Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

The things in your head affect your behavior. The question you have to ask is are they valid. People do bot that guy isn’t a six year old girl. Big difference.

I’ll say it again…

I just don’t get the botter mentality…

They want to play the game, but don’t want to play the game, so they get a bot to play the game, so they can play the game.

Good luck assigning motives to that. lol

Farming 12k normal rifts is about 400 hours, add in the bounties and it be the total hour of DH play. If he did normal rifts for 460 hours as normal rifts is more exp than bounties. He get around 1765 paragon from normal rifts only.

To get from 1765 to 4800 in a efficient high end team (which i assume he would do consider being like nr1) would take around 120 hours batruns consider his gears. Thats a rough estimate with some extra hours added for pee etc.
Aka more than half his paragon is from doing bats it seem by the calculation.
I dont bot so i again dont accuse ppl for botting if u dont know. U cant look at someone and assume u need proof. U cant go around guessing by the looks at it.
However its a rough estimate.
Again im not accusing the person for botting as i only add the numbers and did the math.

I havnt heard about ppl botting in GR even from the ppl who actually got bots. Maybe its possible but i havnt heard about it. However if the person u accuse for botting did it in GR he would most likely be higher paragon with that amount of hours. Again u cant look at ppl hours played and accuse them for botting as naming and shaming isnt allowed. If u believe u got proof feel free to report them. But dont put their names up on the forum.

For the sake of it: If we assume a player bot for 460 hours and got 1800 paragon u say u cant compete with that? Im Higher than 1800 paragon. Its not much consider how far we are into the season

I think you can bot in speeds just as easy as T16. Both of them are trivial content depending on the power of the character. If say at near the beginning of the season, you’re running GR 90-100 just as quickly as you would in T16 which many people can. then you can bot it just as easily too.

As you get better gear and paragon, that might go up to 110 or 120 and again you can bot that. Point is, there is nothing that makes it any less possible to bot speed grifts than there is T16.


Havnt heard about it so i dont know.

I did the math for the person who got accused. He did 12k nephalim rifts aka normal rifts. Which is i estimated to be around 400 hours and adding the amount of bounties he be at the playtime on DH. If he did bot and botting in GR is possible why wouldnt he bot in GR? Cant say he be lacking keys to do it. Maybe blizzard ban ppl who bot in GR but not the ones who does it in normal rifts. I dont know maybe its easier to get proof for ppl who does in GR.

I wouldn’t know for certain myself, but it just stands to reason.

I don’t get why people would bot though. It’s the motivations that I just can’t get my head around. That said, while play time might be an indication, it certainly isn’t proof and folks should refrain from calling them cheaters just with playtime as evidence.

Sometimes just knowing they’re cheating the system is enough for people. Then they can look down on honest people as suckers. It’s twisted logic but there are plenty of twisted people.

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An year ago many players upvoted such suggestion. They could test such Theme for only a month if they have fears.

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You can’t bot Xp for high paragons. I dont think any bot has the ability to clear 120+ speeds to attain the 5+ Trillion xp/hr rates that are required for 5k+ paragon. As its been stated, bots are mostly to farm the keys/mats for the GRs, not the paragon itself. And T16 awards garbage XP towards paragon when you get into the higher paragons (you aint gonna level to 4000 paragon by sitting in T16 the entire time). The high paragons are more from Account Sharing, not botting. Like im still waiting to see the bots that can actually do 5T Xp/hr in a video or anything. Remember as well as I believe the Chinese servers run with a 25% XP boost option which stacks on top of pools.

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This might be true, but if they getting thousands of keys in 4 hours of game time from a bot, whether the XP is minimal or not, those keys can then be spent fishing for perfect GR’s to play in, enabling a higher clear whether they’re mediocre or some master player.

I don’t get the fishing thing either, but if a player can set a bot to play for them, then maybe doing the fishing themselves which wastes tons of time is something they might like to do to. In equates to less time actually playing the game in both cases.

You don’t need to. It’s like the plague rats exploit. Remember that one? They were only one XP each but if you stood in the corner and killed thousands of them an hour you could make quicker progress than playing perfectly on the hardest difficulty.


I’m the same way I could careless about Paragon & the leader-boards. There is so much more to the game. Then just running like a Mindless Rat Race player trying to be the Paragon or Leader-board Kings.

You can. You just need 4k+ hours to reach P4000.


But yeah, don’t know why people here keep insisting that those players with high paragon are botting at GR120+ when in reality, they were actually put effort to grind up to P4000+ with their own dedicated team. The only thing they bot will be keystone and bounty mats.

Cap Paragon? Nah, Cap season max GR/legendary gem lvl to 100.

And please just make sure all builds do 100/sub 5min.

I agree that capping seasonal paragon to promote more competition is a good thing, but 1,000 is far to low.

I think 3,000 is a good spot honestly.

U need alot more. Gr 75 isnt same exp as a normal rift its only same difficulty. Gr 77 is about 5x the exp from a nephalim rift. So use GR 77 and multi the hours with 5x.

Simply cause they havnt reached higher paragon and believe its impossible without bots.

I don’t know the “people” you’re talking about. Of course a person can reach 4k paragon with a dedicated team and wise time efficiency. I couldn’t. No time for it plus I don’t always play the most efficient way. The highest paragon I’ve reached in a season was like 2300 a season or two ago when I calculated how much I needed in Season to get to 3000 on the button at the end of season rollover.

There’s guys in my clan with close to 3000 right now in season or maybe more, haven’t been on to check. But the class you play, how you play, and stuff does have an effect but let’s not pretend that nobody bots either.

Or that botting a 110 to 120 is totally impossible to do. That it can’t under any circumstances be done. Hell, just using the “numlock trick”, I can play just as easily in a GR 100 or 110 as I can in T16. And all that does is make sure things go off when they come off cooldown when you interrupt strafe with Hungering Arrow on the GoD set.

Don’t try to tell me a bot can’t hold down a mouse button and periodically press one other from time to time.

Sorry but the numbers are FAR to high to even think that you could get any amount of paragon at lower difficulties that a bot can run at. Even chaining GR70’s is no where close to the XP you can get from GR80 and so forth per hour and the values required to get to theses paragons even show that you cannot reach them without a specific amount per hour thats unreachable by a bot.

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A dead monkey can do a Grift 70. You do know you can run one character and bot the other three for a foursome. If you’re a good enough coder you can bot all four.

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I believe u talking about kill streak exploit. That was long ago and a bot isnt doing that as it been fixed and ppl got punished for using it.

So i went and did some research. There is pretty much only 1 bot which is being used and up to date. I went to check their website and it doesnt do grift. It does bounties, rifts, ubers. So no GR.

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