Captain Crimson for Season 22!

There’s a few things off with the planner.

  1. On the standard setup, you don’t have either DW weapons augmented, but you have yangs/quiver augmented.

  2. D3planner considers wolf as a flat 15% increase. Not to mention, even with CC3’s toughness, wolf dies a lot in the 130’s GR, so it’s even less of a benefit than the downtime suggest. I played Iria’s build live stream to show viewers and I had to switch out wolf after feeling bad about it lying on the floor dead for half the rift :frowning:

  3. DW setups generally don’t run single out, they run archery if they need an extra damage passive. It’s a pretty big deal considering they lose CC from not having a quiver.

  4. Bows are naturally a little stronger than 1 handers. D3planner shows this, but it does not show Valla’s legendary benefit. The higher damage of the 2h bow is neutralized by Valla’s effect.

This is why I made the direct comparison between CC3’s damage bonus and CoE, since those are the primary factors. How people build around these primary factors will change from person to person, but the dps difference between them will be minimal.

P.S. Not a fan of that Aughilds setup in that D3planner, but I understand where it comes from. It’s not as DPS heavy as I ran it. I’d almost suggest standard with CoE/mantle over that route if one isn’t going to go all out “Rambo” with it.

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I need to use bane of the stricken. Fighting bosses feels bad without that. Hey wait does aughilds help against bosses?
How does it compare to stricken, on a 3 minute rift guardian?

All elite damage affixes work vs rift gaurdians. In the upcoming season, the clones actually do pretty nice damage vs RG in higher GR’s. This combined with the 4th cube slot may allow individuals to get away with not having to slot stricken in their earlier pushes as long as they save a pylon for the RG.

No amount of elite damage is going to compare or beat even a low level stricken gem on an RG. Aughilds helps for sure, but that’s not where it’s value lies. Aughilds shine when you’re kiting a few elites around a map full of trash mobs. When AD procs on elites with trash around, the trash mobs gets the bonus damage from elites as well, allowing for even more effective trash clearing potential and the ability to consider finishing off low HP elites that you would otherwise skip with other setups.

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Yup some mistakes I didn’t see, copy paste + changes errors.
You mind sharing how your Aug setup changed ? Squirts ? Something else ?

GOD DH with Crimson works great in Hardcore, it is really tanky! I just did a GR114 with it which put me rank 5 of the European leaderboard. Thanks for posting this build Iria!


Grats, the rank 1 DH softcore NA build is GoD6/CC3 too! It’s quite strong early on.


And now with two support friends (zdh and zbarb) we just ranked 1 in Europe :slight_smile:


Congrats on your rank 1

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Just a quick question regarding optimizing squirt’s uptime with the fortress ballista/aughild speed gr build. Currently have all resist on boots, pants, belt, and chest, with vit on helm, all ancient. Just wondering if I should go for vit or all resist on bracers and/or shoulder to optimize squirt’s uptime at my current 1300 paragon? Also debating whether or not to run esoteric for speed grs since I got some lucky physical res secondaries? I guess the dilemma for me is mainly maximizing damage reduction vs ballista’s shield. I know Die made a post about it back in s21 ptr but was curious if any line has hlany further thoughts about it with the 4th cube slot available this season?

If you have to choose between vit and all res on bracers/shoulders, go for vit.

I would not suggest running a toughness gem in speeds. Slot mantle of channeling in 4th cube slot, run boar, pop shadow power gloom when engaging elites or an area you might spend a few seconds in with ranged mob density and you should have the shield up the majority of the time.

You can also drop boar for prep and run elusive ring in the 4th cube slot, but for speeds I feel that’s a bit overkill and you start to lose some of what makes aughilds attractive in the first place (dps).

Just don’t charge directly into mobs blindly and you’ll be fine :slight_smile:

With regards to your issue of getting more toughness for using Squirt’s with Fortress Ballista, you can’t rely on the Captain Crimson variant for toughness without Yang’s Recurve so you should go with a standard GoD6 setup. For comparable toughness, try this build:

I cloned the build in the OP but changed out the setup to use Mantle of Channeling. You lose a bit of toughness and utility but gain Fortress Ballista with Squirt’s, so your damage would be overall higher provided you keep the Squirt’s buff up to at least 6 stacks.

Edit: the set you want is “set 2” in the d3planner link. Also, don’t compare the sheet DPS but rather the damage per hit in the skills section. Also, I didn’t include enough cooldown reduction for 100% Vengeance uptime but it should still be 95% uptime, you can replace an area damage roll or something to get that to 100% uptime if you want.

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Toughness should never be a problem in speeds. Maybe you’re trying to speed content higher than your paragon / gear can handle (sure on a great map with the right pylons it may feel like a speed, then you get bad mob types and barracks and you just add 3-5m to that run).

Tbh the only thing that could kill you in speeds is shadow clone reflects from dervishes / sand dwellers, if you’re taking serious dmg or getting killed apart from that, you’re trying to speed too high - IMHO.

Vit will always - as Dieoxide mentioned - be the best increase in toughness if it comes down to it, exception being if you have a god like bracer or w/e item and you’re willing to add the vit from para to make up for a large gap in your resists - again IMHO.

I’m running Yangs + 9CS w/o CC3 and my toughness (~1.6B in my speed setup) is never a problem even in 4p 125 with no support, the only thing that can kill me is reflects from shadow clones, arcane beams / molten booms / poison / etc can be avoided easily (unless you don’t run smoke screen but prefer shadow power gloom), same with most hard hitting attacks from mobs / RG.

Personally I feel that smoke screen is just too amazing for defensive purposes, and will give you more survival and dps (can stay in occulus more even if bad stuff is on it) overall.