Captain Crimson's Trimmings

I’m over 500 paragon at this point only doing bounties i have well over 100 of all bounty materials and no plan drop yet. getting beyond a joke at this point and really takes the fun away from the game.


Are you sure you don’t already have it?! :open_mouth:
I think you automatically get plans in bounty instead of legendaries until you get all plans.

Try to make a belt and make sure the drop box at the top “says all” (because you might be missing mats and also sometimes the filtering doesn’t work very well as well)

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100% i still dont have it.

Run some vaults and kill some Odious Collectors they should drop.

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create a level 1 character, do bounty then open cache… it should drop.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Think again, Mr Most Annoying Sound In Da World.

Took me around 35 caches to get it in non-season.

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weird. 1st day, 1st bounty got them. kinda weird.

and I wish i had primal oat and people got it but not me… see

Torment level is a factor in the quality of drops. I can’t say what level it should be but I didn’t get it until T10.

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CC dropped early on in season, but RNG is still sucking for me in NS, no bueno CC.

I would like to play my seasonal UE6/CC3 build in NS but I’m completely sick of running mind-killing bounties over and over again.

Edit: never mind…plan finally dropped

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You do, but sometimes it glitches out and there will be a plan or two you don’t get.

I didn’t get Asheara’s plans until I was over 900 paragon this season. Did a lot of bounties without any plans dropping, assumed I had them all. Then the Asheara’s plan just randomly dropped yesterday.

Some people have had luck creating a new character and opening caches on the new character. Might have something to do with forcing the game to do a recheck of the plans you have.

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Same, i just got the missing plan at paragon 900. :stuck_out_tongue:

I did countless bounties and no trimmings. I did a full bounty run, got the 5 caches, opened them on another level 70 and the plans dropped.

I know of at least 2 other people this worked on as well, so this is definitely a glitch and this might just be a way around it. Good luck!

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It is really looking like they just slugged it into the same buggy code spot formerly occupied by the Sage’s set…

I don’t think it ever really had anything to do with Sage’s. Or with Captain Crimson’s. That’s just confirmation bias. People notice with those ones because they actually want those sets.

It actually can happen with pretty much any plan.

I didn’t get Asheara’s this season until it randomly popped out of a cache at paragon 900. I’d done quite a few sets of bounties without any plans dropping at that point.

There was a previous season where I had problems getting the plans for Cosmic Strand as well.

It just seems like sometimes the last plan or two you need will glitch out and not drop for your character. Most people don’t complain when it’s the plan for Demon’s Hide or Asheara’s or something similarly junky. People tend to notice more when it’s something they actually want like Captain Crimson’s or Sage’s.

But I’m pretty sure the bug isn’t specific to those sets/plans.


This issue is does indeed not seem limited to a particular plan, as I experienced the same phenomenon with the level 70 Cain set, which took dozens of bounty caches to drop, while I had all other plans.

I was crafting the wrong Crimson set and realized I still dont have this plan!

Done over 200 bounties. Made a different character and opened a full game of caches on it and nothing. farmed 4 tabs of caches and opened on a new character, same thing. Read that it dropped for someone on expert at 5. did that a number of times still no luck. Multiple odesius collectors, still nothing. Even played a normal character and found augild’s or w/e on the first cache and 40 caches latter still no CC. I’m going to keep trying and keep you updated. Paragon 550

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I wish there was some confirmation from Blizzard if these plans are actually rare or we’re just idiots farming them when they’re supposed to be guaranteed.

I got them as my last plan this season, no problem. GF on the other hand still doesn’t have them after tons of caches opened.

At this point I can only say that it’s super frustrating and I don’t know if I should just give up.

I have had the same issue several seasons, there’s always one plan that drops much later.

The difference is, as Tinn mentions, which ones you actually notice is missing. Back in the days we used Cain’s for exp farm the same thing happend.

Make sure it’s not in your inventory bags. Maybe you put it there and forgot