Yep, I will also definitely start with a GOD DH (+Captain Crimson) in S22! It’s my favorite build these days. Which will not prevent me from doing a Crusader Thorns/Bombardment as second character (unless they nerf it too much) and Necro Bone Spear as a third (really powerful and fun to play, Psikill was right!).
Just to be on the safe side, I would consider 1 AS roll somewhere (ring or weapon or gloves) to be in the same 7 frames breakpoint we had with DW or 1H+quiver.
Not sure if it wilj give higher damage output, but should feel similar to a DW setup, especially with manual casts.
Comparison between CC3 and Elusive+CoE :
CC3 is 2.3T vs 1.9T (50% coe averaged) for standard setup. Toughness is similar.
CC3 is far easier to gear early on, CC3 wins
& you can even add more toughness by just swapping the helm gem to topaz
Probably a dumb question here but what is the CC build you guys are referring to here that would apply to S22? 2nd, can that build work with yangs or is this going for 2 1 handers? Thanks!
The post just above yours, take the d3planner link and replace - with .
Everything is explained in first post btw
One think not covered in my previous post is factoring the total AD damage. Due to the exponential nature of it with pierces, it’s entirely possible that in the end the damage burst from COE could produce higher overall damage over the rift.
Use the grave accent symbol ` (usually found above the tab key), so your link will appear as:
until you get trust level 3 and can link it directly.
See the original post at the top for the link to the build. I went ahead and updated it today.
It only works with Yang’s. The reason is you use the 50% resource cost reduction for the 50% damage reduction as well with the CC3 bonus.
Isn’t the power of the GoD partially linked to the Valla’s Bequest endless piercing and re-casting Hungering Arrow?
Isn’t the power of the GoD partially linked to the Valla’s Bequest endless piercing and re-casting Hungering Arrow?
I’m not a pro at this build, but this is my understanding from reading/watching stuff from the pros:
The hungering arrows pierce comes from the Ninth Ciri Satchel. Valla’s just helps you maximize DPS by providing more strafe ‘hits’ on which to trigger the hungering arrow fire, to cap it at the breakpoint, since a single projectile could create more than one hit to trigger it.
In OP’s build, they are putting in the rocket storm rune of strafe to achieve the same effect, essentially. More strafe projectiles to create more strafe hits so that there is little to 0 downtime between when a new hungering arrow could be shot, and when the next strafe projectile hits something to actually shoot it.
Excellent post. It generated a lot of interesting ideas and observations.
I’ll be using Iria’s templates as a basis for my DH. It seems well thought out and will provide a solid, capable build for experimentation.
Thank you.
Yes, solid base, assuming perfect rolls everywhere it’s 2x damage output compared to standard CoE + Elusive setup not accounting the +50% average from CoE.
So it’s +100% all the time vs +200% 1/4th of the time. I tend to prefer the former.
Just wondering if anyone’s taken a look at some of the builds they posted at It’s run by Raxx, Wudi, and a bunch of other big names in the community with Northwar writing the God DH push/speed guide for next season. Apparently, it doesn’t really have any mention of the Yang/Crimson variant either for pushing or for speeds, which I think is a huge disservice for people visiting that site wanting advice from these community experts. The variants they do have for pushing include the Odyssey End, the Fortress Ballista/Squirt’s, and the traditional Valla’s, each with COE/Elusive in the cube.
Just curious what everyone else’s thoughts are for this possible dual generator push variant with Odyssey and if anyone’s tried it this past season? I know there were definitely issues with the 4 piece not proccing the correct generator this season, but was curious if the 4th cube slot will make it any more viable in s22?
Also curious what people thought about this Aughild/Fortress/Squirt’s/elusive variant they had listed for solo speed gr? Seems like the Aughild set bonus + elusive damage mitigation should already be pretty good for higher end pushing, and the damage bonus from squirt’s/aughild combo should also outperform any of the builds they had listed for pushing as well. At any rate I think I’m still gonna start with Yang’s/Crimson since it’s so easy to build and flexible with the affix rolls and is super nice for speeds early on.
I did, but that site is only a few days old so give it some time. They have good info on the site so far and I’m helping proofread some of the mechanics pages and DH related things. They have a discord and are very receptive to good feedback.
I mentioned it to Wudi a couple days ago on his stream and he wasn’t aware of the setup. He dismissed it at first until he realized that it uses Yang’s for the massive toughness. I just posted the build and a link to this thread on their discord under their theorycrafting section. So maybe they will add my build to their site.
