stop playing it forever. “Horadric Caches now contain two guaranteed Legendary or Set recipes (if available at your level range)” rolls eyes. after MANY hours of farming i also tried opening one(1) on a new lvl 70 and one(1) on a new lvl 1. nada. at this point i’ll be taking a break until they fix it. When/if they get around to fixing stuff, it’d be nice if we could reliably invite people to group. just sayin.

Same problem here on PC. Got the plan without issues last season, but it seems to be evading me this one - done countless bounties and no set plans have been dropping for a while, but still have not found this one :frowning:

//Edit: Went into a public game and a goblin finally dropped it for me

I’ve also been having trouble finding CCT so I did as someone in the thread recommended and tried to open caches from on a new lvl 1 char. 5 Caches from T13 and 3 plans dropped. Among them were CCT.
