[D3] Would you enjoy a power-restrictive theme?

All the D3 themes until now raised the power level of characters and builds. Would you enjoy the opposite?

Like for example having capped main stat/gems, no set items, vanilla drop rates, etc… I personally think this would be very cool and if others are skeptical they could test such thing only for a month.


And no one plays that season because no rewards for chapter 2-4

I would play that, I like power restrictions. Skills become more important.

If done right, could be interesting, potentially. Season of the vanilla gorilla…


Would be nice, a season where you get to play your non seasonal characters without feeling bad about missing out on the season theme.


So, don’t spend any paragon points and only wear yellow items. That way you get to enjoy what you’re on about and everyone else doesn’t completely avoid an incredibly tedious season.


I enjoy doing 120+ with 900 paragon, and I enjoy being admired by my friends who need 1500+ to do it. My ego is big.

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Yes, slower pace of combat and character development. I miss those days and I hope they adjust things for D4. At least they said they want this and it will probably be so in the beginning. But until D4 releases I think it would be cool to have that experience again in D3 on a global level.

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A rather abysmally low chance on that happening; not unless they do a major overhaul to many of the game’s settings (which is another low chance of an event occuring). Diablo 3 have nurtured players with speed and power and limiting that with a seasonal theme would more than likely result in a vastly unpopular and unpopulated season (unless they have an extremely incredible reward tied to it, but that would incur great number of complaints).

As such, you’ll probably just have to wait for Diablo 4 and hope that Diablo 4 doesn’t fall into the same power pitfall that Diablo 3 had fell into.

What no buffs? You know that will not go well with the people who are all about buffs. Buff this, buff that, and buff this again. I hope D4 does not fall into this nonsense. I do not expect many of the buffers to support this one.

We will see, or maybe you will see. I’m still not sure about me.
Check out Exanima, a physics based dungeon crawler game. Too bad Blizzard could get a hold that engine and clean it up Blizzard style. Nice and truly dark, with an odd combat style.
Not that I recommend this game yet, but such potential!

It’s okay to have all types of gameplay. It’s not okay to not have a slower pace one at all. They have to make sure D4 has at least a mode for that.

I think we both saw already D4 has slower pace of combat from the demo which is very nice. 2022 (the new potential year for release, because of the pandemic) is not so near, but let’s be optimistic about it and don’t succumb to the fear!

No I’m sorry, I was vague - I mean I have a medical condition I just found out about which may preclude me from getting to play D4. Don’t really need to say more, since this is not the place for such stuff.

I would nullify all D3 numbers, grs, powers, +100500% to damage, everything.

I think it would be a nice change of pace.

I would like this, but too many D3 players like feeling ultra powerful.

No. Simply no.

What might be interesting is a season buff for wearing only yellows, blues and or whites.

Resource issues should be taken care off also.

Off course the buff should allow for roughly meeting same gr levels as current season. Or better, a bit higher.

Equipping the usual legendaries and sets, should still work. Obviously.

That would bring back skills to their original design. For those who would enjoy it.

Don’t get me wrong, I like how D3 makes use of skills in a more integrated way. It might be interesting to have blast with more like the vanilla (without its bad design decisions).

Praise the devs for 2.0 and RoS. Too bad 2nd expansion never came…

I would be interested in that for sure.

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What you want is making these better than sets? Okay, but what about the pace of combat? A potential vanilla-like theme should bring the feeling of slower progression, not more power creep with making yellows caking GR150.

David Kim told Rhykker that the D4 team would do strategic nerfs, good for them. D3 has been buffed into oblivion. Remember when G25 was difficult, now some players want to do GR150 in the first week. Remember when Paragon 100 was an accomplishment, now some players want to have Paragon 2000 in the first week of the season. D3 is basically a speed race.

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