Captain Crimson's Trimmings

Loving the Season 19 effects BTW.
Paragon 650+…tried making a level 1 character…ran LOTS of bounties and still no CC. Tons of gobs, mobs, Odious, Gelatinous, and still nothing. Looking for any suggestions.


Way back in patch 2.3.0 the following was implemented:

Horadric Caches now contain two guaranteed Legendary or Set recipes (if available at your level range)

Basically you’d always get some recipes until had all of them. Presumably this works by having a specific loot table consisting these recipes only. Now when recipes like Captain Crimson were redesigned, they didn’t just get updated, they were completely replaced with new recipes. Unfortunately I think Blizzard forgot to include these new recipes in the loot table which guarantees you’d eventually get them from the horadric caches, they are merely part of the general cache loot table which is subject of RNG. This is my theory of why getting Captain Crimson plans is so notoriously difficult.

Shouldn’t a simple hotfix at the server end be enough to rectify this?

It’s honestly ridiculous how many bounties I’ve done and not gotten captain crimson set. I need it for the new crusader build and it’s the only one that won’t drop for me . Can some from blizzard please tell me something before I just stop playing


Seriously bro I know this crimson set plan so bad and there’s no confirmation whether it’s a glitch or if I’m doing something wrong . I don’t wanna keep doing these bounties if I’m doing them for absolutely no reason

This is the reason why Diablo IV won’t go back to the D2 drop system. People are lazy and don’t like the grind, always looking for handouts now.

Why should anyone be given such a powerful set receipe? I think the low drop % is perfect for it

See I’m fine with that but I’m hearing from people that you’re suppose to get all the plans in the beginning. Like if you do a bounty you’re guaranteed a plan until you get them all. All I want is clarification. If it’s a drop percent I’m fine with grinding as long as I know I’m doing the right thing by grinding . But if it’s a bug I do t wanna keep doing these bounties for no reason

It took me far more bounty completions than normal to obtain this plan as well. For several opens of T16 bounties I did not receive any plans whatsoever, which led me to believe something was bugged this season. It did end up dropping though.

My only advice is to continue doing bounties as annoying as that may be. Good luck!

Just keep on doing bounties and the plan will drop. I had several drop no plans at all before finally getting the CC plan.

It’s a bug. Sadly, noone knows what makes it stop ^_^.

As esoteric “solution” when I had the problem once:
Make a new char, kill things until you get the first fluff-book about Crusaders. Next Goblin after that dropped the plan I was waiting for. :slight_smile:

All this “New char” stuff hinges on the theory that some “Already got that”-Tag is falsely placed on that plan for your char.
Problem is that these are Account-wide. Maybe log on to a non-season char to make a bounty before going seasonal again?

to be fair, assuming you’re doing T16 bounties, 100 mats is only 4-5 bounty runs. it’ll drop eventually… it’s been 3 days since season launch. Keep at it you’ll get it :slight_smile: Dont skip collector goblins if you see them, they can drop it also.

I heard play hard diff act 1 has higher chance to drop. Got mine at 4th run.

Throwing my 2 cents in here as having the same problems. It’s this plan in particular now, have had problems all 3 times trying to unlock it, it takes way longer than it should.

Just cracked P800 and finally got it this morning. :confused:

I was having trouble getting it to drop too. What worked for was doing 1 or 2 games of bounties, all five acts, saving the caches, creating a level one toon, and then open the caches on the new toon.

Turned out I was missing 4 crafting plans. Asheara’s, Crimson’s, Cain’s, and I forget the last one.

First time I did this process, I got Asheara’s and Cain’s. Did the whole process a second time and got Crimson’s and the last one.

I was somewhere around paragon 550 when the process was done.

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Very first time, got a chest, stashed it and opened it with a level 1 character, got the plan. Was grinding for hours before that. Do it, now! :slight_smile:

This is getting beyond ridiculous. Did nothing but bounties the last 2 days on T16. I currently have 1100+ of each bounty material and still have not received these plans. Tried doing it on different difficulties and opening the caches on different characters/new characters. I’ve ran bounties on new characters and nothing seems to work. Getting a bit frustrated since this set is used in so many builds.

Bounty caches drop plans until you have all plans. You either have the plans already or you’re not running bounties. You have no Seasonal characters and your Paragon is too low for having 1100 bounty materials.

There could be an issue where the plans don’t drop in non-season, but I dont know as I don’t play it. I personally got the plans after or 3 or 4 bounty runs this Season.


I’ve done nothing but bounties since I have my 6-piece on Seasonal, and it’s a pain because I’ve done 20 sets (that is 20 x 5 per act) of bounties and the plan has yet to drop.

Till date, my bounty caches only drops the usual legendaries and mats, but no more plans.

And yes, I already have all of the other plans learned at the Blacksmith.

P100 Seasonal with no gear. Either you did these bounties on a low difficulty or it took forever. It’s possible they only drop on X+ difficulty, but it’s hard to say.

My first bounty run, I got the weak Crimson plans and 2 or 3 runs later I had every plan. I’m not sure what you guys are doing.