It’s a very strong setup indeed. I prefer my Captain Crimson variant for utility and toughness, but in the end, I predict the Aughild variant with CoE cubed will be the solo meta at high paragon (3000+).
Unsure if aughild is gonna outperform crimson. You loose bracers for toughness and CoE for damage, which is not made up by aughild bonus. May be on par or close for toughness, it deserves a sim to find out.
That’s why I said high paragon, since you make up the toughness with enough extra dexterity.
Here is the sim, all 3 variants :
Aughild is highest damage but CC3 is very close. Aughild is 1k1 toughness, coe+elusive is 1k7, CC3 is 1k9.
All @2k paragon.
Well… why bother ? CC3 gives you everything. I don’t get it.
Ok there’s one downside, no ballista for speed GR with squirts.
The key difference is the restriction on weapon slots. With Fortress Ballista, you can hopefully keep the Squirt’s buff up more and use that. With Captain Crimson, you pretty much want to use Flavor of Time since (1) you can’t use Fortress Ballista, and (2) the extra CDR roll on the amulet helps dps via the CC3 bonus.
Also compare the elite damage and damage reduction too with Aughild’s.
I compared them with elite/boss checked yes it’s about the same.
So squirts instead FoT ? Not my cup of tea but why not.
Then CoE instead of elusive with aughilds, again why not, highest damage potential here, but I won’t play that, you don’t need 3k paragon to stay alive @140+ you need much more.
I know because I’m 3k paragon on NS and I struggle to stay alive with standard setup and CoE instead of elusive >135.
5k+, maybe, which will definitely be accessible this season with rat runs.
I hate rat runs… will stick with DH runs even if they are less effective
Yes you can. My rank 1 clear earlier in the previous season was with dual generator. I ended up dropping it in the end because of the bug associated with swapping generators and strafe not picking up the last generator casted, but on paper dual gen is technically the strongest DPS setup. It’s just hard to play and frustratingly clunky to play with the bug mentioned.
There’s a little bit of misinformation here regarding CC3 and how you’re comparing it to the other options available.
CC3 is about as strong as the standard setup. With CC3’s set bonus, you gain a little over 50% more damage in an optimal setup, while CoE in a traditional setup will net you somewhere similar, maybe slightly more depending on the player and timing of cycles.
What sets CC3 apart from the standard and any other variation is it’s utility. It’s by far the most comfortable and convenient setup available. No worrying about CoE cycles, nor procing elusive ring and being forced to add prep to the bar to sustain it and it has more opportunistic toughness than all of the available options. This in turn makes GoD6 even easier to play and allows you to be more risky in decision making and will inevitably increase your dps output naturally. What it doesn’t do though, is outright increase your raw dps substantially over the standard setup.
Aughilds when played right has more output than both CC3 and standard at the cost of significant toughness reduction from trash mobs. It’s practically Rambo mode, and should be paired with CoE or mantle in 4th cube slot in higher GR’s. Elusive doesn’t make much sense here, even with fortress/squirts. If you’re going to do that, CC3 is the far better option.
While Rambo mode (Aughilds), is a bit harder to play than CC3 and standard, it can totally be done with reasonable paragon. On seasons, NS and S22 PTR I ran aughilds successfully in the high 130’s. Did not fish hard. I’m also pretty sure I was the only masochist to be bothered to go this route, as I saw no one else on the LB’s do it.
We have multiple competitive options that suites a variety of play styles/flavor.
Like burst damage and don’t want to deviate from your previous setup much? Play standard.
Not a fan of CoE rotations and want excellent utility without much micro/macro management, while sporting an incredible amount of toughness? Go CC3.
Looking to squeeze every last bit of toothpaste at the bottom of the tube and don’t mind excessively exerting yourself to get every ounce you paid for? Go Aughilds.
Regardless of the choice, you “win” as long as you understand how to make the most out of your choice and it fits how you want to play.
Ok it seems I screwed up my d3p save, so this is a working one with all 3 sets :
If you look at HA damage in skill section, CC3 is double output than standard setup without CoE buff factored in, so 50% more damage give or take.
A bit less because Wolf is not 100% uptime with CC3.
Note that just in case, Yang’s has IAS roll to be at the same strafe breakpoint dual wield sits in.
this is me 100%
I hate having to pay attention to CoE rotations more than a hillbilly hates going to the dentist.