Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

Yeah People who write really good bots don’t advertise.

The point about kill streak exploits isn’t that they patched that particular one it’s that you don’t always need to do the hardest thing. Sometimes doing the easiest thing a lot works better.

Bots are bad juju, just ignoring them because they don’t effect your gameplay is not a solution.

I’m a Diablo 3 noob but not noob enough to forget when Diablo was literally unplayable due to the amount of cheating going on, you remember that back in the day?

Yet here I see many just dismissing the cheating, did the Diablo player base give up?

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No. I would not say “gave up”. Frustrated it more like it.

D3 does not have the real time second by second logging of everything that happens in game like WoW. It was not created that way. It does not have some of the same anti-cheat detection systems as more modern Blizz games.

They DO ban people for botting, and sue bot makers, but some stuff just keeps popping back up. It is a never ending fight.

As you saw in WoW, ban one bot type, they just make a new and improved version 3 days later and all the skinning bots are right back at it :confused: Does not mean the game maker should stop fighting though, and Blizz does fight, but D3 does not have the same frequency of bans as WoW.


no it’s worse then giving up. they vehemently defend it so much they mass report anti-bot threads until the mods delete them for “trolling”.


d3 The rank 1 on wizard LB’s has 580hrs played of 600 possible …

and you’ll see it’s 404’ed. Then go look at the rank 1 wizard for seasons. 23hours a day played for a month now.

I mean what do we do when they delete our anti-bot threads constantly?

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Why wouldnt they advertise the good ones? They not even free as they take payment for it.
Its considered the best one atm and they been doing it for years. They earn alot of money for it. Doesnt matter if blizzard know about the page or not as they cant do anything about it. They cant force them to shut down the page or anything. Its against the rules to use the bots. They can only ban the players using them not the ones making them and there is no reason for the developers to give blizzard info about who is buying their bots.

Kill streak was kind of broken though.

Its not possible to get high paragon from doing rifts or bounties. Even if u bot 24h a day in rifts u it will take u about 45 days to get paragon 2k. And 2k is considered pretty low paragon by todays standard. Thats with runs around 1 min 30 sec. It get worse the higher u go. A pretty casual player can get 2k before 45 days even if they only play a small amount.

If we compare to the high paragon last season which were 7k+ botting 24h a day for 60+ days with 100% max pool would net them with 100 paragon lvls. And if u bot u cant do rats.

A thread demanding a banwave still up from recent years and nobody touched it. I bet that deleted thread went 404 for naming the users or pointing a particular individual; this is against CoC.

Exaggerated statement. Game is pretty much playable; enter the game and have your own fun at your own pace.
If you take a namelist that ranks gamers on their random chance of GR layout and no ELO points any serious, it’s your own doing. Cheaters do not come out from the screen to prevent you from playing, when smoke clears after a banwave everyone has a chance to push again.

Too frequent bans will cause botters to cave in and wait it out while wasting resources and time, also it will give them information about how to avoid the system next time if they cooperate and contact each other. No company in their right mind runs daily banwaves, Blizzard ain’t an exception either.


Because most of the people who code bots do it for fun not money and soon as a bot is out in the wild and becomes widely used it can be defeated.

You assumed I talked about Diablo 3 when in fact I was talking about previous versions, hence the “back in the day” thing… :wink:

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Oooh… My bad then.


You stop making threads that call out individual players and stick to the general concept of bot bans. That is why that thread was deleted, and you know that.

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I think Paladina was talking about D2 botting, for example, which is still pretty bad.


As you told me once, MissCheetah, I recommend the “Ignore” functions. It saves time.

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this is the most ridiculous claim you ever made, unless you spelled “luck” wrong when you were typing"skill". leaderboard rankings are mainly determined by the amount of keys spent to get the perfect rift. with the new emanate items there is literally a +10GR clear span for players with the same gear and paragon

No it’s not luck. Every serious player will spend enough keys to get a good map and their skill performing on that map separates them from the others.

The difference with botters is that they have far better gear and far more main stat.

Only way for that is something like a Super Challenge Rift; a GR 140, optimal gear, build, gems, same rift / mobs / tilesets / pylons for everyone. Whoever did it the fastest, well, they can fairly claim to be ‘the best’.

Maybe an SCR for each 6 piece set, then by totalling clear times you’d have a ‘best’ DH player, a ‘best’ Barb player etc, and a best overall.

What do current leaderboards tell us about who’s the best? They tell us who plays the most, and perhaps the most efficiently, but not much beyond that.

Separation of player skill vs RNG would be much much MUCH more clear then what we have now with legit players having 2k paragon and the botters with 4k+ seasonal paragon and full primals on all necessity item slots.

why you argue and fight against this idea is either due to deviousness or carelessness, both which are detrimental to a good competitive game.

Then if it isn’t luck why the continuous parroting for years of RNG RNG RNG as the reason for everything? Sure skill helps but it’s not the be all and end all of the game.

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I havnt heard about any bot who does GR. I rly doubt there is one out there. Those things would spread out fast.

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i used to farm 125’s alone 4man solo with Condemn Saders.

Not sure why you think it’s not botted and why the 150GR paragon farmers running bots all night for keys and bounties isnt still botting even if they 4man GR150’s when awake.

ahhh yes, that skill finding a map with 7 yellows and a conduit

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