Captain Crimson for Season 22!

Ah ok, now it makes click.

So for me, playing with a 2H-Buriza build this means:

minimize the distance to my targets to maximize my dmg…i guess?
But as i am spedning most of the case in an occulus-ring …im mostly stationary and close to the mobs anyhow.

So the 19 ias + remove paragon from ias still applies for bow.

Ahh nevermind, at least i got that missing puzzlepiece now xD

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i’m going to use your build it’s solid. ty

Why not a topaz in the helm? i’m calculating the RCR is enough to compinsate the loss of CDR for 100% shadow power uptime and it adds more toughness to the build.

Edit: The diamond is the way to go, the build has so much toughness already the diminished returns arent worth the topaz.

For 100% Vengance Uptime?

far more than enough with dawn.

Ahh you were refering to the crimson variant?
True. Well then a nonsocketed helm with a good roll would be the optimum i guess

i meant Odyssey without crimsons, so you would have the s21 build + Odyssey 150%. If the damage is close, than yangs-crimson would be best.

i think you have to socket it, the trade off of CDR and RCR points towards RCR i find, but that does make the timing really tight.

You can do that, but as stated above Dual Generator builds are a bit flimsy to play.
There are enough momentum-stack errors with single-generator builds already.

Would still be nice to see how it performs. You can even 6 Piece GoD+Elusive in Cube + Shadow Power with the 0 Dicipline Rune on autocast + a CoE in the Cube. This should also perform pretty good while being damn tanky

Have you considered Buriza and it’s top end hungering arrow damage potential? Are they going to cap pierces? I boss killing will be back in s22 i assume.

There is a cap on HA travel distance, but not pierces, so you get more possible pierces before the HA runs out of travel distance if you stand on top of the mob. Buriza+satchel in melee range can get some consistent ridiculous numbers, but getting a good satchel is something i only see on botters and leprechauns.

are you forgetting that with CC, cdr = dmg?

edit, i liked the idea of using doppler to describe it at least.

Iria, on you D3P, 1k dex is more damage than 8%CDR (gloves), and also easier to get a “perfect” glove early on.
It is even slightly better on bow than 10CDR, but it’s cutting hairs on that one.
Then only benefit for more CDR here is for wolf uptime. Is it worth it ?

Anyway solid build on paper, and easier to gear for (high AD) than the standard setup.

Pushing as high as I can currently, and using boar instead of FoK until that time, I found out the pet is an issue and messes with grouping. I guess this will be the same for the wolf, and I see MfD being better just for those high pushes (not having a pet ruining templar’s pulls)

yes , i actually forgot that. was pretty late for me xD

I was lucky enough to find one this season on my 3rd reroll xD.
Ahh true traveldistance is also capped. Yeah the discussion above was more about staying at the 9fps and the possibility to desync even when strafe is at 9fps.

Ok…so ill just make big pulls with my buri and stay in melee-range. Probably better anyhow so FoK applies cold and triggers Cull

Marked for Death is unfortunately in the same additive category as many other multipliers including Taeguk and Hungering Arrow +% (found on quivers/belts/pants). So in this case, the +15% from MfD ends up being +6.67% damage which is quite small (and it’s even worse with Odyssey’s End since that’s in the same category too).

Right, forgot about that.
If CDR is dropped from gloves only, 69% wolf uptime is 10.35%.
If dropping CDR on bow too, 63% then, for 9.45%.
This closes the gap.
On boss MfD uptime is 100%, on trash if you tag the right ones that die quick and let it spread… the delta would be 3 to 4%.
Less damage I agree, but not that much.

what lvl are you pushing without boar or fok? that seems like a big toughness loss, and ime, toughness becomes a problem before dmg output.

i do agree with the pet part, i am a big fan of enchantress, especially with this build, and i keep an eye on their positioning, especially as that dictates where the eoj pulls will be. but when they are blocking traffic, running away will pull them both behind you and when they re engage they will be at the front again, which is the best place for both to be.

tldr, i think toughness > small% of dmg after a certain point

what lvl are you pushing without boar or fok? that seems like a big toughness loss, and ime, toughness becomes a problem before dmg output.

Up to 136 with boar (this one was a very lucky one, first pull festering good mobs, conduit, and sandshaper).
Switched to FoK and trying 138 now, 140 seems out of reach, I lack damage (or patience to throw 400 keys away for a possible clear)
Toughness difference is not that much, I’m quite high on resists, maybe 100k difference on a bit less than 2M toughness on sheet fully stacked.
Running elusive btw, i die way too much with CoE, but that’s just me.

For Hardcore, with the Fourth cube slot, couldn’t you wear either FoT or Squirts and cube the other plus have elusive in the cube and dual wield Ballista w/Dawn.

I don’t know, that seems like it would be a heck of a combo, double your damage in one fell swoop.


or another is go Dawn + Shield, cube NCS, Depth Diggers, Elusive and Fortress for tons and tons of defense.

Just throwing those out there.

The first one is my setup for speed group runs with zdh in S21, works nicely up to gr115-120. That is as long as mobs are mostly CCd by the zdh pulls and die quickly enough, because no elusive there.
Would be possible to go higher in S22 with elusive cubed also.