Both are true.
Personal loot exists in D3.players do help others. There is a vibrant powerleveling community. People in public games drop gear for each other. Is this everybody? Of course not.
Both are true.
Personal loot exists in D3.players do help others. There is a vibrant powerleveling community. People in public games drop gear for each other. Is this everybody? Of course not.
I got a primal Dawn that way last season in a random pub game.
I never said that, so you can F right off with your words in my mouth. I’ve been saying this entire time there has to be a better way to handle loot, not that giving loot to leeches was the solution. Leeches don’t deserve loot REGARDLESS of the system.
all I did was change a few words in your sentence to be my counterpoint, thought it was clever, surprised you didn’t notice.
Because it’s not a counterpoint at all. It’s pointless parroting that doesn’t further the conversation.
Uh, calm down? Don’t make me get some popcorn.
My points clearly are invalid no matter what arguments I bring up, I get it you want free loot and have never been able to run an 8 man party to get there.
Hey dudes, what do you think of ranged pick up of loot being enabled for all players only during boss kills? Just for discussion’s sake. I don’t think this is necessary. A light year better than ploot, though.
That doesn’t address the core issue, which is that your ability to click fast or to use clicking software shouldn’t be what determines if you get loot or not.
if you think they are using autoclick, join a different group, how on earth are we saying everyone is great and we can find friends to play but they are dishonest and use cheat software… FIND different people to play with.
I agree about clicking software, and we all know Blizzard will be trying their absolute hardest to remove that element.
But clicking fast? Sorry man, but it sounds like you’re just not into how Diablo II was designed. This is Diablo II. If you want to change such a fundamental aspect of the game, perhaps the remaster of this old game is not the thing to spend time thinking about.
There are other games with the systems you’d prefer, but only one Diablo II. D2R is a restoration of Diablo II. If you don’t like Diablo II, can you play a different game instead of trying to change this unique experience which we all want to enjoy again with better graphics?
If you don’t like people using the forums to suggest things you can just not participate, or go into one of those other threads where people brag about having 5000 hours logged into the game and demanding that nothing be changed.
Making the game more fair and accessible isn’t a bad thing. There are a million different ways to handle loot which won’t turn it into a pointless and unfair clicking match.
Also, “core feature”? Lol what? Looting has never been a core feature of D2. There are a million more important features that come before that.
The core features of D2 were the game environment, character progression, the skill tree, and itemization.
FFA loot system “was” because personal loot had not yet been “invented”.
Exactly. Loot is/was the way it is in D2 because it’s a game from TWENTY YEARS AGO before we learned how to do loot fairly in games. Back when playing these games was a full time job, not a hobby. Times have changed. Just because it’s a remaster instead of a remake doesn’t mean some systems shouldn’t be innovated where it otherwise changes nothing about how the game is played.
What made D2 unique was its setting, character classes, skill trees, the builds you could do, for some people even the story. Absolutely no one plays Diablo 2 “because clicking faster than everyone else to get all their loot is fun”. You play Diablo 2 because of the game itself.
I don’t think you know programming very well if you think personal drops couldn’t be invented in 1997. Think about i this way, I run a game, I am rushing there and doing most of the damage, do I now leave you in town longer, therefore increasing my drop chances, or bring you in early for the xp like normally done.
No one said they couldn’t be invented. We said they weren’t how we did things back then, that’s all. Stop making up arguments.
Can you name any aRPG at the time that had personal loot?
You guys are saying specifically they put it as FFA because it wasn’t invented or the way the game was meant to be played… find me a quote on that.
Also finding items. Of course. You know - looting. When this experience is changed to become automated and entirely safe, the experience of looting itself changes, as does our relationship with the loot we’ve found, as does our relationship with other players who have found whatever loot they’ve found.
It’s a system which is connected to the social experience itself of D2.
And Drium, of course everyone’s welcome to share thoughts, but D2R is about enabling us to play Diablo II again with nice graphics. There are other options for you, but no others for us who simply hope to enjoy Diablo II again.
There were MMOs and other online games with personal loot before Diablo 2. But back then it wasn’t popular or polished. This was also the early days of internet gaming. We didn’t have a reference frame for the kinds of player behaviors that required coded solutions. We just let people play online and regardless of what they were doing, that was just the way it was gonna be.
Now games are lot more careful about preventing griefing and abuse, and that’s a GOOD change. If you don’t like it, you can go back to playing D2 the original, because it’s not going anywhere. D2R should be improved in any way it can without destroying what it is, and changing the loot system is NOT going to destroy the game no matter how much you cry about it.