You can talk to your IQ? Well that is impressive. Does he/she/it have a name?
Despite that: Yeah the linked Build has a 20% Quiver in combination with a bow, which leads to the most undesired 8fps BP. A 19 % or less quiver in combination with a removal of IAS from Paragon is needed for a gameplay with a bow. But i think that is common knowledge
You lose out on Focus and Restraint in that setup. You need Ring of Royal Grandeur to use Aughild’s or Captain Crimson.
That was what we (the TPA clan members) determined. However, that is only the case of a stationary target while strafing in place. In an actual GR setting, since you fire randomly at targets with different distances, the projectile travel time will fluctuate a lot and thus mess up any perfect breakpoints.
If you were to strafe while inside of a large target (e.g. boss), then since the travel time is essentially zero, the breakpoint would make more sense. Furthermore, if you strafe-weave (a.k.a. stutter-step) a lot, then the breakpoint also doesn’t matter since you are constantly interrupting strafe. Also, the Rocket Storm rune compensates for a lot of those issues as well.
That said, Valla’s provides about a 10-20% boost in projectiles over the course of a rift if you don’t stutter-step or use rocket storm (according to Wudijo and some other players). It’s not as critically important as other things for the build.
Oh true…well then just God 6 + Elu + CoE. Or RRoG + the new Mantle of Channeling + CoE. There is a lot to play with the upcoming season.
Breakpoints can also be seen in D3planner…just saying.
Well even when strafing a 9 FPS Strafe BP will shoot more hungering arrows than a desynced 8FPS Strafe BP as the internal cooldown of GoD is 9FPS, or not?
Well as far is i understood it. ICD of GoD = 9 FPS.
When Strafe =! 9 FPS it can occur that you loose Hungering Arrows as Strafe and ICD of GoD Desync. This is compensated by Vallas or Rocketstorm when running with 1H Weapons.
However a 9 FPS BP should always be better than a 8 FPS BP.
or is there ANY Scenario where an 8 fps Strafe BP with a 2H-Weapon would be better? AFAIK No, or am i wrong.
Needless to make things overcomplicated.
When it rains the street is wet, when the street is wet it doesnt mean it has rained before
Well there might be a pathological case where you firing at the 9 FPA breakpoint but strafe hits are occurring every 8 frames if you are approaching the target. Since you are a physicist, I’ll simply say Doppler shift and you can fill in the rest!
To be honest, the way i understood it this far is that you are a source, shooting a strafe projectile every 9 fps.
Once you have those 9 fps strafe BP you automatically shoot the maximum amount of HAs.
And maybe i never understood the GoD-Set then.
Are Arrows HITTING the Target proccing Hungering Arrows? Because thats the only case where what you wrote, would make sense to me.
But…ahh even then…im just tired maybe, but wouldnt the intervall stay the same.
Just the arrow-speed would change not the intervall at which i shoot them.
I am a point-source shooting projectiles in a 360° radius. Every 9 Pictures i shoot a Hungering Arrow if Strafe BP and ICD of GoD = 9 FPS, no matter what.
No, it isn’t an addition of frequencies like in the Doppler effect, so maybe my analogy wasn’t accurate. What I wanted to show was that the distance between you and the target is changing while you strafe so an earlier shot will have a longer distance to travel than a subsequent shot.
Take the extreme case: you move at the same speed of the strafe shots. While strafing towards a target at that speed, you fire two shots at 9 frames apart but they are overlapping and arrive at the target at the same time!
I don’t agree with this because it’s rather easy to stay within 9 FPA breakpoint (unless you absolutely have to use a primal quiver) and going over it provides no real advantage in this case.
I’d take setup that can increase performance even just “sometimes” over setup that gain nothing meaningful and I have to pretend its shortcoming doesn’t matter.
Ok so the travel speed of the hungering arrows is fixed. And its not like in the real world
vArrowreal = vArcher+vArrow.
But…man this still doesnt answer my question. I mean sure if i shoot from A and X and am moving superfast, and the arrowspeed itself is constant, then my movespeed towards the target will change the interval at which the arrows will arrive at B.
But…now i found out that i dont understand the Base-Mechanic of the GoD -Set.
Are projectiles from the Strafe triggering Hungering Arrows to be shot, or is strafe itself shoting Hungering Arrows…
At least when ingame it looks like the second one is the case. I am a tiny bit confused now.
And if it is the second one…it should make no difference again if i am stationary or not.
Using the Odyssey’s End instead of Yang’s Recurve will halve your toughness (that’s like losing Wraps of Clarity), and you also have to slot in Entangling Shot on the skill bar (so no FoK or Companion), not to mention no more permanent Shadow Power. Lastly, generator switching still has the bug that you can’t always reliably swap between generators which severely hinders the build.
You fire the primary skills (e.g. Hungering Arrows) when strafe projectiles hit a valid target, not when they are fired. It would be a lot simpler and consistent if the trigger to generate primaries was strafe projectile attack instead of strafe projectile hit.
This was proven with missile dampening, you strafe a little to fire a few projectiles and stop strafing. The primary skills are then fired from your non-strafing character when the little strafe bullets hit a target.