Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

This topic has been discussed to death every season pretty much.

Capping paragon will do NOTHING to bridge the gap between the players on the leaderboard. The top players will STILL be the top players regardless if paragon was capped. Capping paragon isn’t gonna make joe casual suddenly be in the top 1000.
–The players will still be the first ones to cap regardless due to how XP farming works. And capping 1000 can easily be done in a day. (1000 is 10T xp which can be gotten in a few hours really if you know what your doing).
–Those players will see more loot drops and gear out to the nines faster then joe casual, they will be able to do more runs, have higher level gems, etc.
–These players will have such a headstart as well that on the leaderboards, once the most optimal time is found, you will see 1000 names all with the same time but ordered by date completed.

So no, capping paragon isn’t gonna magically get you on the leaderboard or balance it out. Whats next, you gonna say, you shouldn’t see loot drops after playing 1 or 2hrs a day or something like that. All you are doing is hurting the casual base in general for the MAJORITY of people that dont care about leaderboards and just play for fun.

All limits do of ANY kind is just hurt the general playerbase. Due to how mechanics work, there will always be a difference from the hardcore players (even the ones that do play legit) and casual base. There are plenty of hardcore players that can get decently high paragon due to the way XP farming works and also, beating the top GRs is no walk in the park either. Even if paragon was capped, you would still see a GR gap as between skill and fishing plays a part in the top GR you can run.

Yeah none of those can be easily botted or produces as dramatic effect on progress except 5 which is just another way of saying paragon is the primary reason for botting.

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I said it so many times. And added the math. Bots dont give u paragon. Ppl with higher paragon do rats/birds. Bots only help u with keys to farm paragon u still need to play alot to get high paragon.

The skill gap is not a problem. It is how things should be.
Fishing should be addressed and fixed though.
It is undeniable that having no paragon, would make it more realistic for more people to compete on leaderboards.

Leaderboards are quite meaningless in any case, and the focus should be on creating better gameplay.
Capping paragon, and making sure players couldnt get all the different bonuses from paragon would help with that.

Incorrect, look at some of the high paragon seasonal players, for example top wiz “Nav” with paragon 4800+

625 hours played this season, season has been live for 27 days, = 23 hours played per day. With 458 hours played on DH, and only 22 hours played on Wiz, DH obviously has the best farming kit for a bot, 11954 rifts completed with 3.5 average rift keys obtained per rift. Approximately 3500 t16 rifts completed and 8000+ GR farmed for Paragon. Maybe only you use botting for accumulating keys to then farm GR with your mates, but this profile is definitely using it to farm paragon XP.

Guy just buys an account for one season, bots, gets banned, and does it again next season. Ladder is a joke. Implement play time restriction ladders, or use some fancy calculation to create a new ladder based on a ratio of highest GR achieved / total time played on your seasonal account.

I think minor mistake here. Bots probably use cains set, resulting to average 4,375 keys (if I calculated correctly).
Doesn’t change the point of course.

And people who say they quit the game shouldn’t come back into the forums less than 24 hours after quitting…

And that is what’s commonly known as “naming & shaming”. Flagged for inappropriate conduct.

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He put himself at the top of the leaderboard so the entire d3 community can see his profile, and when he’s banned for botting he’ll create a new account. His online presence is null, and therefore shaming a null profile equals null shame.

Why do you care what any of the top leaderboard players do or don’t do? What difference does it make to your game?

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it devalues the meaning of the leaderboard for legit players. The leaderboard is a huge part of seasonal play.

I don’t care who is at the top of the leaderboard, for me personally I just care if someone is botting or not. It was easy for me to open up the ladder and select someone from the top of the list as an example, rather than rifling through pages of players to find someone botting half way down the leaderboard.

I don’t bot, therefore no one else should bot, since we are all playing seasons, and one of the main reasons people play seasons is to compare their progress with other players using the GR ladder as a metric. Comparing our progress with others is what we do everyday, not just in gaming right? So when you find out someone is cheating their “progress”, you can’t compare your worth with theirs anymore, it becomes pointless, which then instills a feeling of pointlessness playing anymore. That’s a big reason why people only play 1 to 2 weeks then stop, part of it is because they’ve done everything they wanted, but for players who like competing, whether it be “casual competing” or full on, if they look at the leaderboard after 1 or 2 weeks and see paragon 3000+ players littered through the ladder, they know the race is over. When you look around early in the season and see lots of people all attempting similar feats, similar GR, all looking for similar pieces of gear and building their character up, it creates a sense of competition, i.e. you’re at the 50 percentile of the bell curve. After 2 weeks of playing, you’ve got 10% of players at paragon rediculas level, and 90% casual at paragon bum level, the disparity is too great, it de-motivates the majority of playerbase from playing anymore. For me personally I would play more if there were no botters.

Remember everyone has different reasons for playing the game, I can’t speak for the people who play because their friends play, and I can’t speak for the players who play because they like the lore or franchise. I am assuming there are lots of players out there like me who like competing on the ladder, even if it’s only casual competing, and that’s why we play seasons, and of course the seasonal buffs occasionally add an interesting element to the game, that standard mode never experiences. So for me personally, yes it makes a big difference to the game.

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What if it was a seasonal theme?


Great idea! I would definitely try it.

It could be really fun!

Even I would play it.

Nobody protests louder than a thief who’s been ripped off…

It really doesn’t though, just got the rank 9 barb clear at P1450. In fact I’d say it feels even better knowing I’m competing with people with paragon double or more my paragon.

Sounds like git gud


Not going to look at your crusty png, but you’ll be a statistical outlier, good work on your rank. You can claim cheating/botting doesn’t devalue other players all you like, but we’ve got players in this thread who are saying it does, therefore it does for them.

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It doesn’t matter why people dislike botting or if it effects their game. It’s a matter of perception. People who see Diablo III as a paradise for cheaters give up on competition and eventually the game. Even people who don’t care about competition see cheaters as people they don’t want to run into while playing.

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That’s the same argument that 50yo guy made when he decided to identify as a 6 year old girl…

Moral of the story: it’s all in your head.